Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 990


This is a strange phenomenon.

Zhenbei Wang took the lead in making a response. He gently waved his hand and motioned everyone to step back. He also slowly stepped back.

In front of the situation, he has roughly guessed what ye Tian is doing.

He's absorbing thunder!

A little monk in the middle of Longmen realm, in the face of the terrible thunder, he didn't think about how to survive the thunder, but how to absorb the power of the thunder.

This kind of idea and practice are really crazy!

However, ye naively did it, and it seemed that there were no terrible consequences at the beginning.

At this time, the rough thunder across the world seems to be no different from before, but with Ye Tian's right fist stalemate, it seems that everything is still.

However, the great friar of yupujing, the king of Zhenbei, was acutely aware that the power of thunder was slowly decreasing and was quickly absorbed by Ye Tian's right arm.

Thunder quenching body!

In addition to absorbing the power of thunder, ye Tian still uses thunder to quench his body!

Thunder can't be absorbed by physical strength, but it can't be absorbed by physical strength.

How did ye Tian do it?

Zhenbei Wang was also deeply shocked!

When he thought of his age, he had just entered Longmen. In any way, he was far away from ye Tian.

If this son grows up gradually over time, it's really hard to estimate how far he will reach. Maybe he will enter the palace of heaven like the leader of the alliance. Even the legendary level is unknown.

Mind flash between, Zhenbei Wang heart suddenly gave birth to an idea.


At this time, suddenly there was a loud noise again in the heavy cloud, and another thunderbolt came down.

"Come on!"

Ye Tianbao drinks and smashes his left hand against the thunder that still crosses the sky and the earth. As before, the moment when his fist and the thunder meet, they are still.

Once upon a time, when climbing the fairy mountain, ye Tian flew countless thunderbolts with his bare hands. He had mastered the attributes of thunderbolts to the peak. Moreover, he had accumulated a lot of experience in quenching his body with thunderbolts on the fairy mountain.

It's a pity that the thunder in Xianshan is not as powerful as that in Danjie. Now, how can ye Tian miss such an opportunity!


Another loud noise came out. Just when everyone thought that there was another thunder in the sky, Wei Wuyan's crazy cry came from the valley.

Jingan Hou's body flashed to Wei Wuya, but he saw that Wei Wuya was crazy, and his eyes were angry. The red stove in front of him sent out a smell of burning. The lid of the stove had been opened, and the pills in it turned into a black carbon group.

Wisps of black smoke were curling out of the mouth of the stove.

"It's blowing up!"

Wei Wuya's eyes were dark, and he sighed in his heart. All of a sudden, I have endless regret for my original idea.

Originally, he could let Wei Wuyan take the place of any city to participate in the election of Shengzi, but in order to make his only son win the reputation of winning the place by working hard step by step, he has come to this step.

Even if ye Tian refined eight grades of pills, which led to Dan robbery, he also had a way to increase a quota for Wei Wuya. At most, he was shameless.

But now, Wei Wuyan actually fried the furnace, this matter has been absolutely impossible to operate.

In this way, people will be angry and cause trouble. I'm afraid that even the leader of the alliance will have to intervene. Even if the alliance leader is not involved for the time being, the king of Zhenbei is here now. He will never allow this kind of thing to happen.

"It's him. He influenced me. If he doesn't lead to the robbery of Dan, I won't be lost and distracted. My Dan is also an eight grade pill, so I can get a quota..."

At this time, Wei Wuyan pointed to Ye Tian, who was in the process of thunder refining, and said crazily.

"He broke my mood, otherwise I would not have failed..."

Wei Wuyan shouts and rushes to Ye Tian crazily. His fist is raised high. It seems that he is going to give the other party a thunderbolt next moment.

The Marquis of Jing'an pointed to Wei Wuyan and tied him up with a magic power, which made him unable to move freely. Then he burst out and said, "don't you want to die? Ye Tian is training his body in the thunder. He is full of the power of thunder. If you punch him down, he will be fine, and you will be badly hurt. Settle down quickly, and don't make a fool of yourself here. "

Seeing this scene, the king of Zhenbei frowned slightly. The eyes of marquis Lanling and ran zaishan also changed. At the same time, several people had some ideas about Marquis Jing'an.

Wei Wuyan wants to attack Ye Tian. The king of Zhenbei stops him. There's nothing wrong with this.

But the reason is that he is worried about Wei Wuyan's injury, not about ye Tian's injury for no reason, or other moral reasons. The king of Zhenbei, who used to look benevolent, is such a person."Click!"

At this time, the thunder in the sky rings again, and another terrible thunder falls. Ye Tian's right hand has absorbed the power of the first thunder, and draws out his fist to meet the third thunder.

Still continue to absorb the lightning energy inside.

At this time, the sky full of thick clouds, suddenly ripples, a monk emerged from it, and fell on the side of the king of Zhenbei.

"Ha ha, he laoguai, I knew you would come back!" See this person appear, Zhenbei Wang said with a smile.

The monk who came here is tall, with gray hair and thin cheeks, but he has plenty of spirit and bright eyes. He said to the king of Zhenbei: "see the king of Zhenbei, there's Dan Jie here. As the Lord of the general Hall of Dan Dao, how can I not come? This time, there may be another elder in the general Hall of Dan Road! Ha ha ha... "

Then the man laughed excitedly.

Zhenbei Wang nodded slightly, looked at ran zaishan next to him, and continued to turn his head to look at Ye Tian.

"He Daoyou, ha ha, I advise you to give up your heart. I promised you the position of deputy head of the general Hall of Ye Tianchang before, but he refused without thinking about it. Should your elder of the general Hall of Dan Dao have no attraction for him? " Ran zaishan said with a smile.

"Really? How could it be? " The master of the general Hall of Dan Dao moved his brow slightly and said: "so, this son also has profound attainments in the field? It's only twenty years old! "

"I can't say exactly how much attainments he has, but in the previous test, he only used ordinary materials to set up a ten times spirit gathering field. Well, that's it. The rest of the field has not had the opportunity to communicate with him in depth. At his age alone, should he be the deputy hall master ten years later? " Ran zaishan pointed to the ten times gathering spirit field not far away.

The master of the general Hall of Dan Dao didn't answer this question. He frowned slightly, looked at the king of Zhenbei, and then said, "in this way, the king of Zhenbei won't let this son belong to any hall?"

Ran zaishan nodded slightly: "that's right. Originally, I thought he would fight for it again after he failed the Dan Dao test. Unexpectedly, the Dan medicine he refined led to such a big stir. What a surprise!"

"Do you know what pill it is?" The main hall of Dan Dao asked.

Ran zaishan shook his head: "when Dan was robbed, Dan medicine was collected by him. So far, no one has seen it."

"Oh, yes!" The master of the general Hall of Dan Dao calls the monk who is not far away from Yuan Yingjing and asks Ye Tian what kind of elixir he made.

When the friar said that, the tall old man frowned more tightly. According to his experience, it is impossible to produce eight grades of pills only with the spiritual materials provided by Wanyu League.

At least, now all the alchemists in the general Hall of Dan Dao can't make it.

Thinking of this layer, the old man waved his hand to let the friar go, but he turned his eyes to Ye Tian, and then he put out his hand to move the red stove that ye Tian used in his hand.

But the very ordinary Dan stove, the old man first frowned, and then carefully identify the residual taste inside.

Obviously, it's beyond his expectation to use such a very common Dan furnace to refine Dan medicine that can lead to thunder robbery.

After a while, the old man put down the stove, but his brow was even tighter.

He has sensed what kind of pills Ye Tian is refining, but the highest grade of this kind of pills can only be six grades, but how can ye Tian refine eight grades? , the fastest update of the webnovel!