Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 874


The pretty girl looked at the woman in the Palace Dress with a dazed expression on her face. She seemed to be trying to recall it, but she couldn't remember it at all.

Just keep fighting the cold war, repeatedly repeating a word "Niang" with an interrogative tone.

"Yi Er Yi Er You don't know my mother? You really don't know my mother? " The face of the woman in Imperial costume changed greatly, and she kept shaking. The beautiful girl asked.

The girl's brow is locked, looking at the women in palace dress, always confused and at a loss.

"Yi Er..." In the end, the woman in the Palace Dress gave a long cry, holding the girl in her arms and saying nothing for a long time.

"Follow me!" Suddenly, she thought of looking at Ye Tian like something. Then she came out of the stone room with a beautiful girl in her arms, crossed the bluestone passage, and entered the luxurious hall at the beginning.

Open a door and enter the bedroom inside.

The woman in Palace Dress put the girl on the comfortable and soft couch, then put her hand on the girl, and put the soft and warm magic into her body. Half an hour later, the look on the woman's face became more and more dignified, and finally stopped with a sigh.

Gently cover the quilt, she left the room to go back to the main hall, anxiously walked to Ye Tian, said: "Xiaoyou, all the complaints of Yi'er have disappeared, people are quiet. The resentment was relieved, but how could she still lose her memory? What's more, it seems that the chill on her body can't be completely dispelled. Does Xiaoyou have a way? "

Ye Tian nodded his head and said, "first of all, I'll start with the cold. It's said that the seven grade Huiyang pill prepared by the elder can completely dispel the cold within three months of freezing. Just didn't expect at the beginning, need ice so long, so that the effect of Dan medicine can't completely dispel cold. Only one eight grade Huiyang pill is needed to solve the problem of cold, without any future trouble. "

After listening to Ye Tian's words, the woman in Imperial costume took a surprised look at Ye Tian and then said, "just as Xiao you said, she was really preparing to relieve Yi'er's resentment in three months, so she prepared the seven grade Huiyang pill. However, after three months, I have already started to find the alchemist to refine the eighth grade Huiyang pill. But the alchemist, Huiyang pill, failed to refine, but I don't have the spirit material to refine Huiyang pill again. At present, I'm sending people to look around for it, but I haven't found it yet. Is there no other way except for the eight grade Huiyang pill? "

The lady in Imperial costume said something and looked at Ye Tian hopefully. Maybe in her heart, this is the last straw to save her life!

After pondering, ye Tian said: "it's easy to say that amnesia can be restored day by day, and it doesn't hurt the fairy's body. But the cold doesn't understand. I'm afraid that the fairy will suffer irreversible damage. The longer the delay, the worse the situation. It's true that there is no way out, but it also needs precious spiritual materials. How about this? It's better early than late to relieve the poison of cold. I'd like to tell you what kind of spiritual material you have here, and see if you can choose some of them and make some pills to relieve cold! "

"Can you refine pills?" The palace dress woman was stunned when she heard the words. Her original intention was that the pills had already been counted on. Let's see if ye Tian could relieve her daughter's cold in other ways. But now ye Tian wants to refine the pills.

You know, the master of Dan Dao she is looking for is also a famous master of Dan Dao in Fangcun spirit realm. He still can't produce eight kinds of Dan medicine, just because he is a monk in his twenties watching the sea?

Being able to know the types of lingcai is not equal to being able to refine high-grade pills. This is totally different!

For ye Tian, this is a trade, and the main reason for him to save people is to get the maximum benefit in this trade. If the girl can be completely saved, he will undoubtedly have more chips in his hands.

Moreover, the most important point is that ye Tian wants to see what kind of talent the women in the palace clothes have in their hands, and then he can ask for the right reward.

Now hear the palace dress woman ask, ye Tian just slightly nodded: "can refine! What's more, the reason why the fairy lost his memory was that the resentment was too deep and caused damage to Shenhai. The younger generation can also see whether they can refine pills to restore Shenhai according to the existing spiritual materials. "

"OK, little friend, just a moment."

As soon as the woman in the Palace Dress pondered a little, she said to Ye Tian. Then she took out a talisman and pinched it in her hand for a moment. With a gesture, the talisman burned and turned to ashes.


Ye Tian doesn't pay much attention to it. It's a kind of communication tool in Fangcun Lingyu. It's expensive and can't be used by ordinary people.

But a friar who is above the realm of jade and Pu doesn't need to make a fuss when he uses this amulet.

About half an hour later, the old woman who had seen her before came into the room and gave her a jade slip. After thinking about it, the woman also took out a jade slip, burned it and sent it to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian quickly finished reading the contents of the two jade slips and bowed his head.

There are more than 100 kinds of spirit materials listed on these two jade slips. According to their properties, they are more than enough for refining pills to relieve the girl's cold and repair Shenhai.It's just that it's not suitable to use it to refine the elixir to help you cultivate.

It's not that the quality of these spiritual materials is too low, but that they are too high. If the elixir for the monks of guanhaijing is refined with the rare spiritual materials listed in the jade slips, it will have the opposite effect because of its strong medicinal properties.

However, although I can't use these precious spiritual materials now, I'm sure they will be useful. The day I get them will be of great use to me.

"How about Xiaoyou? Are there any useful talents Seeing that ye Tianhao didn't speak for a long time, the woman in Imperial costume finally asked in a low voice.

Ye Tian nodded slightly: "you can use it. I just want to know how to make the best pill for the fairy, but now I have chosen it."

Finish saying, ye Tian wants to come over a blank jade slip, the spirit material that refines two kinds of Dan Yao is recorded above, handed over to maid.

The maid took a deep look at Ye Tian, with a spring breeze like smile on her face. She turned around and handed the jade slip to the woman in palace dress.

Do you like me?

Ye Tian a Leng, this woman is to see oneself grow too handsome?

The maid went back to the woman in Imperial costume and looked at Ye Tian.

Ye Tian doesn't pay attention to it any more. He just stands there and waits. When the woman in the palace dress looks at the contents of the jade slips, he takes out six exquisite jade boxes from his Xumi commandment.

Then he crossed out the spirit materials that had been taken out of the jade slips and gave them to the old woman: "prepare these spirit materials!"

According to the list on the jade slips, the old woman took out more than 20 jade boxes and put them on the table.

"Xiaoyou, do you need to use ground fire? There is one here. Although I have a master of alchemy here, it's not a good climate. There are all kinds of alchemy utensils. " The woman in Imperial costume said at this time.

Ye Tian didn't want to expose his samadhi fire. Now it has been integrated with his original spirit fire. It's easy to attract people's attention to use this fire for alchemy.

In Fangcun Lingyu, ye Tian just wants to keep a low profile. Now he needs alchemy. He can't keep a low profile. He can only try not to keep a high profile.

When the lady in Imperial costume said this, she was in the heart of the world and immediately agreed.

When the maid saw that the spirit material had been collected, she led the way ahead. The lady in Imperial costume and the old woman, together with another maid, followed Ye Tian and walked out of the hall.

Seven turns, eight turns, into a hot underground fire chamber.

The level and facilities of the ground fire here are much better than those of the earth's Qiyunshan Mojia and Mindong Qijia. Ye Tian simply adjusted the fire to the best state.

Then began to take out the spirit wood, one by one put in order, with the fire room inside the water one by one cleaning spirit wood.

When ye Tian was busy, the old woman nodded to the palace dress woman imperceptibly, and then they said a few words by voice, which made the appearance of the palace dress woman obviously easier.

After everything is ready, ye Tian uses one of the highest grade Dan furnaces here to start alchemy.

He knew that the women in palace costume must watch themselves make pills. It's good that they don't disturb themselves. After all, the girl is the daughter of the woman in palace costume. She can rest assured only when she sees Dan Cheng with her own eyes.

As for other people's worry about their greedy spirit material, ye Tian is not good to speculate without authorization. , the fastest update of the webnovel!