All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1066

"Protect her majesty!"

When a knight loyal to Princess Victoria saw this scene, he immediately shouted and suddenly blocked the other party\'s way, trying to intercept.

Unfortunately, Duke bronhilda\'s combat experience was significantly richer.

With little effort, he swung away the knight\'s weapon, swung his fist and hit the other party in the face.


No accidents!

The young knight was knocked over on the spot and tried to get up several times, but he failed in the end.

Because the blow just now made his brain in a concussion state and couldn\'t maintain his body balance at all.

The surrounding monsters and steel puppets, because they did not receive the orders from their masters, remained in place and had no plans to rescue thousands of people.

no way out!

It is not easy to achieve this level of mass production war machines made by assembly lines.

After all, they are only cannon fodder and consumables used to consume and record experimental data, and it is not worth paying too much attention to subjective initiative.

It is never easy to create an intelligent life out of nothing, even for the masters.

This involves many complex problems. Typically, if the given intelligence and subjective consciousness are too strong, these creatures will gradually produce their own ideas. Maybe there will be a serious situation of resisting the creator. But if their intelligence and subjective consciousness are too weak, they can\'t meet their expectations.

In short, finding a balance between the two contradictions has always been the most troublesome problem for creators.

Fortunately, Zhang Cheng never wasted too much time and energy on these side details, and did not add too many intellectual factors at all.

At the moment when Duke bronhilda\'s cold blade was about to pierce the princess\'s chest!

A dazzling arc appeared out of thin air!

Instantly shrouded the princess\'s body from top to bottom.

When the sharp blade collided with the arc, a crisp sound like a metal plate echoed in everyone\'s ears.

Duke bronhilda felt a huge reaction force and bounced back along the touch point. The whole man couldn\'t stop. He retreated twenty or thirty steps until he hit a stone pillar.

As for the hand holding the sword, the tiger\'s mouth had already cracked, and his arm trembled uncontrollably.

"Dear Duke, stabbing a sword into a niece\'s heart is not what an uncle should do."

With the familiar voice, isorte, who has been invisible all the time, showed his body with a faint smile on his face, as if he was not the behind the scenes planner of the coup, but just came to visit old acquaintances.

"Isolde?! did you plan all this behind your back?" King Wenger V asked loudly.

"Ah! That\'s right! I\'m one of the planners!" isol acknowledged with a generous nod. "Now kneel down and swear allegiance to the new queen of the Kingdom, or I guarantee that none of you will leave alive. Not only you, your family and relatives will be mercilessly cleansed. In the eyes of your master, you aristocrats with a rotten smell have no use value."

"Don\'t do that! Master! You promised me that as long as they didn\'t do anything harmful to the plan, they wouldn\'t threaten their lives." Princess Victoria hurried to stop for fear of causing any misunderstanding.

"I did promise you. But I also promised the master that I would do it perfectly. Now, you have five minutes to persuade them to lay down their arms and surrender. In five minutes, there will be corpses everywhere. Don\'t forget your promise to the master. His patience and tolerance are limited," isolt said, While staring at each other\'s eyes with threatening eyes.

And those motionless monsters and steel puppets seemed to get orders secretly and surrounded from all directions, as if they might attack in the next second and tear the recalcitrant enemy to pieces.

This move undoubtedly made Princess Victoria very nervous, gnashing her teeth and shouting: "Father! What else are you waiting for? Haven\'t you found that the power of the master has exceeded the limit we can imagine. Being against him will lead to the doom of the whole royal family and country. Do you want to kill the traitor Kelvin Oren and make all of us prisoners?"

"No! Of course not! I\'d rather die than be his prisoner! But this is not the reason for your coup!"

Although Wenger V\'s tone was full of anger, his attitude seemed to soften a lot.

"Believe me, father, if I had a second choice, I would never do what I did today. Give up resistance. Only in this way can we reduce blood and sacrifice. After all, there is enough blood in the kingdom. It\'s time to let the enemy bleed." Princess Victoria stepped on the plasma that was about to solidify on the ground and took two steps forward. She didn\'t care about the Duke of bronhilda who wanted to kill herself before.

Similarly, the Duke did not strike again, but hung down his sword, turned and looked at the king, waiting for the nominal monarch of the country to make a choice.

In fact, as an important minister who has worked in the position of Defense Minister for more than ten years in modern society, he knows very well that when the coup comes to this stage, he can basically declare the victory of his opponent.

It\'s better to lay down your arms and turn to the enemy than to fight to the end.

In any case, Princess Victoria is not the kind of tyrant who will kill all after the event. As long as she honestly hands over her rights, even her family and title can be completely preserved, and the conditions are not generous.

The only question is whether the king\'s heart can accept such a sudden change.

If the king accepts it, it will be a relief for everyone.

But if he does not accept it, then out of the loyalty of the vassal to the monarch, every resister present will fight to the death, even if the final result will be a massacre without suspense.

Because as military aristocrats, they can not lose honor and loyalty, otherwise they will be ridiculed by the whole class and even civilians.

As time goes by

At the end of the countdown to the last five minutes, the old king finally bent his knees, knelt down and said in a trembling voice, "I, Wenger V, hereby announce my official abdication, and the throne is inherited by Princess Vilia. Cheer, subjects, you have a new queen from today on."

The voice just fell!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Nothing could be more perfect than a bloody palace coup ended peacefully