All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1054

There is no doubt that the envoys from the Kingdom did not expect that Kerwin was a man who never liked to play cards according to common sense, let alone that he dared to bear the reputation of killing messengers.

As a result, when the fierce cavalry rushed over, the whole mission did not make any defensive move at all, and was directly taken away by a wave.

In less than a few seconds, more than half of the unlucky people were pierced by lances and nailed to the ground.

As for the rest, they were either knocked down by strong horses and trampled into meat mud, or their heads were cut off by sharp long swords and machetes.


Broken corpses!


Baron kellenster proved his passion for killing with practical actions.

After personally executing the last wounded, he opened the door of the carriage, dragged out the beautiful maid shivering on the seat, threw her foot on the ground, crushed her chest, followed by lifting her face armor, and said to Princess Victoria, whose face was already pale to no blood, "Your Highness, please follow me. Your Excellency hopes to see you right away."

"You... Why did you kill them?" the princess raised her head and asked loudly.

From the slightly trembling voice, it is not difficult to judge that the scene like purgatory in front of her has broken her cognition in more than ten years, and even felt how cruel the outside world is for the first time.

It turned out that human life could be so cheap that it was easy to kill without even saying a word. The body was discarded beside the muddy road and let the wild animals eat it wantonly.

Not as exciting as described in the story!

There is no legendary Knight duel of politeness and humility!

There\'s only killing!

The absolute crushing of the strong against the weak!

No matter how noble your birth is, everyone is equal in front of cold weapons. Once you are pierced, you will die in the blink of an eye. It is impossible for a Jedi to fight back after being seriously injured.

"They?" Baron kellenster glanced at the nearby corpses and replied with disdain. "On the battlefield, garbage has no survival value. I kill them for their good, otherwise for those monsters and steel puppets, their spirit will collapse and they will live in the shadow all their life. It\'s better to die a glorious war than to live a humble life."

"But... But you even killed my maid! She\'s just a young girl! She\'s neither a soldier nor a messenger!" the princess argued angrily.

You should know that close maidens are usually assumed by noble nieces with certain status and status, and may be relatives.

The two people will know each other when they are very young, and with the completion of their life, they have a very close relationship, so close that there will be some ambiguity beyond friendship.

"I\'m sorry! My Lord gave me the order to take you back alone! So they\'re worthless! They\'re all going to die!" said Baron kellenster, kicking the body.

The maid\'s eyes were wide open and she didn\'t want to believe it before she died. Unexpectedly, a man can ignore his beauty and proud figure and directly choose to kill instead of committing aggression.

Feeling the tyrannical smell from the top and bottom of each other\'s body, Princess Victoria closed her eyes in despair and couldn\'t bear to see the tragic picture. She let her sit on the back of a group of war horses and run towards the destination with the cavalry.

Baron kellenster, who never knew how to cherish the precious jade, completely ignored how terrible it was for a princess who claimed to be a lady to ride a horse. In particular, she was wearing a beautiful white dress symbolizing purity.

As a result, when she returned to the city, Princess Victoria\'s skirt had almost become a beggar\'s dress, her two legs were not her own, and she couldn\'t help shaking slightly when walking.

Fortunately, the strict training of the etiquette teacher on weekdays made her not lose her manners at such a critical moment, and she walked into the study with a proud look.

Kerr, who had been waiting for a long time, stood up quickly, squeezed the opponent\'s right hand and kissed her back with deep affection. "Ah, your highness, princess, you have come at last. You know, I\'ve been waiting for five years at that moment, and the picture of the separation is like a picture, which is always deeply engraved on my heart."

"So you took such a way to revenge my rejection?" Princess Victoria finally held back without taking her hand directly back, and her beautiful face was covered with frost.

"Revenge? No! I think you misunderstood something! Why do you think your majesty sent you to me? And as an emissary? He wants to use my infatuation with you to delay time and spy on intelligence. I\'m not so stupid and will let his plot succeed. Therefore, it\'s most reasonable to kill the whole mission and leave you alone "The state of thinking," Kelvin explained with a smile.

As the saying goes, men are essentially like peacocks.

When hormones are secreted in large quantities, they all like to try their best to show their good side in front of their favorite heterosexual or homosexual, hoping to obtain mating rights.

Obviously, the idea in Kelvin\'s mind at this moment is to get the princess with noble identity and blood in front of him to bed. It\'s best to leave another heir, and then he has enough excuses and reasons to swallow the whole kingdom.

In order to achieve this goal, he didn\'t even hide the desire revealed in his pupils. His eyes seemed to strip off his long white skirt.

Just as Princess Victoria was shaking angrily and wanted to swing her arm to slap each other, a strong energy wave suddenly came from the room.

Next second

A portal suddenly appeared out of thin air, followed Ellens through a long distance and directly came to the center of the room.

However, having been implanted with chaotic power, he didn\'t care about the young and beautiful princess at all, but asked without thinking: "I heard you drank that bottle of medicine? What\'s the matter? Is there any uncomfortable reaction?"

"Damn it! Why do you haunt every time and don\'t knock at the door," Kelvin complained gnashing his teeth.

After all, he almost broke the princess\'s psychological defense line just now, and then took advantage of it, and then used a little violence to win it.

But now it\'s better that the sudden youth has disrupted everything.

"Knock on the door? No! No! I represent the master. You should understand that there is no need for privacy in front of him, including me." Allen subconsciously glanced at the princess who didn\'t know when to regain her senses, and there was no politeness in her tone.

In fact, he has regarded Kelvin as an enemy who will betray sooner or later. Where will he have any good attitude? Even if he doesn\'t make obstacles secretly, he is considering the overall situation.