All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1056

"Oh, don\'t be so nervous, dear princess, I\'m not Kerwin." the old man smiled and raised his hands to show that he had no hostility.

He\'s no one else. It\'s isorte who just came back from the outside.

No doubt, he felt the energy fluctuation of the portal, so he wanted to come and see what happened.

As a result, I didn\'t expect to run into such a funny thing.

"You... Are you master isorte?" Princess Victoria clearly recognized each other, and her pupils showed surprise and excitement, but soon became suspicious.

Feeling the girl\'s violent mood swings, isorte sat down carelessly and responded in a slightly hoarse voice: I haven\'t met in a long time, your royal highness. Time flies. I can\'t remember that when I saw you last time, you were a little girl who was just ten years old. She was so naughty that she had a headache. But now she is a beautiful young girl.

"Why are you here? Is it..."

"That\'s right! I joined Kelvin and was one of his most important partners."

Before the princess finished speaking, isorte gave a straight answer in the affirmative.

"Why? Why did you betray the kingdom?" Victoria asked angrily.

She could not believe it in her dreams. Even the old man who had never been interested in war and politics had become the enemy of her father and even the whole country.

"What is there? Why? Remember, in the adult world, there are many times when there is no choice. Although this is not what I want to see today, I must persist in making the choice. Unfortunately, your royal highness, your royal family, will soon lose hundreds of years of glory and decline, or even die. No one can. Your father can\'t recover this, nor can those Dukes who are used to being high. "Isolde said with emotion.

"No way! You dream! The rebels will not succeed! The nobles and people stand with the royal family! You are the public enemies of the whole kingdom! My father and the Dukes will join hands to defeat your ambitions!" villea quickly retorted.

Although the refutation is so weak, she still has a trace of innocence and hopes that one or several heroes will stand up and turn the tide as described in the story.

Unfortunately, the reason why the story is beautiful and moving is that it is untrue.

Truth is often cruel. Almost all winners in history have used a large number of thick and dark means to secretly trip their opponents, even taking the interests and lives of the people at the bottom as chips.

For the girl\'s retort, isorte didn\'t take it too seriously. He just shook his head in disapproval: "forget it, if this can make you feel better, please continue to be optimistic. But the result will be completely opposite to what you expect."

Obviously, the more he adopted this attitude, the more a bad premonition Princess Victoria had in her heart. She hesitated for a moment and immediately tried carefully: "who is the master mentioned in Kelvin?"

"Master? Who told you!" isorte\'s pupils suddenly contracted, and the powerful magic began to spread around inadvertently, causing great pressure on the girl.

"Yes... He mentioned it when talking to a young man." Princess Victoria undoubtedly began to lose her breath and shook out all she knew intermittently.

"It\'s Ellen? He\'s here!"

Isolde subconsciously frowned, thinking about whether his former apprentice suddenly appeared at this time, whether it was a private act or was inspired by his master.

"Who is the master? Is he spying on the land of the kingdom?" feeling the great pressure disappearing, Princess Victoria asked again.

"Peeping into the land of the kingdom? Ha ha! You succeeded in teasing me! No, my naive princess, the master has far more power than you think. If he really wants land, he can even destroy all countries and unify the whole continent in just a few months. In fact, he is only doing some interesting experiments. As for the annexation of the Kingdom, it is kelwin himself "Your ambition and desire." Isolde laughed and made a vivid metaphor.

You know, he has seen with his own eyes how Zhang Cheng creates monsters with spell like ability out of thin air. He has also seen the steel puppet assembly workshop under the magic tower.

In front of that unparalleled power, let alone mortals, even the gods have to kneel down and surrender.

Of course, the premise is that the gods served by all kinds of messy religions really exist.

Hearing the news, Princess Victoria immediately begged, "please! Take me to him! I want to see him!"

"See your master? You?" Isolde raised his eyebrows, and a look of examination appeared on his surrounding faces.

If it were any other request, he might agree to it based on his old feelings, but he didn\'t think he was qualified to take a stranger to see Zhang Cheng.

"Why, can\'t you?" Princess Victoria winked innocently.

On the one hand, she hopes to complete the tasks assigned to her by her father and the Duke. On the other hand, she hopes to quickly escape this place and escape from Kelvin\'s control, otherwise she will start to have nightmares as long as she closes her eyes.

Isorte noticed the other party\'s trick, touched the beard on his chin and thought for a moment. Soon I stood up and said: "OK! I can help you once! But only for this time! I want to remind you that in front of the master, you\'d better put away all your self righteous cleverness, and don\'t think that the identity and beauty of the princess are a kind of dependence. In fact, in the eyes of the master, you and I are no different from the mole ants on the ground that can be trampled to death at any time."

"I see! I swear!" Princess Victoria quickly gave her guarantee.

But in the bottom of my heart, I\'m afraid only he and she know.

After all, the habits and temperament accumulated over the years can not be changed casually.

It\'s like the declining aristocrats in Europe at the end of the 19th century on earth, who clearly began to fall from a high place by roller coaster, but still put on a so-called aristocratic superiority all day, thinking that they are more noble than those businessmen and capitalists full of copper smell.

In particular, the blood lineage regarded as life must not be defiled at all, even if a large number of close unions lead to the frequent occurrence of various terrible diseases.

"I hope so, come with me." Isolde glanced at each other meaningfully, stood up, released the transmission magic, and opened a portal to the magic tower.

As one of the first people to take refuge, he is qualified to directly enter the transmission between the towers.