Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 989

Just this one movement, all around for a while to calm down.

A friar who doesn't even know Yanjing is obviously Xiaobai who is alchemy, but the action of throwing medicine is clean and beautiful. If he hadn't done it thousands of times, I'm afraid he wouldn't have been so decisive.

However, only look at this point, can not represent what, ultimately depends on the pill, even if the action is no matter how good, in the end became a barbecue, but also in vain.

Because after this furnace of alchemy, it belongs to himself. Ye Tian is very careful in refining it. He has no distractions, and moves continuously in an orderly way.

Sometimes fast, sometimes slow, sometimes sick, sometimes slow, from time to time to observe the changes of the Dan furnace, the flame and the spirit material in the furnace, the whole body and mind are immersed in the Dan Tao.

Little by little, and I don't know how long it has passed, alchemy is advancing step by step. Throughout the whole process, ye Tian is always busy, paying attention to every little change of the alchemy furnace and making adjustments at any time.

At a certain moment, ye Tian's face suddenly relaxed, a magic power hit the Dan stove, and the fragrance of medicine suddenly released and spread everywhere.

At this time, it is the last moment of Chengdan. There is no suspense about Chengdan, and his grade is very high, reaching the level of eight grades, which is exactly the same as ye Tian's expectation.

This pill, when you break through the sea view and gather the golden elixir, will have a good effect.

However, at this time, in the originally clear sky, suddenly many thick dark clouds poured out from nowhere, as if they were converging to Wanlu valley from all directions, and soon covered the sky above the valley.

The light in the valley darkened, and there was a faint flash of thunder in the thick clouds, as if a heavy rain was coming.

"Dan rob?"

The king of Zhenbei looked at the thick clouds in the sky and murmured two words.

The Marquis Jing'an, the Marquis Lanling and the Marquis ran zaishan all looked up at the sky with a look of amazement on their faces.

"That's right. It's Dan Jie. Who made eight kinds of pills?" Ran zaishan takes back his eyes from the sky and looks at Ye Tian and Wei Wuyan who are still busy.

The Duke of Jing'an turned from astonishment to surprise. He cast his eyes on Wei Wuyan, showing a look of great praise. Did Wuyan play an extraordinary role?

There is no doubt that the situation in the sky is Danjie. As a great monk in Yupu, they must know whether it is rain or Danjie, and whether it is rain or cloud.

No matter from which point of view, it is impossible for ye Tian to lead the disaster.

Wei Wuyan used Qiankun stove, one of the four sacred stoves in ancient times, while ye Tian only used ordinary Dan stove.

Wei Wuyan uses his own spirit fire, while ye Tian uses the ordinary fire of burning crystal.

Wei Wuyan is the peak monk of Longmen realm, while ye Tian is only the mid-term monk of Longmen realm.

Wei Wuyan had been immersed in Dan Dao for many years. He was taught by a master of Dan Dao. He usually had countless resources to support him. He often turned on the furnace to refine Dan. What did ye Tian have?

Even a monk who doesn't even know Yanjing, he has already run into great fortune to make pills. Can he still make eight kinds of pills, which leads to the destruction of pills.

You know, in the whole realm of the great wilderness, there are very few alchemists who can produce eight kinds of pills.

Not only did he not believe it, but even ye Tian himself would not believe it.

When the clouds rose in the sky, he also felt a burst of consternation. He could not help looking at Wei Wuya's position, but saw that Wei Wuya was concentrating on alchemy in an orderly way!

Can Wei Wuyan have such a high attainments to refine nine kinds of pills?

From then on, only when Jiufeng and fangning were killed twice, could they bring out the great alchemy.

Seeing ye Tian's puzzled expression, people's hearts are more inclined to Wei Wuya's side to refine eight pills.

In fact, ye Tian didn't know much about the great wilderness.

I don't know what the reason is. In Fangcun spirit realm, only nine grades of pills can lead to the robbery. In Dahuang spirit realm, it doesn't need such a high grade. Only eight grades of pills can lead to the robbery.

It is such a mistake that ye Tian mistakenly thinks that Wei Wuyan's pills have reached the level of nine grades. Because in the furnace is refining pills, less than the moment out of the furnace, there is no way to determine the grade of the alchemy.

Man is the final conclusion, while pill is the final conclusion.

If Wei Wuyan's refining is really a nine grade pill, he can't match it. Anyway, he'd better refine his own furnace pill! After all, the refined pills belong to you.

Thinking about this, ye Tian takes back his mind and continues to devote himself to the last step Ning Dan.

At this time, Wei Wuya was ecstatic. He was very satisfied with his pills, but he never thought that he could reach the level of eight grades.

According to his estimation, it's already the best achievement to achieve five grades. After all, in the daily alchemy, he can produce five kinds of pills at most.It's such a five grade pill. It's extremely rare for monks of this age and realm.

Now cloud robbing appears in the sky of the valley. It's definitely a good thing for me. No matter how many grades of pills I refine, cloud robbing alone is enough to make me stand out.

If you really get lucky and make eight pills by mistake, you'll be sure to become the son of God. Even if you don't make eight pills, you'll get a lot of points.

So a think, Wei Wuyan is more happy, carefully control the liquid medicine in the furnace, ready to carry out the last step of condensation Dan.

The clouds in the sky are getting heavier and heavier, and the thunder in the clouds is flashing and shining on the valley.

In nuota's Wanlu Valley, Yaya is silent. Many monks are suppressing their excitement and waiting for the moment of the birth of bapin pills.

After all, as most of the monks present, it is impossible to have a chance to watch the alchemy of master Dan Dao, and even less to witness the release of eight grades of pills. This trip to Wanlu Valley is really true!

As time goes by, more and more thunders are accumulated in the clouds, as if there are thunders in the thick clouds, and those seemingly scattered thunders are slowly changing.

Many small thunderbolts gather together to form a big thunderbolt. Then they gather again and gradually accumulate, and the thunderbolt is becoming bigger and bigger.

In front of the hall, the faces of several great friars in yupujing gradually became dignified.

When eight grade pills are born, they need to bear the disaster of Dan, and the disaster of Dan needs to be solved by the alchemist himself. The rest of the people can't intervene, otherwise they will destroy Dan, and the alchemist will also encounter danger.

But seeing thunder is so terrible, we all worry about whether the cultivation of Wei Wuyan Longmen realm can resolve the terrible Dan robbery!

Just when everyone was worried, ye Tian's Alchemy had reached the last moment. At a certain moment, he hit the furnace with a magic power, and the lid of the furnace suddenly flew up. Three crystal clear and white round pills suddenly flew out of the furnace and wanted to go away.

Ye Tian was ready to take the cloud hand and hold three pills in his hand.

But at this time, there was a loud "click" between heaven and earth, wanlugu lit up in a flash, and a terrible thunder across heaven and earth suddenly fell to the pill in sheyun's hand.

Ye Tian is in a daze. Grass, what I refine is eight grade pills. How can I split it?

This time, he understood that it was not Wei Wuyan who robbed the cloud, but himself.

In the realm of the great wilderness, can eight kinds of elixir also lead to the destruction of elixir?

Ye Tian didn't have time to think about it, so he lashed out a fist to fight against the terrible thunder.



Several shouts rang out from the front of the hall, but it was too late when they reached Ye Tian's ear. Ye Tian's right fist had collided with the terrible thunder of implementing heaven and earth.

At this time, ran zaishan, marquis Lanling and Marquis Jing'an, the king of Zhenbei and the main hall of Changyu general hall, had already reached Ye Tian.

But the strange scene in front of them made these great friars suddenly stunned.

As expected, the scene of Ye Tian's serious injury or body crash under the terrible thunder did not appear, and even ye Tian's right fist did not collide with the thunder violently, nor did it produce much powerful impact fluctuation.

As if the thunder came, ye Tian just stretched out his right hand to meet him. Then when the thunder and ye Tian's fists touched, they all stayed there.

Everything has become static, frozen! , the fastest update of the webnovel!