All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 700

Zhang Chunxia's face showed a brilliant smile when she heard the speech. She seemed to get rid of the fog and find the way forward.

After a smile, she said: "Yang Dong, Tian group can entrust to you?"

Yang Ling smell speech a Leng, surprised way: "even if you want to leave, you can also trust the group to manage it."

"As long as the shares are still there, we can at least guarantee the glory and wealth of a lifetime."

Zhang Chunxia shook her head and said, "I can see how much has happened."

"Mr. Yang, the company has a market value of 4 billion yuan, and there are many overlaps with the industrial chain of Muhua group, which is of great help to you and Liu Dong."

"Besides, I have no one to trust except you..."

This woman is right, Tian group strength is not vulgar, if really can merge, for the Muhua group will have a significant improvement.

Seeing Yang Ling still hesitated, Zhang Chunxia said with a bitter smile: "before my husband and son caused you a lot of trouble, they also did a lot of illegal things."

"Because of the money, they were killed by the Lama invited. It's relief."

"If it's not for a girl, I'm afraid it's a difficult situation for me to arrive at that night

Yang Ling took a look at Su Qiling, but Su Qiling just snorted, as if to say: "look, I didn't cheat you?"

Zhang Chunxia continued: "this girl saved me, Yang Dong you also saved me several times, and I can take the hand, only this Tian Group."

"I'll give you a favor..."

This woman said sincerely, but Yang Ling shook her head and said faintly: "four billion is a huge fortune even for me."

"But Mr. Zhang, have you ever thought that once I take over Tian's group, I will bear the cause and effect in the middle."


Zhang Chunxia was stunned when she heard this, and immediately responded. If Yang Ling took over the group, it would be true that he would have obtained huge wealth. However, all the illegal things that Tian Meizhi and his son had done in the past would be on his head!


Zhang Chunxia said with a wry smile: "it's because I don't think about it..."

"No harm."

Yang Ling micro smile: "disband it."

"With all due respect, the land where Tian's group harbors evil has been disbanded, and you will be free from any worries."


Zhang Chunxia sighed: "once the group of tens of thousands of people is dissolved, many people will lose their jobs..."

"I don't have the heart..."

This daughter is indeed a kind person.

After hesitating for a while, Yang Ling said with a smile: "you don't have to worry about this point. There is a big talent gap in our Muhua group. If the employees with good conduct and professional ability are good, I will be responsible for receiving them."

"As for those who have not passed our group's audit, we can only ask them to seek another job."

"Mr. Zhang, we do have to bear social responsibility, but we are not philanthropists. There are no pure philanthropists in the world."

"You should understand what I mean."

After hearing the silence of Zhang Chunxia, she said, "I have a little silence."

"When I go back, I will sell the industry and completely disband the group."

Yang Ling nodded his head and said: "the staff's affairs, tomorrow our personnel department will come to docking, this you can rest assured."

"Ding, you have satisfied Zhang Chunxia's wish to finish the group's affairs, and the wish value is + 1."

Zhang Chunxia was relaxed and said with a smile, "Yang Dong, Miss Su, are you here to see the house?"

"I'll give you a farewell present." , the fastest update of the webnovel!