Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 866

Qin Luoshen is silent and smiles.

She is her, I am me, I can't replace that person after all, maybe he cares about himself just because he has her shadow.

But, so what?

Meeting is enough!

There was a breeze, and they walked silently through the bamboo forest side by side, speechless, only the grass at their feet was rustling.

Ye Tian occasionally looks at the figure next to him. It seems that time goes back and goes back to those years.

"You've been very busy these days. Pay more attention to your health. Don't carry anything by yourself." For a long time, Qin Luo finally broke the silence.

Ye Tian's voice is low: "just like this, I'm still afraid I can't carry it!"

Qin Luo knows about the coming of the monk in the square inch spirit realm, but she doesn't know about the demon world and the underworld. However, the coming of the monk in the square inch spirit realm is a headache enough.

At this moment, she hates herself very much and can't help Ye Tian.

Looking at the emaciated man around her, she just silently accompanied him, and walked all the way to the edge of this small world.

Ye Tian stands at the edge, with Yuantian's eyes shining through, carefully looking at the field of the small world.

It's not the first time ye Tian has observed this field. He had seen it when he first entered here.

However, at that time, he had not met Anyuan mountain and had not received the ancient book that Anyuan mountain gave him. With his attainments in field array at that time, he just thought that this field needed to be broken.

According to his estimation, he is far from breaking through this field.

Qin Luoshen didn't disturb him. He just looked at Ye Tian quietly beside him. Occasionally, he looked at the boundary of the gray world. It was really monotonous there. There were no flowers, no grass, just the monotonous gray as before.

But ye Tian is so careful, so serious, occasionally frown slightly, occasionally meditate, occasionally look up to meditate.

Serious men are the most attractive, even Qin Luo God is willing to have such a leaf day, here, let her eyebrows shorter, dusk snow Cangshan.

There is no rising sun and setting moon in the small world.

I don't know how many times, Qin Luoshen finally saw Ye Tian show a smile, eyebrows gradually relaxed, handsome face a little more firm.

However, ye Tian didn't say much. He still looked in front of him. In Qin Luo God's seemingly ordinary field, until finally, ye Tian sat down and began to take out a Xumi ring.

Qin Luo God knows that every Xumi ring represents the fall of a powerful monk, and every Xumi ring also represents that ye Tian experienced a fight between life and death.

And the things taken out of Xumi commandment are undoubtedly Ye Tian's spoils.

"Here you are, the death talisman and the little moving talisman!" When ye Tianqing ordered, he handed him two things.

Qin Luoshen took the two things in silence. She was no stranger to them. She had them in her own Xumi commandment. They were all given to her by Ye Tian.

This sword is also for you. Ye Tian handed him a red sword, banxianbing.

Qin Luoshen also takes over. Before, ye Tian has given her a flying sword, and her level is very high. Now she receives ye Tian's gift again. She suddenly has a premonition.

"Ye Tian, where are you going?" She couldn't help asking.

"I can't find the elixir I need on the earth. If I want to go there, I can meet my needs there." Ye Tian counted the spoils and said without raising his head.

"Isn't that dangerous? Many people there want you to die. If they know you are reborn, they will try their best to destroy you again! " Qin Luo said in surprise.

Ye Tian's face is calm, and his voice doesn't have a trace of ups and downs, as if what he said is not about his life and death: "I know, but I have no other choice! I have been to almost all the places I can go on earth. I don't have time to wait any longer. If I go, I may die, but in this way, on earth, I will die. Not only I will die, but many people on earth will die. There is no escape! "

Qin Luo God sees Ye Tian's determination and knows that he won't change his mind any more. It's useless to persuade him.

Born as a man, do something, do nothing, need to do their own, even life and death, have no time to take care of!

This is what ye Tian once said to Ning Yao. It is so clear in Qin Luo's mind at this time.

Since it can't be changed

Qin Luoshen looked at Ye Tian stubbornly: "Ye Tian, wherever you go, take me with you. Even if you die, I will die with you!"

Ye Tian stops his action and turns to look at Qin Luoshen. When he meets the firm eyes of this beautiful woman, he wants to say something, but he doesn't say it at last.

All the persuasion seems meaningless.

Should she be advised of the danger? It's no use. She said she'd die with her!

Is she a burden? It's no use, because she will say, she will always be in the time tower!"OK, I'll take you with me!" Finally, ye Tian only said this sentence.

Qin Luoshen is happy, but she doesn't accompany Ye Tian any more. Instead, she goes into the time and Space Tower and continues to practice. She is eager to become stronger and help Ye Tian. Although this process takes a long time, she won't give up her efforts bit by bit.

Ye Tian continues to clean up the spoils. What he needs most is the spirit material and elixir, but these two things are very limited, and ye Tian is helpless.

The quality of the pills seized is very low, which is far from meeting their own needs. The same is true for lingcai, a few of which are unable to support their own alchemy.

Fortunately, there are a lot of Lingyu, some semi magic weapons and magic weapons.

Put everything together, ye Tian took out the elixir, and the elixir from Xumi commandment, which was picked from Chonggu, and began to refine the elixir.

More than an hour later, two pieces of wupindan appeared in Ye Tian's hands.

It's made for the Dragon demon. In addition to the alchemist's attainments, the grade of the elixir also depends on the type of elixir and the spirit material needed.

Without strong Dan effect, it is impossible to reach too high level.

Just like these two cultivation pills for the fourth level spirit beast, the highest level is five grades.

Put away the pills, took out all the one yuan heavy water and the big seal half immortal soldier.

The original spirit fire and samadhi fire, which have been restored, are called out by Ye Tian. Under the refining of the fire, one yuan heavy water and big seal gradually change color.

At a certain moment, ye Tian yelled: "Rong!"

One yuan of heavy water turns into black steam and melts into the seal. The weight of this half immortal soldier is constantly sinking.

Until the last moment, all the heavy water of one yuan was absorbed by Da Yin, without any waste. Ye Tian then hit Da Yin with a magic power, reduced it to the size of a thumb cap, put it into the Dan field, and began to sacrifice.

After all this, ye Tian looked at the field around xiaotiandi again and left here from the space channel.

Two days later, ye Tian appeared over the Tianchi Lake in Changbai Mountain.

From the surface, there is no change here. It is still a pool of water in tile blue, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds.

A moment later, the pool water turned out a huge spray, and the Dragon demon turned into a human figure came out of the water.

"God, is there any good thing to find me?"

The voice of the Dragon demon is loud and clear, and ye Tian glances at the Dragon demon, showing a trace of surprise on his face. On that day, when they separated from the Dragon demon, the realm of the Dragon demon was still at the top of the third level, which had not been seen for a long time, and had entered the fourth level.

"Ha ha, I've said for a long time that I'm repairing my accomplishments, not re cultivating, so I need to enter the country quickly. I'd like to thank you for repairing Longdan. Otherwise, I may never find this power again, even though it's still too weak for me! " The Dragon demon seems to be in a good mood and talks a lot.

"Here, the pills you need!" Ye Tian swung a jade bottle, and there were two pills for the Dragon demon.

The Dragon demon took the jade bottle and opened it to have a look. When he smelled the fragrance on the pill, he was even more happy: "thank you God!"

"Cut the crap and come with me. It's time for you to fulfill your blood oath!" Ye Tian waved and took the lead to fly away from here.

The Dragon demon grabs a grain and puts it in his mouth. Without saying more, he chases Ye Tian away.

"There's no problem in refining pills, but it's very difficult to find the spiritual materials you need. Follow me to the Miluo palace, and I'll go around to find the spiritual materials for you." While walking, ye Tian said.

"No problem, my blood oath will come true." Dragon demon nodded slightly, not a bit reluctant.

One day later, ye Tian takes the Dragon demon back to Miluo palace. After settling down, he immediately leaves Jiangnan City and goes to Nanhai city. , the fastest update of the webnovel!