All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1063

Motivation is the psychological tendency or internal drive to stimulate and maintain the action of an organism and lead the action to a certain goal.

Generally speaking, it strictly belongs to the category of psychology. It is the inevitable result of the interaction between the individual behavior of intelligent life and the outside world. Almost every behavior hides some motivation, some of which are particularly strong and easy to be detected later, while others are particularly hidden, and even I will subconsciously ignore them.

There is no doubt that Zhang Cheng is completely unaware of the deep meaning behind the seemingly illogical actions of the initiator.

According to his understanding, people like this will never do meaningless things, let alone wholeheartedly if an organization with strong binding force, unless the initiator thinks he can become the supreme leader of the whole organization at some time in the future.

you \'re right!

Unwilling to be subordinate to others and strong ambition are their many common personality traits, which will not change suddenly at will.

Just when Zhang Cheng was alone on the top of the tower, analyzing the experimental data he had just obtained and thinking about what the initiator was planning, Gru quietly left this barren planet in the corner of the universe and came to a special space completely constructed by four special fulcrums.

At a glance, both the sky and the ground are gray, and like a curled plane, constantly bending and rotating, as if no matter how you go, you can\'t go to the end. No matter where you are, there is always a hard ground under your feet.

Such strange space compression and folding technology, I\'m afraid even the most advanced space civilization can\'t understand.

But now, it actually appears in such an unknown corner in the form of physical objects.

Feeling the terrible pressure in the surrounding air, Gru gently waved his tentacle like signal receiver and asked in a slightly low voice, "my dear old friend, why don\'t you show up? Do you have to play this boring hide and seek game with me every time you meet?"

"Why not? After all, you have praised me. I have reached the extreme in the application of space rules. No second master in the whole universe can compare with me in this regard." a voice with a slightly cynical attitude echoed in the air.

I don\'t know whether it\'s the relationship between the curly space or whether the other party has adopted a special vocal technique. In short, the voice does not expose his position, but constantly reverberates to form a continuous echo.

"I did praise it. But you should understand that no matter how amazing your skills and knowledge are, they will become numb and even get used to it with the increase of experience. I\'ve seen through your tricks for a long time, so come out. I have something interesting to share with you." said Gru, looking at a unique plant not far away.

No hesitation!

No hesitation!

Those two rows of small eyes are clearly telling each other that I know you\'re hiding inside.

"Damn it! Well, well, I admit these little tricks are a little old-fashioned. Maybe we can change them next time."

With a series of complaints, the flowers at the top of the plant suddenly bloomed at a very fast speed, and an intelligent life with human shape like a goblin, but with a pair of transparent insect wings behind it, flew out of the flower heart.

She is so petite, only less than 15 cm, but her whole body exudes the amazing momentum of the top life in the universe.

Needless to say, this is a master. Although it looks very weak and harmless, it can actually make a galaxy disappear without a finger.

I saw the little dot turn around Gru twice, then raised his hand and snapped his fingers to create a chair standing in mid air. He sat down, crossed his legs and asked, "you just said there was something you wanted to share with me. What is it?"

"It\'s very simple! The growth path of a master! To be exact, I found a secret that he hasn\'t noticed yet. You know? The new master who has just been promoted has lost the most important part of his soul. Someone cut a part of his soul when he was an ordinary mortal." Gru replied meaningfully.

"Split the soul?!" the unknown Master was obviously surprised. "Oh - no, no, no, that\'s not good news."

Gru nodded seriously and agreed: "That\'s right! The most incredible thing is that he himself once found this part of the hidden soul fragment, but I don\'t know why he didn\'t take it back, but abandoned it as garbage. If nothing unexpected, this soul fragment should be in the hands of another newly promoted master. It\'s hard to imagine that a madman would make such an excessive decision to himself in the parallel universe What you did. "

"What do you think we should do? Help him?" the unknown Master blinked with interest, and a sneer appeared on his exquisite little face.

"Help? I\'m not going to get involved in their grievances. Anyway, they represent a wireless possibility. Don\'t forget that since the birth of the universe, no master can integrate more than two main strings. But now, I think there will be the first special case in the real sense soon."

When Geru said these words, his emotions fluctuated fiercely, and his two insect like forelimbs danced wildly.

The unknown Master pondered for a moment and immediately said in an uncertain tone: "I see what you mean. As the projection of the root of the universe in the parallel world, their essence is very similar, or even no different. This means that as long as they do not exclude each other, they are completely possible to be one. At that time, the forces possessed by both sides will be one. Although it may cause changes in personality and subjective consciousness, no matter what In other words, he will become strong and unmatched. "

"I have to admit that the person who can come up with this plan is definitely a true genius and a real madman. Although there is never a lack of madmen in the universe, this is definitely the first madman who is so completely crazy that he doesn\'t even intend to keep his subjective consciousness."

"What about your plan? Don\'t tell me. You haven\'t even come up with a decent plan yet."

"Plan? Of course I have a plan! First of all, I\'m going to talk to the guy who joined the order faction and try to confirm whether he was doing it consciously. However, in order to avoid the eyes and ears of other masters, I need your help. Only you can send me to the designated position in the whole universe without disturbing anyone."
