All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1053

The arnoya Kingdom, a feudal country located in the southwest corner of the mainland and in a relatively warm climate in the middle age, is mainly jointly governed by the royal family at the top of power and six powerful hereditary dukes. It is neither strong nor weak in the surrounding areas. In particular, the navy is unique and can form a strong deterrent to the enemy\'s important coastal towns.

Generally speaking, no one will easily provoke such a sea power, otherwise trade will be seriously affected.

But today, for the first time in 30 years, Wenger V, the king who has not stayed up late to deal with government affairs, gave up his tryst with his beautiful lover and appeared in his study in the middle of the night. At the same time, he was accompanied by the Duke of bronhilda, the field Marshal of the kingdom.

They listened attentively to the detailed report of the spy. Soon, Wenger V couldn\'t help roaring angrily: "waste! It\'s waste! I gave him so many elite troops! There was even a caster corps! But he was defeated! He was defeated so miserably! It directly led to the occupation of nearly half of the territory!"

"Your majesty! Please calm down! This is not the time to hold accountable! The rebels occupy half of the Kingdom and even uproot your enfeoffed nobles. If we really let them stand firm, we will all be doomed," warned Duke bronhilda in a dignified tone.

"Damn it! Of course I know! But the question is, can you guarantee that we will not be defeated by monsters and steel puppets who don\'t know where to come out?" Wenger V snapped.

As an old king who has lived more than half of his life and has been in power for more than 30 years, he has never heard of such an outrageous situation in his life.

The northwest province, which has always been known for its poverty, backwardness and fierce folk customs, has unknowingly emerged an army of iron puppets with a number of about 20000, as well as monsters who can obey orders 100%.

Is all this supported by hostile countries?

Or does a demon hiding in the depths of the forest wake up from his sleep and plan to start a war sweeping the whole continent?

No matter which one is, it is a disaster for the kingdom of ANOYA.

The Duke of bronhilda, noticing the king\'s anxiety, suggested in a deep voice: "I think the best way to deal with it is to shrink the defense line, build a defense line around the stone castle, and send envoys to try to negotiate with the other party, so as to delay as much as possible, so as to win more time to spy intelligence and plan a counterattack. In addition, I heard that Kelvin Oren was also a suitor of Princess Victoria when he was young. Maybe we can take advantage of this."

"You mean... Using my favorite daughter to seduce that mean, dirty and ugly hillbilly?" the king was obviously angry, and his eyes burst into anger.

To be exact, no self respecting ruler will tolerate such naked humiliation.

Unfortunately, politics is often involuntarily, especially when it involves the interests of the whole ruling class. Even the king can\'t stand against them, otherwise the Dukes may unite to launch a coup and replace them with a new king who can represent their interests.

Anyway, as long as the royal blood is not changed, it will not cause too much influence and turbulence.

"Your majesty! Please believe me, only in this way can we confuse the enemy to the greatest extent and even find out what secrets are hidden behind him. As far as I know, Kerwin was assassinated not long ago. Although the specific situation is unknown, the secret agent found that the servant cleaning the room brought a lot of blood stained things, which should be very seriously injured compared with him. But later In less than two days, he appeared in public unharmed. This is absolutely abnormal! "The Duke of bronhilda tried to persuade him.

Unless he had to, he didn\'t want to unite with other Dukes to launch a coup at this time.

"Are you sure that sacrificing my daughter can bring a victory to the kingdom? A real victory?" Wenger V looked up into each other\'s eyes.

The Duke of Hilda think little of it and nodded without thinking: "sure! I promise! And, before leaving, I hope to see the princess highness alone, so that she will know her mission."

"OK! I promise you! But if you don\'t give me the promised victory after Vilia\'s sacrifice, I will show you how terrible a king\'s anger is."

With a threatening roar, the king finally decided to compromise.

no way out!

Whether it is to defend the dignity of the country and the royal family, or to unite all the nobles who can be united at the critical moment, he must make sacrifices.

What\'s more, the princess is originally a kind of political chip. It is impossible for her to choose whether to marry an important vassal or marry away from other countries.

"Of course! I swear by my life and family honor!" the Duke of bronhilda assured solemnly with one hand on his chest.


Soon, under the full operation of the two authorities, the embassy led by the young princess left the capital in a big way, and the front line between the two sides was very close.

Before reaching the destination, Kelvin, who was far away in another city, got the news early. His eyes revealed strong expectations and muttered with a smile: "Ha ha, are you finally coming?" I dreamed of your royal highness! I\'m afraid you will never think that the little aristocrat that you once ignored can now threaten the ruling position of the royal family. Don\'t worry, I will swallow it with you soon. From now on, anything I longed for and could not get from now on would be one by one. Get it back. "

The voice just fell!

He raised his head and said to Baron kellenster, who was standing in an audience, "dear friend, I have something to trouble you."

"Please order!" the Baron raised his head with a bloodthirsty expression.

"Go and get this Royal Highness for me! Remember! I just want to see the princess, and the rest of the people will be cleaned up. After all, I am not stupid enough to come to such a childish little trick at the meeting." Kerr gave the order with a sneering smile.

Obviously, all he wanted was a princess, not a shit mission.

Because he had no intention to negotiate at all from the beginning, he did not choose to continue the attack, just to wipe out all the resistance forces in his jurisdiction, rather than think it was enough to annex half of the Kingdom\'s territory.

"As you wish! I promise that no kingdom messenger can come to you alive except the princess."

After that, Baron kellenster bent down and bowed deeply. Then he turned and left the room. About half an hour or so, he took a team of elite cavalry and rushed out of the city gate to bloody wash the whole mission.