All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1065

"Another form!" asked Gru sternly, with the pupils of his two rows of eyes contracting suddenly. "Are you studying that taboo thing?"

"Taboo? No! That\'s not taboo! It\'s the supreme truth of the universe! It\'s the truth hidden behind the fog! Since the birth of the universe, no wisdom has touched this field, and I will be the first and only one."

When saying these words, the initiator raised his chin slightly, contrary to his usual low-key and gentle image, the whole person exuded a chilling enthusiasm.

At this moment, he looks just like when Zhang Cheng fell into a state of madness. He is a madman who doesn\'t care about the consequences in order to achieve his goal.

Looking at this deja vu scene, Gru finally realized why the two people would surpass themselves and become masters at almost the same time, and why they maintained a very strange and awkward relationship.

The answer is very simple!

They are like two sides of a coin. Although they give people the illusion of different personalities, they all hide a strong will that can not be described in words.

Nothing can stop the progress of this consciousness, otherwise it will be crushed alive.

After a long silence, Gru sighed slightly and said in a slightly emotional voice: "You know what? Before you, there was a master who made a similar attempt, but he finally failed. To be exact, it not only failed, but also had disastrous consequences. At least 30 large galaxies were destroyed, and the original stable rules also produced a series of uncertain changes. No one knows whether the change is good or bad, which can cause us great harm I promise that if other masters know this, they will abandon factional struggle and imprison you permanently for the first time, because you threaten the security of the whole universe. "

"Hum! You old people who have lived for a long time have already lost the motivation to go further and the courage to touch the truth. You are afraid of failure and death. But I am different! I will continue to move forward until one day I fall on the road of progress. The road of knowledge and power is endless, just like the whole universe. Once I succeed, then Infinity is no longer an exaggerated adjective, but a real existence. "The initiator showed his grand plan without concealment.

Although among many masters, he is still so weak that most masters can easily defeat and imprison him in one-on-one battle.

But the burning fire of ambition in his heart made Gru feel like he was facing a monster dozens or hundreds of times stronger than himself.

After gazing at each other for about a while, Gru finally gave up his next plan and directly called his companions to disappear together.

When it was confirmed that the two people had completely left and would not suddenly appear again, the initiator relaxed his tense nerves, recovered to the normal calm appearance, touched his chin and muttered, "unexpectedly, someone noticed what I was doing. It seems that the plan must be accelerated."

The voice just fell!

He immediately went to the place where his old friend was studying, and was ready to discuss countermeasures with the opposition to see what countermeasures could be devised by the brain known as the smartest brain in the universe.

Gru, who left the order Council, has returned to the mysterious space with infinite extension in the shape of a drum, standing in situ with a thoughtful expression.

When the other master found out, he couldn\'t help asking, "what did you talk to him about?"

"A lot! But you\'d better not know, or you\'ll be in trouble if you\'re involved." Gru said carelessly.

"Involvement? It\'s like I\'m not involved now." the master who looks like a goblin turned his eyes.

However, it was not difficult to judge from her casual attitude that she was not interested in the matter and did not continue to dig into the bottom.

"No! Different! Trust me, don\'t get involved. I think an unimaginable chaos and disaster will come as scheduled in two days. Hide, my friend. You\'ve never been involved in these things anyway."

After that, despite the other party\'s protest, Gru quickly tore a crack and drilled in.


At the same time, on the planet in the remote corner of the universe, Zhang Cheng was sitting in a chair and staring at the picture transmitted by the magic mirror with great interest. It was completely unclear that a huge shadow shrouded his head again.

In the palace of the Kingdom, more than a dozen knights and nobles are holding tense confrontation with monsters and steel puppets led by Princess Victoria.

The first king roared angrily, "Damn it! Do you know what you are doing? You are my favorite daughter! I gave you almost all my love and care! But in the end, you chose to betray me and want to win the crown from me."

"No! Father! I\'m not trying to win the crown! I\'m trying to save you! Save this country! You don\'t know who the enemy we\'re facing, and you don\'t understand how terrible the absolute power is. Surrender, I promise I won\'t hurt anyone, as long as you hand over your rights." the princess tried to persuade.

To tell the truth, the night before she chose to launch the coup, her mind was full of pain and struggle. She wanted to give up several times, but she held back at the last minute.

If there is anyone in this country who doesn\'t want to get involved in power, it must be her.

Because Victoria just wants to live a happy life with thousands of favors and carefree all day.

Unfortunately, fate made a joke.

Now she not only wants to touch power, but also snatch it from her biological father in the most fierce way.

In addition, many of the great nobles present were relatives and friends she knew well, but now they were going to fight each other.

The alternation of power has never been mild. It is destined to be paved with blood and sacrifice.

On the road to the top of power, all family affection, friendship and love will eventually turn into beautiful bubbles.

The old king\'s eyes were filled with anger and fear. He clenched his fist and obviously hesitated to agree to his daughter\'s terms.

After all, as long as there is a chance to live, few people will choose to die.

But before he could speak, the Duke of bronhilda took the lead in pulling out his sword and rushed out at a lightning speed.

You don\'t have to ask. He wants to take this opportunity to kill the princess directly.

In the Duke\'s eyes, once the princess with royal blood dies, the coup will end