Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 988

"The test of alchemy begins now. Please two monks to start alchemy. There is no time limit for this test, but the elixir of the same grade will win if it takes less time." The monk, the deacon of yuanyingjing, came to the arena and announced that he was here.

Ye Tian nodded and went to the table in front of him to see the many spiritual materials above.


"Green vine root..."

"Fairy fruit..."

There are thirty or forty kinds of spiritual materials, some of which are very precious to Ye Tian. Of course, ye Tian uses the spiritual materials of the square inch spiritual realm as a reference.

The rare is the most precious thing. Only when it is rare can it be precious. In the wild spiritual realm, whether the so-called precious spiritual materials are really as precious as in the square inch spiritual realm is unknown to Ye Tian.

"Excuse me, how to deal with the refined pills?" Ye Tian did not immediately choose the pill, but raised his head to ask the abbot of yuanyingjing.

The abbot of yuanyingjing obviously didn't think of this problem. He turned and looked at Marquis Jing'an and Marquis Lanling. Although the king of Zhenbei and the main hall of Changyu were here, they didn't preside over the test, so they had to get the consent of the victim.

Before the Marquis of Lanling spoke, the Marquis of Jing'an said: "since it is the pills refined by the participants, the pills are owned by the refiners. However, for the sake of fairness, if the refining fails, the loser will compensate for the loss of spirit material according to the price. If you can't afford to pay now, you can pay it monthly in the future. "

"Marquis Jing'an, this is not good! There's nothing wrong with the fact that the pills belong to the individual. As for the matter of compensation, we can consider and discuss it again. " The Marquis of Lanling frowned and raised his objection.

"The words of marquis Lanling are wrong. This is a very fair move and a constraint on the participants. Otherwise, precious spiritual materials will be wasted without any scruples and the interests of Wanyu League will be lost. What does Marquis Lanling think? " Jingan Hou Shanggang said on the line.

"Well, according to Marquis Jing'an." In the heart of Lanling Marquis, a feeling of disgust arises spontaneously again. She knows very well that the so-called compensation is targeted, only for ye Tian. Wei Wuyan has good attainments in Dan Dao, and with the help of heaven and earth furnace, he will definitely not make waste Dan medicine. But Marquis Jing'an spoke so high sounding, but it was not good for him to oppose it again.

She took a look at Ye Tian in the distance. She could only hope that the monk who had created miracles would not waste the pills.

When the abbot of yuanyingjing heard that Marquis Lanling and Marquis Jing'an had decided on this, he announced it again in public, which was a supplementary rule.

Ye Tian is very satisfied with this decision.

Waste of refining? It's impossible. It's impossible to dream.

The reason why he raised the question of the ownership of pills was that he had already made a decision on what kind of pills to refine. However, it was difficult and troublesome to refine this pill. It took a lot of effort. It was the most precious pill that could be refined according to the existing spiritual materials.

This kind of refined elixir almost used the most precious spiritual materials on the table. It took so much effort that he had to fight for the refined elixir.

The purpose has been achieved, and ye Tian happily selects the spirit material.

Ye Tian selected more than half of the thirty or forty kinds of spiritual materials, and there were less than ten left, which he despised.

chose the wood as like as two peas. He looked at the stove, and he and Wei Wei each had the same style of Dan stove. The products were very ordinary, like the mass production, even the patterns were the same. There was no field support.

There's no choice but to use this one, but it's better than the pressure cooker Ye Tiangang used when he was reborn.

Ye Tian doesn't want to use the Dan stove in his Xumi commandment. Although it's allowed by the rules, the Dan stove is enough now, so he doesn't want to make trouble.

As for danhuo, ye Tian looks at a metal box on the table, which contains many red crystals. Ye Tian was still surprised that the red crystal was used instead of ground fire in alchemy.

In his opinion, although he didn't ask Dan Huo's question, he understood such a simple thing when he thought about it. But he had never seen the red crystal, and he did not know whether he could provide enough fire source for alchemy.

Thinking about this, ye Tian picked up a red crystal and looked at it carefully. The shape of this crystal is very irregular, just like ordinary gravel. There are all kinds of shapes, but the difference in particle size is not large, so it looks quite neat.

The crystal is crystal clear, without any flavor. Ye Tian looks at the sky with open eyes, but finds that there is a great fire attribute in it, which looks quite extraordinary.

"Excuse me, what's the name of this thing?" Ye Tian puts the red crystal back into the metal box and asks the deacon of yuanyingjing.

The Friar's cheek muscles twitched a few times, and he was very surprised at Ye Tianwen's low-end question. He didn't even know what Dan Huo was, so he took part in Dan Dao test?

Not only did he think so, but all the friars around him thought so. Even Xiao Bai, who knew nothing about Dantao, probably knew what the red crystal was.

In front of the hall, the Marquis of Jing'an looks at the scene with a smile, but his eyes are a little chilly.Ran zaishan is a happy heart, began to stroke his sparse beard, eyes never left Ye Tian.

The king of Zhenbei was silent, without any change of expression, and could not see what he was thinking.

But the Marquis of Lanling shook his head slightly and turned to look at the sky.

Outside, several of Ye Tian's disciples looked at each other in amazement. No one said anything, but what they wanted to say was contained in their expressions. In addition to amazement, they were still astonished.

"It's called Yanjing. It can be ignited by high temperature open fire. If the Dan stove is placed on the fire box, it can be ignited." In addition to answering the questions asked by Ye Tian, the abbot of yuanyingjing explained a few more words. He saw that ye Tian might not even know what the fire box was.

"Thank you for telling me!" Ye Tian solemnly clasped his fist to express his thanks.

In such a scene, there was a lot of discussion all around.

"Ha ha, ye Tian, you choose so many lingcai. Do you want stew?" Wei Wuyan, who has selected the spirit material, laughs at the spirit material on Ye Tian's desk.

With that, he couldn't help laughing. Then he returned to his position with the selected talent, stretched out his hand to pop up a flame, and suddenly became big.

Then heaven and earth furnace slowly off the ground, suspended on the flame, taking advantage of this time, he began to concentrate on cleaning up the selected spiritual material.

Ye Tian didn't pay attention to him. He also brought many alchemy things back to his original position. He put a fire box on the ground. A flame popped up and hit the crystal. The crystal ignited and turned into a blazing flame.

Seeing this scene, many monks' eyes were fixed and their faces were shocked.

Ye Tian didn't know that the burning point of Yanjing was very high, so the abbot of yuanyingjing specially emphasized that it needed a high-temperature open fire to light it. But in fact, ordinary high-temperature open fire can not be ignited in a flash. It often takes a little time for alchemists to ignite Yanjing. When the heat accumulates to a certain extent, Yanjing can be ignited smoothly.

But ye Tian ignited in a flash, which only means that the temperature of the flame Ye Tian used must be very high, so high that it can ignite instantly.

This scene, but let Lanling Hou in front of a bright, began to calm mind, looking at Ye Tian next operation.

After igniting Yanjing, ye Tian doesn't rush to do other operations. He just feels the temperature change of the flame silently. He doesn't recover his mind until the flame stabilizes.

It was as if he was staring at the flames.

Only when the flame temperature is determined, can he determine the height of the furnace from the flame, which is very important, because this is an ordinary furnace with no automatic fire control function.

Then ye Tian manipulated Dan furnace with magic power and put it above the flame to feel the heating condition of Dan furnace again.

When he had a clear idea, he took a spirit wood and used a water mana with him. Dense raindrops appeared over the spirit wood to clean it.

In this way, more than 20 kinds of spiritual materials will be cleaned quickly.

At a certain moment, ye Tian sensed the temperature of the Dan furnace, reached for a move, and sent a spirit wood into the Dan furnace. , the fastest update of the webnovel!