Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 876

The lady in Imperial costume waved her hand gracefully and said with a smile, "you're welcome. If there's nothing else, I'll wait here for two and a half months. What's more, I have a heartless request. My little girl's cultivation has been delayed for a year. She also needs some pills to speed up her cultivation. When the spiritual materials are ready, I have to trouble my little friend to refine a few furnaces of pills. "

Ye Tian left his seat and said with a smile: "it's easy to talk about alchemy, but I still have some things to do at this time. After two and a half months, I will follow the arrangement of my predecessors."

After listening to Ye Tian's words, the lady in Imperial costume pondered: "OK, I'll see you later. Take these two things... "

While speaking, he took out two talismans and handed them to Ye Tian.

"This is a talisman, which can resist the attack of the monk in Yuanying realm after being aroused. This is a message talisman. After being aroused, I will naturally know that you are in danger and will appear to help. The square inch spirit realm is very chaotic now. If the messenger is activated, I will bring you back here directly. You will not be allowed to leave unless it expires in two and a half months. Use it carefully! If you are not in danger, you can activate this sign in two and a half months, and I will send someone to pick you up. "

Ye Tian took the two talismans and said thank you. Then the old woman took him away from here and went back to the main hall where he first saw the woman in Imperial costume through the teleportation field.

At this time, the old man with white hair and white beard is still waiting in the hall. When he sees Ye Tian, he again uses a blind trick and leaves here with him.

He was still riding on the sixth level giant eagle. He didn't know how far he had flown. Ye Tiancai felt that his eyes were bright, and the blindfold was removed.

"Farewell here, young man!" The old man with white hair and white beard sat beside Ye Tian with his knees crossed and said.

"Thank you, master!" Ye Tian said thanks, released a common flying sword, stepped on it, left the back of the carving and fell down.

With a clear cry, the giant eagle circled in the air and disappeared in a moment.

Below, is a continuous mountain range, can't see the edge at a glance.

Ye Tian falls to a mountain peak and sits down with his knees crossed. It seems that he is closing his eyes. In fact, he is paying attention to several pictures in his mind.

Since landing, ye Tian has released five lianxinchong, responsible for outside information.

At this time, there were five pictures in his mind, two of which he was most concerned about.

One is the sky above the city, with a panoramic view of many tall buildings and halls. Then the picture gradually shifts to the outside of the city gate. Ye Tian looked at the three big words "Juye city" written on the gate, and was slightly distracted.

This is the city where the old man with white hair and white beard brought himself in and then just left. Unexpectedly, it was Juye city.

Ye Tian has been to this city before, and he has worked with Ning Yao to treat the patients here. This city is no stranger.

Juye city is a big city in Fangcun Lingyu, which is enough to rank in the top 20 of all cities, and its position is extremely special.

Another scene he paid special attention to was the boundless mountains, towering and magnificent.

It turned out to be dangshenshan!

After seeing the panorama of the mountain, ye Tian's face showed the color of meditation.

After being sent out from the giant Leaf City transmission field, it entered the foot of Dangshen mountain. Because you can communicate with lianxinchong with your mind, you can find lianxinchong where you are, even if ye Tian doesn't know where he is.

So, lianxinchong followed his own mind to dangshenshan.

Dangshen mountain is hundreds of miles away from Juye city. There is a small sect named liuyunzong on the mountain. Ye Tian heard about it before. The reason why it is a small clan is that it is certain that the patriarch did not enter into the realm of God. At most, he is a monk in yuanyingjing. If you can enter the realm of Huashen, you will be among the middle schools.

It's kind of interesting

I'm afraid the people of liuyunzong didn't expect that there were underground palaces at the foot of Dangshen mountain. Or, what is the connection between the two!

At least, when he was Emperor Dan, ye Tian didn't know the existence of the palace dress woman, and he didn't know the secret of Dangshen mountain.

The only thing he could be sure of was that the white haired old man or the lady in the palace dress did not know the existence of the heartworm.

Ye Tian did not call back lianxinchong and let them stay near Juye city and dangshen mountain.

The other three pictures are nothing strange, but they are the back hand reserved by Ye Tian. After seeing them, ye Tian sends out a wisp of divine thoughts and lets a heartworm fly to the valley of ten thousand souls.

This heartworm is the closest one to the valley, and the entrance to the world is in the valley.

After that, ye Tian didn't spend too much time at the top of the mountain. He fell into the mountain and found a quiet and secret place to prepare for entering the Spirit Valley.

Put several kinds of spirit insects in the spirit beast bag into the spirit beast ring. The spirit beast ring is worn on the wrist, and the sleeve covers the spirit beast ring below.

Then he trembled and turned into a middle-aged monk with a yellow face. After checking, he found no loopholes. Then he flew to the direction of the Wuling valley.

Five days later, outside the valley of souls.

Thousands of monks have gathered in this magical Valley in the vast mountains.The world of ten thousand spirits is opened every 60 years. Every time it is opened, it will become a grand event in the spirit realm. All the monks who have the ability to enter the world of ten thousand spirits want to have a look here.

However, the most dangerous is the world of ten thousand spirits. Every time the world of ten thousand spirits opens, no matter how many monks enter, the number of people who can get out of the valley alive will not exceed 30%.

Some monks died in all kinds of accidents in the world of souls, and some monks died in the plunder between each other.

I don't know from which time the world of ten thousand spirits was opened, an unwritten rule was formed. In the world of ten thousand spirits, everyone depended on his ability. The strong would plunder, and the weak would only be oppressed.

As long as you are strong enough, you can do whatever you want in it.

In fact, this is not only true in the spirit world, but also everywhere in the square inch spirit world. It's just that the spirit world is more undisguised and more fruity.

Ye Tian's flying sword slowly landed on a mountain five or six miles away from the Spirit Valley. At this time, there were hundreds of monks on the mountain.

Everyone's attention is focused on a huge cloud vortex in the valley. The vortex is tens of feet in size. The clouds surge and form a cyclone.

This is the entrance to the world of souls.

Ye Tian looked around, looking at the sea of people in the valley, his expression was extremely insipid.

"Daoyou, how many days has wanlinggu been open?" After a while, ye Tian takes a look at a middle-aged Friar and asks.

"Today is the second day, and thousands of monks have entered it. However, if we enter into such a state, we will die, even if we have a look! " That monk is also a sea view cultivation, looked at Ye Tian, light said, he also felt the realm of Ye Tian.

Ye Tian nodded and said thanks. He didn't rush into the whirlpool, but was ready to wait and see for a while.

At this time, in the huge cloud whirlpool, suddenly a dark shadow flashed, from which a person flew out and fell in front of the valley.

It caused a commotion in the valley.

This distance, with Ye Tian's naked eye has been able to see the situation there.

On the ground was a middle-aged monk with black beard. His clothes were ragged, his hair was in disorder, and his whole body was in pieces. He had become a corpse.

"This is the scattered cultivation of Jindan realm. He also wants to go in and try his luck. Unfortunately, he underestimates the crushing power of Wanling valley. The higher the realm is, the greater the crushing power is. He can't bear it any more. Now, he didn't get the chance, but fell here! Even one's own wealth has become another's! " Just now the friar looked at the direction of the valley mouth and introduced to Ye Tian.

At this time, someone has gone over and put away the monk's Xumi commandment. Ye Tian has a look at it. The old man who received Xumi commandment actually has the practice of transforming the divine realm.

Looking at his face, he turned out to be one of the three evils of Loushan.

Loushan's three evils are notorious in Fangcun's spiritual realm. They not only have high accomplishments, but also have no bottom line. They can be said to do all kinds of evils. They can even do things that need to be done to rob the dead in public.

There may be some people who want to do this, but others may have to be hypocritical, or they may have to take some face into consideration, but this yuwende is not even willing to cover up.

"Before, there was a monk in the golden elixir realm who tried to enter the world of ten thousand spirits, which was the same end. I don't know how. This time, the world of ten thousand spirits opened, and the pressure on the monks in the high realm was extraordinary." The middle-aged monk sighed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!