All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1068

"Your Majesty, this is an urgent document just sent from the border. Please read and reply as soon as possible."

"Your Majesty, this is the financial expenditure in recent months. I must remind you that between the fall of a large area of land, our taxes are not enough to support such a large-scale army. In three to four months at most, the precarious finance of the National Treasury will go bankrupt."

"And riots! Because of the war, the prices of daily necessities such as food, meat, vegetables and cloth have tripled in a short time, and riots among the poor have broken out in many areas, including the capital. Although they have been suppressed without exception in the end, if the problem is not solved, I believe the riots will revive soon."


Listening to the government affairs submitted one by one by the ministers and advisers, Victoria held her forehead and showed a tired look on her beautiful face.

Without taking over this flawed country, she never dreamed that the situation had been so bad that even if Kerwin did not launch the final attack, as long as there was a stalemate for a few months, the kingdom would slide into the abyss of destruction.

After a minute of silence, she raised her head and turned her eyes to isorte, who was always silent: "master, how are you preparing that thing?"

"It has been made! It can be put into the battlefield as a weapon at any time! In addition, you only have about half a month to prepare, and you must start a war after half a month." the old man gave a positive answer without thinking, and his eyes showed undisguised excitement and expectation.

As a caster, nothing can make him happier physically and mentally than making a destructive weapon.

In particular, the mysterious substance wrapped by energy made him have a strong research impulse.

Because so far, there is no magic energy that can compare with these seemingly insignificant gadgets in terms of destructive power.

"Very good! Then go ahead and withdraw half of the troops from the front line and send them to the important military town bordering the Principality of Pok in the South and East. Half a month later, they officially declared war on the principality and told Archduke Sith II that there was no third way, either surrender or die." viria firmly held the armrest of the throne and issued an order.

However, this order immediately surprised all the ministers and nobles in the house.

Among them, the Duke of bronhilda, who had handed over his power and had only the right to sit in, asked impolitely, "are you crazy? We are fighting against the traitor Kerwin now! How dare you provoke another country? Is it not fast enough to destroy the kingdom?"

"No! It\'s you who don\'t understand the situation! Our war with Kerwin is over! From now on, he will not attack the remaining land of the Kingdom, but he will not return the occupied parts. In short, we are now in a delicate reality of peace. Instead of risking this hard bone, we might as well find a weaker opponent and tear up the other party To make up for the loss of the kingdom. The territory of the Principality of bock is only half that of the Kingdom, which is just equivalent to our current strength. As long as we can defeat the main force of the enemy unexpectedly in the battle, the kingdom can annex the principality and restore some of its strength. "Vilia explained solemnly as she tapped the table with her right index finger.

Of course, she is not stupid enough to tell her loyalty to another person in public, let alone tell these conservative ministers and nobles that there will be no peace in the kingdom in the future, but will continue to wage war until it finally collapses.

The so-called "drinking poison to quench thirst" probably refers to her current situation.

Clearly know that continuous war is the way to destruction, but if you choose to take this road, the kingdom will not even have the chance to destroy itself, and will be swallowed by covetous Kerwin.

Rather than fail in despair and pain, she would rather split her country in the process of prosperity and expansion.

"What? Armistice! He\'s got all the advantages. Why do you want a armistice?" another Duke stood up and asked impatiently.

Not only him, but most people in the conference hall were confused except two insiders.

However, Victoria obviously didn\'t want to entangle more on this issue and directly changed the topic: "It\'s a secret. I don\'t want to say it yet. All you have to do is obey my orders. Otherwise, I will deprive him of his noble title and territory as a queen. Well, today\'s meeting is here. Let\'s take action. In half a month, I hope to see a brilliant victory."

After saying that, she immediately waved to the ministers and nobles to retire.

Although many people are unwilling to go and want to stay and ask clearly, isolt\'s threatening eyes make no one dare to make a chance and choose to leave obediently.

You should know that the bloody palace coup did not take place long ago. Even there was a smell of blood and cold in the air, which always reminded everyone who tried to cross the border. The young girl sitting on the throne was no longer the princess loved by everyone, but the queen holding the power of life and death.

When the last person disappeared at the corner of the corridor outside the door, Victoria asked in an uncertain tone, "master, are you sure that weapon can help us win a key victory?"

Isorte nodded without thinking: "Yes! I\'m very sure and sure! Don\'t forget, this is the gift of the great master, whose wisdom you and I can never reach. Don\'t doubt, don\'t hesitate, as long as we move in the direction of his fingers, we can win one victory after another. Believe me, this country will prosper under your rule. Maybe someone will mention Willy in a few years When I was a queen of Asia, I couldn\'t help but praise loudly. It was a heroine who shamed all men. "

"Heroine? Ha ha! You\'re really kidding. We all know that I\'m actually a puppet with a thread. Not many decisions come from my heart. We\'re all servants and chess pieces under the master\'s control, that\'s all." Victoria laughed and laughed at herself.

From the bitter tone, it is not difficult to judge that she is not happy at all, full of pain and struggle.

"Victory is written by the victors! And almost all history books and biographies praise the emperors and conquerors who built up huge territory. People don\'t care what kind of stories are hidden behind the great victories. They just want to replace themselves with the emperors and experience the arrogance. Well, don\'t be so depressed, I\'ll take you now Go and see the power of that weapon. When you see it with your own eyes, you will understand that all the armies in the world are as fragile as newborn babies in front of it... "