Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 906

From the ground to the ground, the space created by Ye Tian's Dayin Banxian ware is about seven or eight hundred meters away.

Because it was very spacious, more than 50 Temple disciples didn't feel crowded inside.

When ye Tian fell to the ground, Murong Yan and other temple disciples were waiting for him.

"Follow me!"

Ye Tian just said, his body flashed, and he continued to run down quickly. This distance is not safe, and it is not beyond the scope of the spirit exploration of the Yuanying old monster.

He continued to escape to a depth of more than ten miles. When he was already deep underground, he stopped and offered a large seal Banxian ware to enlarge the seal, creating a space of about ten feet.

The world of ten thousand spirits has suppressed the divine thoughts severely. This distance should be safe enough. I'm afraid that Yuanying old monster can't find it even after checking it.

"Taoist friends, please rest here and try your best to recover your mana. It should be very safe here." Put away the seal, ye Tian said to the people who came in later.

"Yes, yes, Daoyou. Is it really safe here? That old baby won't find us, will it? Since we can hide underground, we don't have to escape for so long before, do we? " Murong Yan looked around and asked in a puzzled way.

"Well, I'll explain it to you, lest you don't understand."

Ye Tiansuan knows that this nun has the character of breaking through the casserole and asking to the end. He just wants to make things clear so that everyone can have a bottom in their hearts. At least she can reflect the value of her existence, right?

"The reason why we were on the run all the way before was that the old monster's position never gave us a chance to get here. If we came directly, we would have been found out a long time ago."

"There's a miasma in the woods, which will make the elder ignore it. Before, when he passed here, he also made a survey and even entered the cave. Of course, he got nothing. Psychologically, he won't come back here. "

"But in other places, if tudun goes underground, it will leave traces of tudun. The Yuanying old monster attaches great importance to a little traces of human appearance. Once there was a monk who was tudun at the bottom of the lake, he found him out. Do you think there is a better place to go?"

"It turns out that you are so thoughtful that you can think of such a good way. What about the rest? How do you get out of the world? " Murong Yan looked at Ye Tian with adoration, but still asked one question after another.

"I have my own plan for going out. However, time is tight. We'd better cherish this time and get back to the peak as soon as possible. Otherwise, it would be a good place to be buried here!"

Ye Tian didn't answer Murong Yan's question. After saying this, he said to Murong Yan, "I'll have a rest elsewhere. Don't look for me. When it's time to come back, I'll come back naturally."

Then, without waiting for Murong Yan's reply, ye Tian once again tried to escape in a direction parallel to this space.

After seven or eight hundred meters away from the space, ye Tian continued to build a new space here, and then took out the space-time tower.

After a brief chat with Qin Luoshen, he sat down on his knees and continued to refine the power of the pill. Although he reached the peak of the sea view, the power of the pill has not been fully refined, and has not reached the maximum auxiliary effect of the pill.

A few hours later, the violent mana in his body was finally channeled to normal, and the next refining was much easier.

Taking pills to practice, the most taboo midway to disturb, and before ye Tian is always in the state of being disturbed.

However, there is really no way to leave their own time is not much.

The three five elixirs refined before have been used up. If you take them again, you will not be able to break through the Longmen realm in a short time. In terms of your own skills, the only thing you can do now is to refine the elixirs you have taken, so as to improve your strength.

But in terms of external forces, there should be a lot of room.

After finishing his self-cultivation, ye Tian takes out the spirit beast ring from the insect Valley in southern Yunnan.

With the breakthrough to the peak of sea view, his power of mind has greatly increased, but this is not the most important.

There is a bigger surprise that he never thought of, but it has nothing to do with breakthrough.

After taking the eight grade Huitian pill refined for ningyao, ye Tian found that this kind of Huitian pill was also of great benefit to himself, although all the medicinal power was integrated into the Lingzhong of ningyao.

Under the action of Dan medicine, the power of divine thoughts keeps growing and never stops.

Perhaps it is the reason why Ning Yao's spirit is planted in his body and integrated with himself!

This kind of feedback is unexpected, but it brings him endless benefits.

At this time, ye Tian estimated that his soul power had reached the peak strength of Longmen realm by virtue of his previous experience as emperor Dan.

This is absolutely a sensational thing for those who are just entering the peak of sea view.

Moreover, the power of his mind continues to grow. As for the extent to which he can grow under the impetus of the eight grade Huitian pill, ye Tian has no way to judge.After all, in his previous life, he had never taken eight kinds of Huitian pills, or even seen wulinghua.

There are many things we can do.

For example, now, ye Tian takes out an iron line ant from the spirit beast ring who failed to recognize the LORD before.

As soon as the white light of the little mirror's spirit tool shines, when its body is slightly stiff, the mind comes into its mind.

This one is stronger than any one ye Tian had taken before. It should be close to the middle of the fourth order.

Strength is not only reflected in body shape and breath, but also in soul power.

In the past, ye Tian couldn't make his mark in this kind of existence. At this time, it seems that although it's hard to do everything, it's no longer as helpless as before.

Five or six minutes later, ye Tian took a long breath and let go of the ant.

With the divine idea issued a command, this tiexian ant did it right, which means that it has been completely accepted by Ye Tian.


Leaf day no longer delay time, and took out a wire ant, began to busy.

Ye Tian didn't give the new master the elixir of promoting cultivation to him. Once he took it, he would probably go into hibernation, and ye Tian would not be able to use it.

There has been a lesson before.

Now, although the Clematis ants who take pills have woken up, the power of pills has not been fully refined, and pharmacology is still catalyzing their evolution.

It's just that the speed of evolution is no longer advancing by leaps and bounds. It's like a trickle of water grinding.

As time goes by, ye Tian is constantly carrying out the idea of recognizing the Lord.

More and more Clematis are captured by him and become a member of the Zerg army.

Ye Tian doesn't dare to slack off. The strength of the old devil in yuanyingjing is too terrible. He can only increase some cards as much as possible. As for whether these iron line ants can defeat the old devil, ye Tian is not very optimistic.

After all, the other side's cultivation is too terrible.

At the beginning, ye Tian was reluctant to brand his mind in tiexian ant's mind, but as time went on, his mind became more and more powerful under the influence of bapin Huitian pill.

The process of identifying the owner was shortened, and the speed of taking out the ant was gradually accelerated.

But on the other hand, as the weaker ones are taken away, the process of identifying the stronger ones becomes more difficult.

Even so, the number of the army is still growing.

One hundred

Two hundred

Five hundred

A thousand

Until 1132 Clematis were identified, ye Tian could not continue to brand the weakest Clematis.

Because any of the remaining Clematis are stronger than those who have recognized the Lord.

Maybe it will be OK after a while, but now ye Tian can't wait.

The lianxinchong left at the entrance of the space where the temple disciples are located has been passed back to the picture, and the temple disciples have all stood up from recuperation.

Murong Yan is holding a piece of white cloth with her own writing, showing it around, just like meeting someone at the railway station.

Ye Tian saw the words on it: urgent call for Taoist friends.

This girl really has some ideas!

Ye Tian's lips curl. He is sure that Murong Yan doesn't find the existence of lianxinchong. She overestimates herself by doing so.

It's also true that you can see things thousands of miles away. It seems that it's not unacceptable to see her doing this in space!

Thinking about this, ye Tian collects his things, greets Qin Luoshen, and escapes to Murong Yan's space. , the fastest update of the webnovel!