All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 698

Yang Ling's words are just killing people.

After the little gangsters looked at each other, someone suddenly yelled: "scar Xiong, I'm a good young man who was cheated by you to degenerate!"

"I hate you!"

He kicked the scar male buttocks directly, swearing and running away.

How many of these gangsters are loyal?

Scar male's brain is caught in the door to provoke Yang Ling, and they don't want to be buried with him.

People see Yang Ling did not stop, one by one like learning, come up to kick a foot scold, and then slip away.

The situation turned upside down. Scarab Xiong, who had the upper hand, was rebellious because of Yang Ling's words!

Su Qiling looked at the youth around her, and her eyes even showed a trace of admiration.

You can crush this gangster with absolute strength, but this kind of mad dog like person, as long as he does not kill him, he will take his brother crazy revenge.

Now Yang Ling cleverly said that let him completely lose power, no younger brother's scar male, that is the dog that pulled out the tooth, what wave can turn up?

Killing people is invisible. It's really powerful.

"Ding, you have satisfied the little gangsters' wish to run, wish value + 1."

"Ding, you smashed scar Xiong's desire to dominate the underground forces in S City, attribute point + 1."

After a moment, the scene of the younger brother has fled, only scar male fell on the ground, crying bitterly.

At this time, a siren sounded, the police came.

"Sister Qiu!"

Seeing Su Qiuxia, Su Qiling is just like a bee who meets nectar and sticks to it directly.

Su Qiuxia touched her head with a smile, then looked at the scar male who fell on the ground and said to Yang Ling, "ah Ling, what's going on?"

Yang Ling looked at the many policemen behind the woman and said with a smile: "officer Su, this guy robbed the civilian girl just by me."


Su Qiuxia snorted: "scar male, didn't you just let it out the year before last? How dare you make trouble? "

Scar male nature won't answer her, this person now aches to roll all over the ground, already can't speak.

After some understanding and checking the on-the-spot monitoring, Su Qiuxia snorted: "it's lawless to dare to threaten and abduct people so blatantly!"

"I don't think you'll ever come out of it."

"Take it away!"

The two policemen directly carried scar Xiong onto the police car. Su Qiuxia comforted Mr. Zhang and said with a smile, "ah Ling, isn't school opening today?"

"How did you two get here?"

Su Qiling chuckled: "the secret, you will know in a few days!"


Su Qiuxia smiles and shakes her head. She looks at Yang Ling and says, "I'm still at work. Let's go first."


She seemed to stop talking. Yang Ling saw her mind and said with a smile, "please have tea at the weekend."


A happy smile appeared on the policewoman's flowery face.

"Ding, you have satisfied Su Qiuxia's wish to date you. The wish value is + 2."

She touched Su Qiling's head and said, "in school, you should listen to Lingge's words. Don't make trouble."

"Let's go."

Looking at the police car whistling away, Yang Ling said with a smile: "how about your sister let you listen to my words."

"Come on, Xiao Ling!"

Su Qiling rolled her eyes and said, "actors, you are serious."

"Do you know how old I am? Not afraid to be struck by thunder

Yang Ling jokingly said, "how old do you know yourself?"

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