All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1064

The land of order, a special planet at the end of the high latitude universe, is also one of the few planets forcibly created by force.

Unlike most normal planets as like as two peas, their names are all the absolute order of power, no matter what looks exactly alike, with little difference in architecture or symmetry, which is to decorate the body of the obsessive-compulsive patients.

Most importantly, animals, plants and parasites are evolving in an extremely regular cycle.

Here, there are no so-called accidents, let alone mutations often mentioned in biology. Everything is controllable.

Although it sounds that it may have been worse than most human beings on earth can tolerate, only the intelligent life who have personally come here will personally experience the perfection under the absolute order.

Of course, as a loser, the initiator has had a bad time recently. First, he was mercilessly ridiculed by the enemy, and then he did a lot of humiliating punishment tasks.

However, with the end of the punishment period, he returned to his normal position and continued to stay in Parliament as a master waiting for opportunities.

In particular, his partners have won the trust and attention of many members of Parliament through their intelligent brain. They believe that it will not take long to uncover the mystery of the immortality of the masters.

By that time

Before the initiator could see the beauty of the final success of the whole plan in his mind, a slight energy shock suddenly came from the room.

Although it is very slight, it will be ignored by the subconscious if it is a little far away.

Next second!

A tiny crack opened out of thin air, and out came two creatures, one big and one small. One of them was Gru in the shape of an insect, and the other was his friend, the master like a goblin.

"You are... Chaos!" the pupil of the initiator suddenly contracted and immediately put on 120000 vigilance.

Unlike Zhang Cheng, he was completely black eyed after entering this field. He soon got a lot of intelligence through some means, the most important one is the information of many masters.

After all, since the birth of the universe, only 32 masters have been born. Excluding two new people, many of the rest are old enough to compete with stars.

In such a small circle, it is not easy to maintain a sense of mystery.

With constant temptation and camp conversion, the appearance and ability of most masters have been well known by other masters.

"Ah! Yes, I\'m Gru of chaos faction. Nice to meet you." Gru took the initiative to introduce himself.

In contrast, the other goblin\'s attitude was much worse. He directly grinned and threatened: "newcomer! I advise you to give us what we want, otherwise..."

"What else do you want to do?" the initiator asked meaningfully. "Don\'t you dare to fight here? You know, this is an order Council. There are no chaotic rules in the world controlled by absolute order forces. Not to mention, there are two members in the Council right now. Maybe I can\'t beat you in the face-to-face fight, but it\'s no problem until the rescue comes."

"Very good! I\'m beginning to appreciate your courage. In that case, then..."

"Shut up! Let me do it! If you don\'t want to screw things up!"

Before the goblin finished speaking, Gru stood up and scolded in a low voice.

Although the former was a little unwilling, he didn\'t choose to make trouble in the end. He searched into the space crack and disappeared without a trace.

"Hum! Bluff!"

Staring at the disappearing and closing crack, the initiator smiled disdainfully and asked Gru, who looked like a big bug: "so, respected chaos master, what\'s your purpose to sneak into the place of order in this way?"

"As I said just now, I just want to talk to you about the soul. I\'m curious, do you really intend to be one with another self? Otherwise, why did you choose to split a part of his soul at the beginning." Gru put forward the question he wanted to answer most.

Hearing these words, the initiator could not help but frown and ask in a low voice, "what do you know?"

"A lot, almost all. I even saw you take away the soul fragment hidden in the young girl\'s body. It looks so beautiful, deep, dark and pure that it\'s hard to pay attention." Gru didn\'t try to hide anything and said what he knew.

"Did you go to that time node?" the initiator was not a fool. He immediately figured out how the other party saw through his secret.

He couldn\'t believe that another himself would tell such a thing to outsiders.

If the other party has malice, it is likely to cause incredible shock, and even affect yourself now.

Gru seemed to be aware of the idea of the initiator and casually explained: "time node? No! I crossed all his growth experiences. I have to say that you trained him very well, and even awakened the sleeping dark side in his body, turning a harmless ordinary man into a monster mixed with many characteristics such as madness, darkness and evil."

"Hahaha! Do you also think he is a monster? It seems that we have reached an agreement now. Unfortunately, I won\'t take out the soul fragment." the initiator refused directly.

Hand over Zhang Cheng\'s soul fragment?

make fun of!

He would rather hand over a lot of valuable knowledge and technology than hand over the fragments of his soul.

With this piece of soul fragment, he can carry out the grand plan, otherwise everything will be utopian.

"Don\'t rush to refuse! You should understand that we are not your enemies, and we also haven\'t spied or stopped you from doing anything. On the contrary, we are willing to help you secretly." Gru made an offer unhurriedly.

Now, like the master of the big beetle, his heart has been filled with strong curiosity. He just wants to take another look at the soul fragment of honesty in order to confirm whether the crazy plan really has the possibility of success.

"Sorry, I don\'t need help, and I won\'t take out the soul fragments. You should die early. In addition, if it\'s convenient for me, bring a word to another self. Just say that I will appear in front of him in another life form in the near future. I hope he can be ready..."