All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1055

"What on earth do you want to do?"

Kelvin, who has always been very sensitive to hostility, noticed the other party\'s casual attitude and subconsciously frowned.

He really couldn\'t think of where he had offended the youth in front of him, and he didn\'t understand that the plot not long ago had already been exposed in public.

"No, I don\'t want to do anything, just fulfill the orders given by the master. Come on, give me some of your blood, and then I\'ll confirm what energy plays a role in your body. Don\'t worry, you\'re the master\'s dog anyway, and as a servant, I won\'t cross the border." Allen handed a knife and an empty bottle impolitely, Completely ignoring the presence of outsiders.

Kelvin was obviously angered. He clenched his fists with both hands, as if he would rush over in the next second, directly grabbed the young man\'s thin neck and strangled him alive.

But reason stopped the strong impulse generated in the subconscious, clenched his teeth and cut a small opening in the palm of his hand, allowing the dark red blood to flow into the glass bottle.

After finishing all this, he returned the bottle and knife and shouted coldly: "Go away! Disappear from my eyes! Maybe I\'m a dog, but you\'re no better than me. At least so far, my position is irreplaceable, and you\'re just a servant running errands and hitting hands. One day, you\'ll regret your rudeness and offense. I swear!"

"Ah! Incompetent barking! You know what? The master once told me that only the weak will use words to vent their dissatisfaction and resentment, and the real strong will always take practical action. Stop your ridiculous threat and don\'t think I don\'t know what you\'ve done behind your back." Ellens tilted his mouth slightly, and his tone was full of irony.

There is no doubt that he enjoys this kind of irritation to his competitors and appreciates the ugly nature of his opponent\'s loss of calm, especially a beautiful princess next to him.

The most vicious humiliation in the world is to completely expose the unknown side of the target in front of his favorite person.

Everyone has his own dark side at the bottom of his heart!

Everyone subconsciously hides negative emotions called "selfishness", "jealousy" and "greed".

Perhaps people with strong self-control can always hide them until no one sees them in the dead of night.

But once more people are stimulated by the outside world, they can\'t help becoming angry and even make some rash actions that they can\'t imagine in ordinary days.

"Good! I\'ll remember what you said today!"

Kelvin\'s cruel and cold side broke out completely, kicked the table over with one foot, turned around and left the room without looking back, and even the desired princess was thrown aside.

As a tyrant, what he cares about most is always his own feelings. As for women, they are only tools to vent their desires. The only difference is that some tools are more valuable and belong to priceless jewelry, which will always have the value of collection and retention.

Others are cheap dolls, which will be abandoned if they lose their freshness.

Seeing Kelvin\'s grumpy back disappear at the end of the corridor, Ellens immediately smiled proudly and joked: "do you think you can become a great emperor? No! You are just the dog next to your master! No matter what achievements you make in the future, you will never change this. Wait and see, I will let you slowly accept it..."

The voice just fell!

Princess Victoria, who had been listening for a long time, finally couldn\'t bear it. She took the initiative to step forward and asked, "excuse me, who is the master you just mentioned? Does it mean that everything Kelvin did was ordered by someone?"

"Hum! Ignorant woman, you don\'t deserve to know this. Instead of trying hard to find out the news, you might as well worry about yourself. As far as I know, at least six young women have been tortured and tortured to death by Kerwin in the last half month, and their bodies are buried in the backyard of the castle. Of course, in your identity, I don\'t think he will compare you with those of low birth Treat people the same way, but I believe it won\'t be much better. "

As she said this, there was an unbridled mockery in Allen\'s eyes.

As the power of chaos began to thrive in the body, he had long abandoned the biological instinct of mating desire, turned it all into a fanatical pursuit of knowledge and power, and even despised this low-level behavior that countless people enjoy to some extent.

In particular, the superior Princess of the past was invaded by his most dislike people, and he felt a sense of pleasure in his mind.

The reason is simple!

Born as a businessman, he was bullied and humiliated by aristocratic children of his age from an early age. He even had to be inferior in learning magic. Naturally, he would plant the seeds of hatred.

At the thought of the picture of Kelvin pressing herself down on the bed and ravaging wantonly, Princess Victoria shivered: "no! No! I\'d rather die than allow that to happen! Save me! I know you have this ability!"

"Ha ha ha! Sorry, give me a reason. Why should I save you?" is it because you are born noble or do you have a prettier face and figure than most women? Don\'t be so sentimental, your royal highness, prepare for your early night with wild storms. What\'s the reason?

With a slightly cynical laugh, Ellens once again performed the transmission magic and disappeared in place, leaving only the bewildered Princess Victoria in the whole room.


Unprecedented despair!

Living in a privileged environment since childhood, she never thought that one day she would fall into such a field.

"No! I must not give in to fate! There must be some way!"

The energetic Princess Victoria patted her cheek hard, trying to calm herself down, and looked around to find a way to escape.

Unfortunately, the reason why this room is used as a temporary place for official business and rest is that after detailed inspection, it is confirmed that there are no hidden secret roads and windows. The only exit is the gate, guarded by at least two knights, a team of elite soldiers and four iron puppets.

In such a battle, let alone a princess with no strength to bind a chicken, even if it is replaced by an experienced adventure team, it will be killed without suspense.

Just as Victoria began to turn things around in panic and wanted to find a weapon that could defend herself or commit suicide, the closed door suddenly opened and an old man came in from the outside.

She had no time to hide, so she grabbed a knife that she didn\'t know whether it was for meat cutting or shaving, and shouted, "go away! Don\'t come here! Don\'t come near me!"