Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 867

Nanhai vocational and technical college is located in a relatively remote suburb. Now the college has been relocated and changed into Jiangnan guwu college.

When ye Tian arrived at the gate of the college by taxi, Shi Xiong had been waiting here for quite a while.

"It's not easy to see you, ye ye!" See ye Tian, Shi Xiong in Ye Tian's chest beat a punch, up to a strong hug.

"You know what? In the final exam, you are the first in your grade, and all of you get full marks. Those guys are suspicious of life because of you. You said scholarship treat, and several guys told me about it! "

" it's not a matter to eat. I may be short of time. When I'm free, you can arrange it for me. How about here? Are you used to it? " Ye Tian embraces Shi Xiong's neck and asks.

"There's nothing I'm not used to. I grew up in the mountains and I'm used to suffering. I just feel a little pressure. Have you seen the news recently? A village in Northern Xinjiang was attacked by tianwai friars and many people died. There are pictures on the bulletin board of the college. The president said that the situation in the future may be more serious than that. Let's study hard and protect our country in the future. " Shi Xiong is so easy to see ye Tian that he can't stop talking.

Then he asked Ye Tian: "ye ye, do you think the headmaster is a little exaggerating? He said that if we can't do it well, the earth is still in danger of destruction. I don't think it's as good as that!"

"Who is the headmaster?" Ye Tian didn't answer Shi Xiong's question. He asked first.

"Principal Zheng's name is Zheng Peng. I heard that he was transferred from a place called guwu Research Association." During the conversation, the clear bell rings in the college. Shi Xiong takes a look at the College: "there will be a meeting, and the class begins. Now the management is very strict. No one is allowed to be late or leave early. If he is absent from class, he will be punished for financial aid."

"Are there many grants?" Ye Tian asked with a smile.

"Every month more than ten thousand, school back so much money, a lot of people want to come in, but did not wake up Linggen are not. But the system is still very strict. If you violate the regulations of the college, you will be fined 1000 yuan at a time! " Shi Xiong is excited with some tension.

"In this way, if you ask for a leave with President Zheng, you can say that Meng Haoran's friends came to see you. It should be no problem." Ye Tian's time is also very tight, so he gives Shi Xiong an idea. Anyway, it's impossible for him to confront Meng Haoran. Even if he does, he can deal with it.

"I grass, OK, ye ye, why don't you say that you are friends with Li Bai?" Shi Xiong doesn't know that Meng Haoran is the president of the ancient martial arts research association. He thinks Ye Tian is joking, and he comes along with him.

"Li Bai is not as good as Meng Haoran. Li Bai was imprisoned by Meng Haoran for three years!" Ye Tian thought of the incident and laughed: "this Meng Haoran is not that Meng Haoran. I said that Meng Haoran has the same name as that poet. He is the boss of your principal Zheng. If you fight, you can succeed or not."

"In my opinion, President Zheng has repeatedly ordered that no one is allowed to ask for leave during the critical period. He is impartial. He said that the government paid so much money, and more than 20000 students have made great efforts to improve teaching." Shixiong some don't believe to say, but still according to Ye Tian said, took out the phone, no way, ask for leave with the principal, even the instructor didn't give leave power.

In an office of the college, President Zheng Peng was reporting the teaching situation of Nanhai guwu college to Meng Haoran when the telephone rang suddenly.

"I'm sorry, president. Take a call." Zheng Peng first said, then took out the phone, then pointed to the caller ID of "Shi Xiong" two words, said to Meng Haoran: "this Shi Xiong, is the best foundation in the college, the most hardworking students, especially the extra self-discipline, since the beginning of school, never late, leave early, do not ask for leave, do not truant, spare time use the most one, I am very optimistic about him."

"I want to see such a good seedling when I have a chance. You need to put more pressure on the students. We don't have much time. We can only do our best to listen to the destiny." Meng Haoran nodded and said helplessly.

Zheng Peng nodded in response and got through the phone: "Shi Xiong, what's the matter? Is anyone hurt in class? "

"What? If you want to take a leave, Meng Haoran's friends are looking for you? "

Zheng pengwu looked at Meng Haoran on the phone: "president, do you know Shi Xiong? He said, "what's your friend looking for?"

Meng Haoran shook his head: "if you don't talk about this person, I still don't know. How can I have friends looking for him? Or is he just looking for a reason to be absent from school? "

Zheng Peng listened to Meng Haoran's words, and his face was not good-looking. He put the phone to his ear again and asked, "Shixiong, where are you now? Well, don't move there! "

After hanging up, Zheng Peng took a look at Meng Haoran and said, "this student is at the gate of the college. I'll have a look and see why he lied!"

"I'll go and have a look. I'll have a look at which friend has met the college here. You know, people from the guwu Research Association seldom contact with the outside world."

Meng Haoran got up and followed Zheng Peng out of the office.

At the gate of the college, Shi Xiong put down the phone and looked at Ye Tian nervously: "President Zheng may come here. Ye, do you know Meng Haoran? Let's not make a fool of ourselves"Don't worry. When did I tell a lie?" Ye Tian looks a little funny at Shi Xiong, but he still gives him a reassurance.

In the distance, seeing ye Tian outside the college, Zheng Peng and Meng Haoran exclaimed, looked at each other and quickened their pace.

Although Ye Tian didn't show his true face in Wutai Mountain, his portraits and even photos were spread all over the mountain. As soon as they saw Ye Tian's appearance, they immediately recognized the Lord of the Miluo palace.

"Ye Daoyou has come here. I'm sorry to say so." Meng Haoran took the lead in walking out of the gate and embracing Ye Tian.

"Chairman Meng is polite. I just pass by occasionally to see my Shixiong brother." Ye TianChao points to Shi Xiong and nods to Zheng Peng. When he sees this man, he recognizes him. When the guwu conference was held, this man was also on the stage. He should be a director of the guwu Research Association.

"Oh, it's brother Shixiong!" Meng Haoran saw that ye Tian came to the ancient martial arts college to find Shi Xiong. Knowing that the relationship between them was not shallow, he reached out to Shi Xiong, shook his hand and exchanged greetings.

Shi Xiong is a little flattered. He clearly sees that principal Zheng is still respectful in front of Meng Haoran. However, when Meng Haoran hears that he is Ye Tian's brother, he makes a compromise and takes the initiative to shake hands.

This makes him look at Ye Tian with new eyes.

The story of Ye Tian is only spread among mountain people, and Shi Xiong has no contact with other mountain people. The ancient martial arts research association has blocked the news about ye Tian, and even the events that happened in villages in Northern Xinjiang. The ancient martial arts research association has also learned about it, but it has not announced it to the public.

In their opinion, it is also a kind of protection for ye Tian. The monks coming to heaven are extremely terrible. If they know that ye Tian killed several of them, why don't they take revenge on Ye Tian?

Ye Tian is absolutely outstanding among the people on the mountain, but he is not good at it compared with tianwai monks. This is the common view of the ancient martial arts research association.

After the greeting, Meng Haoran said to Ye Tian, "please help yourself, Taoist friend. I'm just here to meet Taoist friend! By the way, I'd like to invite you. After this, Meng will hold a banquet to entertain me! "

Ye Tian waved his hand: "Chairman Meng, we don't have to be polite. When I see President Meng, I think of one thing. I want to set up an award foundation here. First, I will give one billion yuan to the top ten students who are hardworking and excellent in their studies. I will renew my fund after ten years. "

"Thank you very much, master Ye. With your support, these students will be like chicken blood. Master Ye has made a great contribution to the ancient martial arts education in China." Meng Haoran and Zheng Peng are very happy when they hear this. They come up quickly and shake hands with Ye Tian.

Ye Tian explained the reward fund in detail. Specifically, he entrusted the fund to the Miluo palace. Every year, the winning students need to go through their own checks to stop shoddy or other non-conforming behaviors.

One hundred million yuan is awarded to ten students, with an average of 10 million yuan per student. It is estimated that one of the students will count as one. It is certain that they will have to rush forward even if they don't eat or sleep.

Ye Tian is worth hundreds of billions. He can't spend all his money. He really wants to contribute to guwu education. No matter what the result is, he must make full progress.

After that, Meng Haoran and Zheng Peng bid farewell to each other. Naturally, Shi Xiong's asking for leave is no longer a problem. , the fastest update of the webnovel!