Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 865

"Well, what is the ghost king?"

"It may not catch up with me!"

hearing Taisui say the word "ghost king", ye Tianleng snorts, steps on the fierce sword, and calls the heart worm to escape to the fog.

It's so hard to deal with Mingjun that ye Tian won't have a blind encounter with the more powerful Pluto. The most important thing is that he has used linghuoshen lotus. The original Linghuo and Samadhi zhenhuo in Dantian are very weak, so it's impossible to support him to weave the next linghuoshen lotus.

I'm sorry I didn't have a fight with Hades.

But ye Tian still has self-knowledge. The king of the underworld is equivalent to the realm of the dragon's gate of the human friars, but the king of the underworld is equivalent to the realm of the golden elixir of the human friars.

Ye Tian is not confident enough to compete with the level of Hades in the golden elixir realm.

In general, he has tried to find out the attack method and strength of Mingxiu. He is lucky to be able to kill Mingjun. After all, that Mingjun is stupid and gives himself the chance to use linghuoshenlian.

It's just a pity that ye Tian can't find the terrain depicted on the gold foil in the fog sea, but he believes that the place must be in the dark fog.

Moreover, he was sure that this was the entrance to the underworld, otherwise there would not be so many meditation.

Ye Tian flies away in front of him. The underworld who is nearly two feet behind him starts to throw away the underworld army and chase Ye Tian alone.

This huge white skeleton flies in the dark fog like a white line, and its speed is terrible.


Fortunately, it was not too far for ye Tian to enter the dark fog. Soon he rushed out of the dark fog and came to the vast desert.

Behind him, the underworld rushed out, but seeing that ye Tian had gone far away, he did not stay outside too much, but howled and hurried back to the fog.

In the distance, ye Tian stood up in the air, and the fierce sword at his feet hummed, as if his heart was unwilling.

After a little meditation, ye Tian hit the fierce flying sword with a magic power, turned the sword into the size of a thumb, put it into the elixir field, and began to sacrifice with the weak original spirit fire and samadhi fire.

The fierce soldier flying sword is indeed abnormal. We should eliminate some uncertain factors in the bud as far as possible.

After everything is done, he takes a deep look at the dark fog in the distance. Ye Tian is ready to leave here. Those unsolved mysteries can only be explored later.

At least one's own cultivation needs to beat the underworld and enter the fog to be meaningful.

However, when he was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly frowned and slowly approached the dark fog for a distance.

At a glance, he found something that worried him.

Once upon a time, he stood outside the dark fog for a long time and left many footprints on the sand, but now there are no footprints on the edge of the dark fog.

Such deep footprints can not be smoothed by the wind.

Ye Tianyuan's eyes shine through, and he looks into the fog. The result that he doesn't want to believe is finally presented to him.

The footprints he was looking for were not outside the fog, but in the fog, two or three meters away from the edge of the fog.

What does this mean? It's easy for ye Tian to think that in the short period of time when he entered the dark fog, the sea of fog spread two or three meters outward.

This speed is really shocking!

The fog sea is hundreds of miles in circumference, and its area is so large that it extends two or three meters outwards on average. How many deserts beyond the dark fog should be shrouded in the dark fog.

If calculated at this speed, the expansion of the underworld on earth will be extremely amazing.

Ye Tian stood on the edge of the fog sea for a moment. Finally, he had to admit that it was a cruel fact.

Originally standing outside the dark fog, I have entered the dark fog after a period of time.

It seems that the situation is even more serious than I thought at first!

Ye Tian calls out a magic weapon, flying sword, and leaves the fog sea. Compared with leaving the insect Valley in southern Yunnan, ye Tian's heart is particularly heavy this time.

Two days later, in front of Tianzhu Mountain, a shadow imperial sword came from a distance.

Ye Tian drives his flying sword to the gate of Qingming sect and falls down. It used to belong to Qingming sect, but now it is a branch of Miluo palace.

Although there is no one in the temple.

Ye Tian enters the sect from the field array he has set up. His mind is free. It's still the same as when he left. There's no change at all.

Ye Tian walks slowly among the pavilions, along the road paved with bluestones, until he comes to the deep Tongtian tower.

Step by step, ye Tian's brows are locked and he ascends to the ninth floor.

Looking at the yin-yang fish still as mysterious as before, ye Tian made a good defense and entered it.

The last time he entered the tower, he was still cultivating in the cave. Now he is in the middle of the sea view. Theoretically, it should be easier to cross the space passage.

However, this is not the case.In the space channel, ye Tian not only feels dizzy as usual, but also feels the more powerful space squeezing force.

Fortunately, ye Tian has become immortal. Otherwise, even if he defends with all his strength, he will be extremely embarrassed if he has to go through such a strong squeeze.

This is also the confirmation of some information about the space channel obtained from the soul searching of the coming monks. The higher the realm is, the stronger the space squeezing force will be.

The result is only one, one is that the person entering the space channel is injured or crashed, the other is that the space channel is damaged or collapsed!

Therefore, it is not so easy for the square inch spiritual realm to come through the space channel.

Resisting the strong pressure, ye Tian successfully passed the space channel and entered the qingmingzong small world.

Here, as before, there is no change.

Green mountains, green water and bamboo forest.

Once again recalled Ye Tian's infinite memories of the past years.

With a slight sigh, ye Tian took out the time and space tower from Xumi ring, enlarged it and put it beside the bamboo forest.

"Luoshen, come out with me!"

Ye Tian enters into the tower of time and space, and waits for a moment. Until Qin Luo God Qingming decides to run a complete Zhou Tian, ye Tiancai speaks.

"Ye Tian, you see, I have five floors in the cave!"

Qin Luoshen opens his eyes, looks at Ye Tian in front of him, and reports his good news with a smile on his face.

"Luoshen, your entry is really shocking!" Ye Tian is speechless for a while. This speed is more than shocking. If other friars know about it, they don't know how many of them will want to find a piece of tofu to kill them.

"But I'm too slow!" Qin Luoshen's frown is also so good-looking, but this sentence makes Ye Tian have an impulse to vomit blood.

"Continue to refuel, but practice should also combine work with rest. Go outside and relax!"

Ye Tianyi pulls up Qin Luoshen and walks out of the time and Space Tower.

"Wow, what a beautiful view!"

When Qin Luo God saw the scenery of qingmingzong, he couldn't help exclaiming.

Immediately, she began to stand by the bamboo forest, looking around at the scenery, looking very carefully.

Soon, a perplexed expression appeared on her face. She seemed to be meditating and recalling. She felt as if she had seen a shadow and could not understand what it was or grasp what it was.

Ye Tian quietly looks at Qin Luo God and doesn't speak. Until at last, Qin Luo God takes back his eyes, looks at Ye Tian, frowns and says, "this is the blessed land of Qingming?"

"Can you feel it?" Ye Tian has been trying to find out how much influence Ning Yao had on Qin Luo God when they occupied his body.

From the speed of practicing Qingming daojue, this kind of influence must exist, otherwise she would never have this kind of speed.

Qin Luoshen nodded slightly, and his face was still confused: "I can remember some, but I can't say it. Seeing this place, I feel very excited and nostalgic, sad and happy, as if this is my home. You have to believe what I said, the memory of Ning Yao has been left in my mind, I am still the God of Qin Luo, but there is still the shadow of Ning Yao! "

"I know you are Qin Luo God, you are still you. You just walk into Ning Yao's world, feel her past and witness her joys and sorrows. Don't worry, I always regard you as Qin Luo God, not Ning Yao! Ning Yao is here Ye Tian stroked his stomach and looked inside to see the spirit seed sleeping quietly in the elixir field. , the fastest update of the webnovel!