All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 699


Su Qiling was speechless. She fell asleep at the age of 18. After that, she had to read history books for many years

The key records are not necessarily accurate. In other words, she has no idea how old she is

The goblin was so angry that she hummed: "if you dare to mention my age again, I will burn all your hair with a torch!"

"Ding, you smashed Su Qiling's wish to know her age. Attribute point + 2."

"Didn't you mention it yourself?"

Yang Ling murmured in a low voice. Seeing Su Qiling's eyes about to spray fire, she shut her mouth wisely.

Around, Zhang Chunxia looked at the bickering young men and women, and her face showed a trace of envy. After she sighed, she said softly, "thank you for your help."

"I owe you one more favor."

Yang Ling said with a smile: "there's nothing to owe. Zhang is polite."

"By the way, I heard recently that you have plans to travel around the world, really?"

Zhang Chunxia sniffed and sighed: "originally, I wanted to continue to operate Tian's group. It was also a sustenance."


She looked at Yang Ling and Su Qiling and said seriously, "do you believe in dreams?"


Yang Ling said curiously: "this specifically refers to..."

Zhang Chunxia said slowly, "a while ago, I was able to walk out of the shadow of their death, but recently I have the same dream every night."

"The place in my dream seems to be a palace floating in the clouds. In front of the palace, there is always a girl waving to me."

"I know what she means. It should be my destination."

Su Qiling frowned slightly when she heard the speech. If she had a dream once in a while, it could be explained that it was normal to have a dream every day and to think about it at night.

But every night I dream of the same scene, it is absolutely someone in the dream.

This may be a trap, but there may also be a fairyland.

The master of the innate state can guide ordinary people's thinking with spiritual force, but it is the interference of violence, and can't do such a delicate thing as dream.

Unless her dream giver has reached the Holy Land!

Yang Ling and Su Qiling looked at each other and saw a trace of solemnity in each other's eyes.

He asked in a deep voice, "Mr. Zhang, do you know the name and appearance of the girl in the dream?"

Zhang Chunxia shook her head and said, "that girl's face is always wrapped in a layer of white fog. I can't see it really, but I always hear a name."

"It's called huasiyi..."

"Flowers, flowers like Yi?"

Yang Ling is shocked. This flower seems to be Yi. Isn't it the innate state that hasn't appeared in the group of practitioners chatting?

In this case, this person may be the existence of the Holy Land!

See Yang Ling showed such an expression, two women are slightly a Leng, Su Qiling good strange way: "how, do you know her?"

Yang Ling slightly shook his head and said, "I don't know, but I've heard of it."

He looked at Zhang Chunxia and said, "Mr. Zhang, what do you mean?"

"I'm going."

"Even if I look all over the world, I will find that place!"

Zhang Chunxia said firmly: "in my dream, I can feel that the girl has no malice towards me."


She looked at Yang Ling and said, "if I really have the chance, can I be the same as you?"

Yang Ling was stunned and then said with a smile, "if it is, I will congratulate Mr. Zhang in advance."

"In the future, maybe we will be friends." , the fastest update of the webnovel!