Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 907

"Daoyou, you can see my words across the soil?" The reason why Murong Yan holds the banner is just a whim. Unexpectedly, she calls Ye Tian back. Seeing that ye Tian's figure flashes and enters the space from the soil, she subconsciously asks.

"Of course, believe it or not, I have a pair of perspective eyes that can see through everything..." Ye Tianshun said, in fact, it's to protect lianxinchong, but it's not bragging. After all, he has the eye of heaven, but he doesn't use it all the time.

"Ah, so..."

Murong Yan was stunned. She quickly covered her chest with her hands, then covered her face with embarrassment.

"Ah, do you still have this kind of magic power?" Next to a good-looking repair a chest close to the past.

"Go over there, I'll talk business with Daoyou." Murong Yan pushed the nun away, and no longer covered some parts. She pulled Ye Tian aside and said, "Daoyou, it should be half a day before the world of spirits is closed. What shall we do?"

She thought in her heart, ye Tian didn't look at herself once or twice. If she looked at it, she would have seen it all. What's the secret?

"Half a day is enough! Now come out with me and go to the teleportation area of the spirit world. "

With that, he didn't have too much delay. He took the lead in going up to the earth. He came to the ground and flew to the high altitude.

"Where is the old devil?" The disciples of the temple followed up and looked around. They didn't find anything unusual. Murong Yan couldn't help asking.

"The old devil flew through the woods twice before, looked at the entrance of the cave, and then flew away. Now I'm waiting in the teleportation area. I think everyone in the spirit world is dead and waiting for teleportation! " During the flight, ye Tian said that in order to wait for the disciples of the temple, his speed was not so fast.

"Ah, that is to say, all but us have been killed?" Murong Yan exclaimed.

"It's true that everyone except us has fallen into the world of the spirits, without exception." Ye Tian nodded to confirm: "this time we are left with the old devil, either you die, or I die."

When ye Tian said that, his face was a little ugly, but this is the truth.

"I have a way. When the transmission is about to start, we'll go there. By that time, the old devil may not be able to kill all of us. There's a chance that he can get out alive." Xu Xiao interrupted at this time.

"That's not good. There are too many casualties. I have a way to deal with it."

Murong Yan immediately denied Xu Xiao's proposal: "I'll show up first and lead the old devil away. You send it out in vain. "

"I'm afraid not? The old devil is waiting for the teleportation. How can he leave the teleportation area easily? " Next to another nun worried said.

Murong Yan said: "how did the elder devil enter the world of spirits? No one found out after so long? Is it possible for the elders outside to come in and get rid of this demon? "

Hearing that these people couldn't get to the point, ye Tian took the lead and said, "let me make it clear first that the Yuanying old devil didn't enter the world at the beginning, but he just came in the day I found him."

"Why did you enter here three days before the closure? Because it has something to do with the way he entered the place. "

"A normal monk of Yuanying realm can't get in, nor can he suppress his accomplishments. But this man came in to suppress cultivation, because the method he used to suppress cultivation was extremely special, and he could even hide the secret from heaven. "

"This method is called spirit subduing skill. Maybe you haven't heard of this secret skill. In the field of square inch, few people know it, and few people have used it. Because once you use this skill, you will lose more than half of Shou yuan. Think about it, who will pay more than half of Shou yuan for suppressing the realm? "

"How can such a thing happen? Isn't the price too high? In order to grab some spiritual materials, a Yuanying old monster would not hesitate to lose more than half of Shouyuan? Can't we rob incense after we go out? If I were to lose one year's Shouyuan, I would not do so. " Murong Yan said in surprise.

"Ha ha..."

Ye Tian said with a smile: "that's your idea. If the Yuanying old devil is controlled by others, or Shouyuan is few, do you think this will happen? A monk of Yuanying level can sweep everything in the world of ten thousand spirits, but it should not be enough outside the world of ten thousand spirits?

Murong Yan frowned and said, "do you mean the old devil is controlled by others, or Shouyuan is near? Who can control Yuan Ying's old monster and let him lose his life? "

"I'm just guessing these two possibilities. We low level friars cherish our lives so much, not to mention those old monsters who have reached Yuanying level. Is there any other possibility?"

Ye Tian is also thinking about this problem in his mind. In fact, he can't be completely sure. When he was Emperor Dan, he knew some of these things. He just heard about them. He had never seen anyone who used this kind of spiritualism.

Immediately, ye Tian did not delay any longer, and said, "when I fight with the old devil, you will all hide underground. If I win by chance, I will naturally ask you to come out. If it falls, when the teleportation begins, you will enter the teleportation area quickly. By then, it's up to each of you! ""No, Daoyou, how can you fight with Yuanying alone? If we want to go, let's go together. We can't live in the same year, month and day, but we want to die in the same year, month and day! " Murong Yan immediately stepped forward, and the rest of the temple disciples were also enthusiastic and asked for a fight one after another.

"Why? Would you like to have a couple of drinks and three kowtows? Died the same year, the same month, the same day? Can't you think about living well? It's not that you are not allowed to take part in the war, but you are in the way. Which one shall I protect? Isn't it going to be binding? "

Ye Tian's words are very hurtful and insulting, but the monks shut up one after another, and they are full of gratitude and admiration for ye Tian.

It's not easy to be protected by a low level monk, and they can't remember how many times Ye Tian saved their lives since he met Ye Tian.

It's true that it's the same as death to fight against the old monsters in Yuanying realm with their accomplishments in Longmen realm.

"Well, there's no need to be so pessimistic. I haven't lived enough. I dare to fight with Yuanying old devil. I still have some confidence!"

Looking at the sad expression on the temple disciple's face, ye Tian comforted him.

Next, everyone flew silently, and no one spoke again.

After more than two hours, ye Tian slowed down, looked at a certain direction ahead and said, "take a rest here for a moment, the transmission area has just appeared, and it is still more than 50 miles away. You can't go too early. Otherwise, if the situation changes, you will lose the chance to fish in troubled waters. "

With that, ye Tian himself flew forward for a distance, waiting for those heartworms he sent out to return. On the way, his order has been sent out.

All the temple disciples looked at Ye Tian's figure with mixed feelings. Along the way, they saw too many dead bodies. The monks who entered into the world of ten thousand spirits came in alive. At last, they turned into cold bodies and stayed in the world of ten thousand spirits forever.

But in the end, what will happen to them?

No one knows, leaving them just silent.

All souls are quiet.

But outside the world of souls, there was chaos.

Around the Spirit Valley, from time to time, there are many escape lights, and there are even more monks gathered than the opening of the spirit world.

In a few hours, the world of all souls will be closed, and the monks who enter it will be sent out. It's also a great opportunity for these monks who can't enter the world of all souls because their realm is too high.

Every time the world of ten thousand souls is closed, there are such monks who buy spiritual materials on the spot, and the price is extremely high, which is hard to refuse.

So there are many monks who have gained something here!

Many friars were waiting outside the valley full of expectation, but some of them were very angry.

There are dozens of people gathered in the magic weapon of the main hall of the temple of light. The six elders who were in charge before are also among them, but now he can only stand on the ground.

Sitting on the jade chair is an old man with a white beard. At this time, the ground is full of broken pieces of jade slips, all of which are gray.

It's the spirit cards of the disciples who died in the world of souls.

"There's no one left. They're all dead in it. This is a great disgrace to the temple of heaven. We must investigate it and find out the truth. This revenge will be avenged! " The old man with white beard angrily threw a very delicate teapot on the stone table on the ground.

"Yes, elder, this situation is unexpected. Although we don't know the situation of other forces, we will find out! The disciples who dare to calculate the temple of heaven are beating us elders in the face. " Next to a woman wearing a red dress is also ugly face said.

"No matter who did it, we must get this place back!" The old man with white beard snorted heavily. He got up and left his seat and went out of the hall. The rest of the people followed him and came out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!