Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 908

Similar to the situation of the temple of light, it's happening everywhere in the Spirit Valley.

It's a very serious matter for every sect and family that all the disciples who enter the world of all souls fall.

Because of their own considerations, they blocked their own news and made various preparations for the things they didn't take over.

"The last big war should start soon. At present, there are still 55 disciples alive. How many of them will survive?"

In a magic cave, more than a dozen monks gathered to talk about the world of spirits. It was the old woman who was the medicine king in the temple.

If ye Tian was here, he would be surprised to find that the old man with white hair and white beard was also here.

At this time, the old man's eyes narrowed slightly, his hands twisted his beard, and said: "this time, it's too hasty to enter the world of ten thousand spirits. Many of the powerful disciples have no time to transfer over. The fighting power of the disciples entering the world is still too weak. No matter how many disciples can come out alive, they must be well protected. We can't fall short in the end. We should have enough hands now! "

Including him and the old woman, there were five monks in the spirit realm, and nearly ten elder monsters. No wonder he had such confidence.

However, the old woman shook her head slightly and said, "so far, so many disciples have survived. According to my estimation, they probably hid in a hidden place in order to protect themselves. They didn't meet the disciples of other sects, otherwise there would not be so many left. I think it's better to be prepared and buy from other sects as much as possible! "

The old man with white hair and white beard was silent for a moment. He nodded his head. He agreed with the old woman. Then he said, "we're going out now. There shouldn't be much time to close the world!"

With his words, all the people in the cave, including the old woman, went out one after another.

In the world of ten thousand spirits, ye Tian always observes the old looking Yuanying laoguai through the only three lianxinchong left behind.

He's in the teleportation zone of the spirit world, a flat valley of grass.

Some fog didn't know where it came from, covered the green grass, and gradually formed a round fog disk.

And gradually become heavy in the continuous slow rotation, the edge of the fog plate is extremely clear and clean, as if like a real plate, without any dense laxity.

And the Yuanying old monster sat cross knee in the fog, just waiting for the moment when the world of ten thousand spirits closed, and then sent out from here.

Seeing that the fog tray became heavier and heavier, and the speed of rotation began to speed up gradually, ye Tian felt that it was almost time, and asked the temple disciples to fly to the valley where the fog tray was.

They don't fly fast, and ye Tian is always paying attention to Yuanying old monster.

More than 20 miles away from the valley, he saw Yuanying old monster slowly raise his head and look at his position.

It's obvious that the other side's mind in the world of ten thousand spirits covers an area of more than 20 Li, but the strange thing is that the elder baby just looked at it and continued to lower his head without any movement. He was still meditating with his knees crossed.

Very cunning!

Ye Tian frowned and continued to fly forward.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer. Knowing the distance between the two sides, ye Tian makes a gesture to stop the disciples of the temple.

At this distance, you can also see the situation in the fog tray with the naked eye.

"Remember, wait here, everything according to the memory of the previous account!" Ye Tian said, looked at the rotation in the fog tray and sped up to fly there.

"Listen to me, if that Taoist friend doesn't support us, let's rush over and fight with that old monster!" Murong ran looked at Ye Tianyuan's back and said softly.

They all nodded in silence, their faces extremely dignified.



Si Li

When it was only three miles away from the fog tray, ye Tian stopped, motioned and released more than a hundred clematis, flying to the Yuanying old monster.

The iron line ant was very fast, and the shadow came to the man in a flash, and went straight up.

The old monster's figure suddenly rose from the ground. With a wave of his sleeve, powerful magic power broke out on his body. A circle of visible ripples of magic power spread around him, and all the more than 100 Clematis in yetian flew away, tens of feet away.

Although no Clematis died, but one by one the breath of dispirited, seems to be slightly injured.

Ye Tian's face became extremely ugly. The old monster was even more difficult than he expected. He only used these hundred wire ants to test the old monster. If these wire ants could circle with each other, he would release all the wire ants.

But in this case, no matter how many wire ants there are, they are useless. After all, these spiritual pets are only four levels, which is only equivalent to the Jindan realm of the human friars, but their individual combat effectiveness can't be compared with that of the Jindan realm friars.

At this time, he thought of a move, the wire ants will be recalled, but it is obvious that the injured wire ants, much slower than before.In this case, Murong Yan, Xu Xiao and others in the rear looked at each other in despair. They all knew the power of the wire ant.

Even the terrible tiexian ants are vulnerable. If they go up, they will all be killed. No wonder thousands of monks who enter the world of spirits, except themselves, have not survived!

In sight, the rotation speed of the fog disk is gradually speeding up, and the curve of deformation has begun to appear in the middle. It is estimated that it will soon become a fog vortex. At that time, the time of sealing the boundary will come, and the people who can enter the vortex will be spread out, and those who can't will stay in the realm forever.

It seems that the old monster is sure that he will take risks in the past. He has never stepped out of the fog tray.

Ye tianlue pondered, gritted his teeth and continued to fly to the fog tray. His mind had secretly locked the ghost mask in Xumi precepts.

"Whoosh!" The old monster suddenly stretched out his hand for a while, and a terrible wind blade shot at him. The speed was almost blinking.

Ye Tian's figure flashed and avoided.

If he hadn't been on guard, I'm afraid only this blade would have killed him.

"Son of a bitch!"

It seems that the old monster is furious with the wind blade's blunder, and his figure flashes. He shoots at Ye Tian at an incredible speed.

"It's time to show real skill!"

As soon as ye Tian gritted his teeth, his figure flashed back. In a flash, he took out the mask and took it to his face.

"Ah! No However, the old monster, who had been near in that instant, suddenly seemed to cry out in great fear, and his body expanded rapidly.

Ye Tian's heart is different, and he flies backward as fast as he can. Just after escaping a hundred feet, the monk's body expands to the extreme, making a loud bang, and the flesh and blood splashes all over the sky.


Ye Tian looks at the ghost mask in his hand, and is stunned in a moment. Obviously, all the sudden changes are due to the appearance of the ghost mask.

The old man blew himself up.

It's weird. It's dead before you put it on your face?

Ye Tian put the mask away again in a flash.

"Eh!" All of a sudden, ye Tian's nose twitched and his face suddenly changed. When the old monster existed, he didn't feel anything. At this time, he smelled a strong dark breath.

Blood, darkness, decay, evil.

This old monster is actually the dark friar. No wonder he used the spirit.

No, it should be controlled by the dark side, and this grimace mask is just forbidden in his body!

It's all untied.

That should be the reason!

Besides, there is no other possibility!

Ye Tian's heart suddenly brightened. He waved back and exclaimed, "come here!"

However, he quickly took the injured ants back to Xumi ring, and then flew to a certain place with a flash of his body. With a gesture, he waved a piece of Xumi ring scattered on the ground in his hand.

It's the Xumi commandment worn by Yuanying laoguai.

Ye Tian quickly imprints his brand, and his mind penetrates into it. He finds that there are not many things belonging to the old monster, but there are all kinds of Xumi commandments.

"This should be the spoils of the old monster's killing in the world of souls!"

Ye Tian put it away happily.

At this time, Murong Yan and many Temple disciples had already flown to the front.

"Daoyou, how did you kill the old monster?" Murong Yan was so excited at this time that she could not help asking as soon as she came near.

"It's not appropriate to say more here. If you go to the transmission area first, it's too unfair to delay the transmission if you go late." Ye TianChao has gradually formed a whirlpool of fog disk, quietly put away the last three lianxinchong, the first to fly into it.

The rest of the people followed, the whirlpool spinning faster and faster, a moment of white light, people go to the mountain sky. , the fastest update of the webnovel!