Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 875

Ye Tian's action is flowing, without a trace of stagnation. The more precious it is, the more accurate it needs to grasp the fire temperature, so that it can fully stimulate the efficacy at the right time and contain it in the pill.

The first batch is to refine the elixir to dispel the cold for the girl, because it is temporarily configured according to the spirit material. This elixir has no name, or has never appeared before.

And ye Tian is sure that this kind of elixir, which is made by himself, can definitely dispel the chill that has penetrated into the girl's whole body in the past year.

This kind of pill does not need how high grade, as long as the proper prescription, moderate heat, you can achieve the goal.

Therefore, from the very beginning, ye Tian was not ready to refine eight grade pills. Once this grade pills came out, he might shock the whole square inch spirit realm. This was not what he wanted to see when he was so weak.

More than two hours later, the Dan stove made a loud and clear sound, and the fragrance of Dan overflowed. Ye Tian opened the lid of the stove and made a move to the stove. A light red round Dan medicine appeared in Ye Tian's hand.

"Master, the fairy took this pill, and the cold in his body could be completely dispelled!" Ye Tian handed the pill to the woman in the palace costume and said.

"Good! I'll go now! "

The woman in Imperial costume took the pill and looked at it carefully. She left the fire room with two maids.

"Taoist friend, I think you're quite familiar with the way you make pills. Actually, I'm also keen on pills. I was lucky enough to have seen the alchemy of emperor Ye Tian in Jinding peak of Qingming blessed land many years ago, and the way is similar to you just now. What is the relationship between Daoyou and Qingming

After everyone left, the old woman went to Ye Tian and looked at him and asked.

"I was taught by a senior occasionally, and I had nothing to do with Qingming blessed land. When Qingming blessed land was lost, I was still a child!" Ye Tian gently shakes his head and says that he can't even admit it.

"Maybe that elder has something to do with Qingming blessed land? Ha ha, I really can't believe that you have reached such a high level of Dan Dao attainments at a young age. If it wasn't for your 20-year-old bone age and no sign of giving up, I would have doubted that you were the rebirth of yedandi! It can only show that you are a genius. I'm afraid only the emperor of Dan can compare with you in those days for your strong understanding of the way of Dan The old woman chuckled and shook her head.

Ye Tian just smiles and doesn't say much. Then he sits down with his knees crossed and begins to regulate the mana in his body.

After a while, the woman in Imperial costume took two maids to the basement fire room again. This time, she was full of joy and smile.

"Daoyou, the little girl's chill has been relieved, but she is still in amnesia."

"That younger generation begins to refine the elixir to restore memory!" Ye Tian didn't say much, so he got up and came to the Dan stove and continued to refine Dan medicine.

Two hours later, a crystal clear white pill was sent to the woman in the palace.

The woman in Imperial costume left the fire room with pills again.

Ye Tian was invited to the hall by the old woman. The maid served the spirit tea. Ye Tian sat down and waited. At this time, ye Tiancai had the right to sit down here.

This time, the women in Imperial costume entered the bedroom for a long time, and the door didn't open until more than two hours later.

From the room out, in addition to the palace dress woman, but also the amnesia of the girl. At this time, she had finished dressing up and changed into a new dress. She was beautiful and beautiful. Her eyes were smart and she walked step by step. She felt like she was floating out of the dust.

"Yi'er, it's this Taoist friend who dispels your worries, helps you get rid of the cold, and helps you recover your memory!" The lady in palace dress is light footed and pulls the girl in white to Ye Tian.

"Thank you for saving my life!" The girl in white put her hands together and bowed to Ye Tian, but a pair of beautiful eyes secretly took a look at Ye Tian.

After a simple thank-you, accompanied by the maid, the girl left the hall and went back to her room to have a rest. When entering the room, he turned his head and looked at Ye Tian, and gave him a smile.

Ye Tianwei is sitting, nodding slightly, which can be regarded as a response.

Seeing her daughter disappear at the door, the woman in Imperial costume turns her head and looks at Ye Tian: "Xiaoyou not only treats her according to the task, but also expels the cold in excess, which solves her amnesia. I don't know what you want. Within my ability, I will try my best to satisfy you. "

Ye Tian had already thought about his words, and then he said, "I'm on the road of cultivation, but I want to enter the country. All I need is spiritual talents."

"Well, if you need any spiritual material, just open your mouth and take it as long as you have it in the jade slips list. If it's not on the list, I'll try my best to get it. " The woman in Imperial costume agreed.

It seems that the woman in the palace dress is very generous. Ye Tian doesn't know whether she is sincere or not. No matter what, ye Tian still goes on according to his plan. He asks the woman in the palace dress for a blank jade slip, records it for five or six minutes, and then says: "the spiritual materials in the list are too precious, and the younger generation can't use them at the moment, so they don't want to be loved. All the spiritual materials you need are recorded in the jade slips. Please have a look. If you think the younger generation wants too much, you can use Lingyu to buy more than that. "With these words, he handed over the jade slips.

The woman in the Palace Dress glanced at the jade slip and had finished reading all the contents. Then, with a flick of her hand, the jade slip flew to the old woman.

Although Ye Tian didn't ask for those rare spiritual materials, it doesn't mean that he didn't have a lion to open his mouth. Although the Dan materials recorded in the jade slips are not rare, they are of great quantity and variety, and their total value is immeasurable.

Ye Tian wrote all the spiritual materials needed to cultivate from the sea view realm to the golden elixir realm on it. If ye Tian had these spiritual materials, he would have enough assurance to gather Yuanying all the way to Yuanying realm.

After reading the contents of the jade slips, the old woman took a deep look at Ye Tian and began to communicate with the women in palace dress.

While talking, the woman nodded, and occasionally returned to the old woman.

Soon after the exchange, the woman in the Palace Dress turned to Ye Tian and said, "little female life is the most precious treasure in the world, which can't be replaced. Today, Xiaoyou saved her life and completely removed her hidden danger. It's not too much to repay her with anything. It's just that you can't get all the spiritual materials you need. You need to get them through various ways. Recently, the world of souls is about to open. When it closes, you can collect some. Two months later, there will be a fair in Heifeng City, and we can get something

"Besides, I'll let people buy it everywhere for two and a half months. Xiaoyou also knows that the number of monks in Guanhai realm, Longmen realm and Jindan realm is very large, and the consumption of spiritual materials is a huge number. The number of Xiaoyou is not small. Two and a half months is the limit. If I can't make it up by then, I'm willing to make up for you with other treasures. How about that? "

Seeing ye Tian's silence, the lady in Imperial costume continued to explain.

Ye Tian understood what the women in palace clothes said. After all, he also learned about the basic situation of lingcai in various cities these days, and he didn't expect to get these lingcai immediately.

The reason why he didn't speak was that he was thinking about what the palace dress woman said about the world of souls.

As emperor Dan of the square inch spirit realm, ye Tian must know something about the world of ten thousand spirits. It's a vast and magical space, which will be opened every other Jia Zi.

It has a huge space and rich aura. If you enter it, you have a great chance to find precious spiritual materials. If you are lucky enough, you may find the natural materials and local treasures against the heaven.

However, in the process of entering the world of ten thousand spirits, the higher the realm of the monk, the more powerful he is under the suppression of the world of ten thousand spirits. As a great monk who has reached the realm of jade, ye Tian has no chance to enter it.

However, many of the spirit materials he used for alchemy came from the world of spirits.

Unexpectedly, I had such a chance to catch up with the world of all souls!

"little friend, I don't know how good it is?" Seeing that ye Tian didn't respond, the woman in Imperial costume took a look at the old woman and asked again.

"Oh, two and a half months. I'm sorry to trouble you, master!" Ye Tian then came back to his senses and answered. , the fastest update of the webnovel!