Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 991

Over Wanlu Valley, the only two thunders that cross the sky and earth are still confronting Ye Tian.

It's just like a still picture. Only the clouds in the sky keep rolling and surging. Ye Tian's skirt is hunting, his long hair is flying, and his arc is twinkling. He looks like a god of killing standing between heaven and earth.

A moment later, one of the thunder flashes a few times, suddenly broken into countless scattered streamers, disappeared between heaven and earth.

Not long after that, so did the last thunder.

When the last thunder dissipated, the sky thundered, and the dark clouds swept away in all directions. In an instant, they disappeared without a trace. The sky and the earth were clear, as if they had never appeared.

Ye Tian gradually takes back his fists, opens his lips and spits out a mouthful of black smoke. The flashing arc on his body gradually decreases and finally disappears completely.

Ye Tian is very happy with the increase of thunder power on his body. In this case, if he uses thunder attribute Taoism, his power will be greatly increased.

And it seems that the body is stronger than before.

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time." Looking at not far away many jade Pu realm great friars, ye Tian said sorry.

"Ha ha, it's all right. It's really a formidable afterlife!" Zhenbei Wang said with a warm smile.

The rest nodded in response. Only Marquis Jing'an is not here. He is not far away to appease Wei Wuyan who is still not calm.

Take out the elixir of alchemy to test the way of heaven

Of course, ye Tian has no objection. This is the procedure of the test. People can't unilaterally determine that they have won because of the appearance of Dan Jie. Without Dan, what's the difference between that Dan robbery and thunder on a cloudy day?

With a gesture, he took out the refined three pills and gave them to the monk.

The three elixirs robbing thunder correspond to three elixirs, which can't hide from the great friars of Yupu realm. Therefore, ye Tian didn't hide his secrets, so he took them out at the same time.

"Pass it on to the master of general hall he for appraisal." Lanling Marquis said directly.

The master of general Hall of he carefully took the pills and put them in the palm of his hand to watch carefully. The three crystal white pills all have eight spirit lines.

It's really a good pill.

”Ye Xiaoyou, is this a magic pill After a long time, the master of general Hall of he suddenly looked up at Ye Tian and asked deeply.

Ye Tian nodded with a smile: "the master of general hall he has a brilliant eye. It's true that this elixir is just a green elixir, which can help the monks in Longmen to coagulate the golden elixir."

The master of general hall he looked at the three pills in his hand again and asked, "as far as I know, bilingdan can't bear eight times of melting spirit, and can bear six times at most. How did you do that? "

Ye Tian said with a smile: "it's a little skill. It's to melt the spirit and solidify the pill. If you melt once and solidify one point, you can melt twice more. In this way, you can refine eight kinds of pills. However, eight products are already the limit. If you melt it again, the furnace will be destroyed. "

He Zong Dian master's eyes suddenly a coagulate, lose voice way: "what? Do you mean that you have reached the realm of melting spirit and solidifying pill? "

Ronglinggudan is a kind of legendary highest realm of Dan Dao, which can even break the inherent iron law and make many impossibilities possible.

The master of general hall he only occasionally saw and mentioned it from the ancient books of Dan Dao, but he tried it countless times, but he couldn't see half of the way.

In the end, he only felt that the realm of ronglinggudan might only exist in the legend, which is impossible in reality.

But I didn't expect to see it with my own eyes today, and I saw a top grade pill that could only reach six grades. It was promoted to eight grades by Ye Tian's skill of melting spirit and solidifying the pill, which led to the robbery of the pill.

No wonder today's Dan disaster is so powerful. It turned out that it was due to the melting of spirit and the consolidation of Dan.

Just as when a monk reaches the heavenly palace, if he has enough chance, he can fly up, and he will also encounter thunder.

Dan robbery, or thunder robbery, is to destroy things that should not exist or are not allowed to happen. It is a kind of suppression and destruction against heaven.

If you don't pass the Dan robbery, you will be injured. If you don't pass the thunder robbery, you will die.

In a word, Gu Dan Rong Ling is the existence of anti heaven.

It is this kind of adversity that appears in a monk of Longmen Jing who is nearly 20 years old. How can he not be shocked?

"Ladies and gentlemen, the qualification test of Longmen Shengzi has ended. It's time to announce the results." At this time, the chief of the general Hall of Hou Chonghe in Lanling said with an apologetic smile.

"OK, OK, marquis Lanling, please help yourself." He Laodian master this just discovers oneself to lose posture, hastily return three Dan medicine to leaf day, and let to one side.

Lanling Marquis glanced at Jing'an Marquis not far away. He did not mean to discuss with him. He announced directly: "after five competitions, ye Tian, the Longmen monk recommended by Qingshan City, won the first place in the imperial air flight, the first place in the application of five elements Taoism, the first place in the field array, the first place in the Dan Dao, and the best achievements in the victory Among more than 1000 Longmen monks who participated in the test, they stood out and obtained the only qualification to participate in the selection of Holy Son in this test! "As soon as the words were over, a tsunami broke out all around.

This is the real name!

Everyone is convinced.

Those monks who were not elected in the first few events are now clear of their worries, and they are more open-minded. Ye Tian, they can't compare with each other, and they won't be wronged at all.

This result makes them more happy than Wei Wuyan's qualification.

In particular, ye Tianxin's disciples wept with joy. They never dreamed that the new master would be so strong.

It's almost indescribable.

Some of them began to get close to each other. Some of them were in Longmen realm, and some in Jindan realm. They were trying their best to get in touch with mieba. Some of them even began to discuss whether they could worship ye Tianmen.

In the field, Lanling Hou's gesture slightly stopped the voice of the crowd, and continued: "next, please ask Zhenbei Wang to give a token for ye Tian's selection."

With the voice, Xiao Yunqian has been holding a tray covered with red silk to the king of Zhenbei.

The king of Zhenbei took up a token placed on it and solemnly handed it to Ye Tian: "the next selection of the Holy Son of Longmen is the key. I will continue to watch the ceremony here. I hope you can show me the most powerful Ye Tian and the most powerful Holy Son of Wanyu League."

"Thank you, master. Thank you all." Ye Tian took the token and said thanks. He received the token from Xumi.

"According to the test rules, the monk Wei Wuyan who took part in the Dan Dao test should pay for his spiritual material because he failed in alchemy. Please Wei Wuyan and the deacon of this test for compensation

Marquis Lanling did not forget the aggressive manner of marquis Jing'an at that time and implemented this rule mercilessly.

The king of Zhenbei showed a smile of praise to the Marquis of Lanling and nodded with satisfaction.

On the other hand, marquis Jing'an and Wei Wuyan are very blue, especially Wei Wuyan. They look at Ye Tian full of resentment, as if they are tearing Ye Tian apart now.

But ye Tian didn't look at them, but he was secretly alert. Marquis Jing'an is a great friar in yupujing. These people have to guard against their troubles.

But he is not afraid of anything. If he is afraid, he will not insist on the qualification of selecting the son. He can't admit his advice just because the other party's old man is powerful!

"This test has come to an end. Tomorrow, we will be here for the selection of the dragon's gate Saint son. All of you will help us!" Lanlinghou finally announced a sentence, ending today's test.

Ye Tian arched his hand to several great friars in Yupu realm and was about to leave, but he was called by the master of general Hall: "Ye Xiaoyou, please stay!"

When ye Tian heard the words, he stopped and looked at the master of general hall he: "if you have something to do, please tell me."

"Please take this one. Please call me whenever you have something to do." The master of the general Hall of he handed over a messenger and said.

"Thank you, master he." Ye Tian didn't refuse. He took it readily. The other side gave him face, and he couldn't deny others face.

Ran zaishan at this time also took over the conversation: "since the general Hall of Dan Dao has said something, the general Hall of the field can't fall behind. Ye Xiaoyou, you can also take my messenger, just in case it's useful!"

With words, another messenger is also handed to Ye Tian.

"As one of the examiners, I should do my best." Then the Marquis of Lanling gave Ye Tian a messenger.

"Ha ha ha..." Wang Lang in the north of the town laughed: "you can't send me alone. Ye Tian, this is my messenger. If you have something to do, you can inspire me at any time."

"Thank you, Zhenbei Wang, thank you all." Ye Tian holds four messenger runes and bows to them. He feels more secure. I'm afraid they are doing this for the Duke of Jing'an. In this way, even if the Duke of Jing'an has any bad ideas, he will worry about it.

Although I met these people for the first time today, ye Tian was very grateful for their maintenance.

But he is also very clear in his heart that all this is based on the premise that he is useful and has a lot of room for growth.

If I'm just an ordinary monk in Longmen, I'm afraid people don't even bother to take a look at it, just like those monks outside. , the fastest update of the webnovel!