Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 864

This purple gold rune is in the ancient temple, and the giant of white bone entered into Ye Tianjing. Ye Tian tried his best to take it out.

Out of the sense of uncertainty about unknown things, ye Tian always uses the original spirit fire to continuously refine in the elixir field. With the word "explosion" of Ming Jun, the purple gold rune is ready to move. In a big surprise, ye Tian quickly wraps the purple gold Rune layer by layer with the original spirit fire, and then uses the mana to continue to wind it up, as if it were a big zongzi .


The purple gold Rune vibrated for a moment, and finally all the changes came out with a light sound, but the movement was not big, just like farting, and it did not produce a strong explosive force.

Ye Tian frowns and feels that he doesn't have any discomfort. He looks inside in a hurry, but the purple gold Rune in the elixir field disappears without a trace. He can't see any trace any more.

Since the word "explosion" came out, Mingjun didn't do anything else. He stood there and looked at Ye Tian quietly. He said that he was looking at Ye Tian, but ye Tian felt that the two black holes in his nose were facing him.

Meditation has no eyes.

Until ye Tian checks his body and makes sure that there is really no problem, he looks coldly at Mingjun.

"Why didn't you die?"

"Why didn't you die?"

The dark king sends out hoarse voice, turn over and over only have such a words, leaf day can't see its facial expression, but from the voice can hear the shock inside to occupy the huge proportion.

"Then go to hell!"

Ye tianpao drinks, the fierce sword in his hand flashes red and black light, and suddenly cuts off the demon king's skull.

"Jie Jie..."

Mingjun knows that ye Tian's fierce flying sword is very powerful. He gives out a gruesome laugh, and suddenly flashes to the side. The whole skeleton turns into a white shadow to avoid the fierce flying sword.

Then he drifted to Ye Tian, opened five white phalanges and thrust them into his head. This blow made Ye Tian feel extremely dangerous.

It's too fast. It's like computer programming.

There's nothing stagnant about the action.

Ye Tian is also very fast. With the help of the power of the magic weapon boots on his feet, he suddenly retreats, and retreats tens of feet in the blink of an eye.

The dark king opened his fingers, like a maggot of tarsal bone, and like the shadow of Ye Tian. He was always ten feet away from ye Tian, ready to insert it at any time.

Ye Tian draws an arc with his right fierce sword and cuts it at the arm bone of Ming Jun.

It was at this time that the speed was slightly affected, and the five fingers and ye Tian's body were shortened by nearly a foot.

When the fierce soldier's flying sword cuts his arm bone, Ming Jun's arm bone, together with his metacarpal bone and phalanx, suddenly disintegrates and turns into many white shadows. With the power of terror, he shoots at Ye Tian.

The speed of this burst is too fast. It is much faster than the speed of Mingjun himself. It is almost a pouring of white shadow, which has been shot in front of Ye Tian.

"Earth beetle!"

"Earth beetle!"

Ye TIANLIAN drinks twice, and two layers of earth armor appear on his body. Almost at the same time, two previously captured shield defense magic weapons suddenly appear in front of him!




A heavy impact sound then sounded, the scattered bones hit the shield, and the shield was forced to hit Ye Tian. Under the defense of two layers of earth armor, ye Tian's body still flew backward.

Ye Tian controls his figure and falls to the ground, feeling a sharp pain in front of his chest.

This dark lord is really powerful. His attack means are too hard to defend.

Ye Tian knows very well that if he doesn't deal with it in time and has immortal body, he may have to suffer a heavy blow today.

The king of the underworld is the rank of the Longmen monk of the human race.

I'm not a layman!

Ye Tian has rich experience in fighting. In Fangcun spirit realm, he also practiced little by little from Longmen realm to Yupu realm. He knows the fighting power of the monks in Longmen realm very well.

Judging from the strength that King Ming just played out, he has at least the fighting capacity of Longmen in the middle period.

In the middle of the sea view, ye Tian's eyes were more dignified than those in the middle of the Longmen view.

"Why didn't you die?"

"Why didn't you die?"

There was still a hoarse voice in Mingjun's mouth. With a flash of white bones, the scattered broken bones suddenly flew back and joined together again on Mingjun's right arm to form a complete arm bone. Even the phalanges were arranged perfectly, as if they had never been decomposed.

He is good at refining weapons and can refine bones into magic weapons. This method is really powerful!

Ye Tian calmed down after he was enraged. Although he was in pain, he was not hurt. After this fight, he got something.

At least he knew the means of attack.

The Ming King attached his bones to recover, and suddenly sent out Jie's laughter again. Different from before, this kind of laughter stabbed into Ye Tian's mind like an awl.Soul attack!

Ye Tianjin defends his mind and shoots his fierce sword to the King Ming.

He saw that the Dark Lord was not without weakness. Although his tarsal bone looked very strong, he was still afraid of his fierce sword.

From the beginning to the end, Mingjun has never had a direct collision with the fierce sword.

Sure enough, this time the tactics adopted by Ming Jun confirmed Ye Tian's conjecture. When the sword came, Ming Jun just dodged and did not dare to collide with the fierce sword with any part of the skeleton.

The devil is so fast that he avoids the fierce sword, and the white shadow pounces on Ye Tian again.

The cold light in Ye Tianyan's eyes is coagulated, and a little bit of samadhi's real fire flies to Mingjun.


there was a slight sound, and the ghost's skull was burned by samadhi's fire. In a moment, a deep hole appeared, and the tarsals around the hole seemed to be melted, showing uneven marks.

Samadhi's fire can defeat the enemy, but it's a pity that his own samadhi's fire is too little.

Ye Tian reaches out his hand and brings samadhi real fire into the Dantian again. While controlling the fierce sword to intercept the pursuit of Ming Jun, ye Tian draws the fire line of the original spirit fire and samadhi real fire from the Dantian.

Start weaving the Lotus!

Ye Tian has woven the lotus of spirit fire many times, and his technique is quite skilled. It seems that Mingjun also knows that ye Tian is using some means to deal with himself. Maybe his absolute self-confidence makes him not care.

It repeatedly evaded the fierce sword and tried to kill Ye Tian, a Terran monk who had killed many of them, in the dark fog.

Ye Tian's heart is used in two ways. On the one hand, he avoids the king of hell, and on the other hand, he weaves the lotus.

Several times, he was almost close to Ming Jun. fortunately, his fierce flying sword had a strong shock effect on this guy, so he managed to maintain a similar situation.

But for ye Tian, it's already dangerous.

A moment later, when the last thread of fire was incorporated into the field array of linghuoshen lotus, the flower pot sized linghuoshen lotus glowed with red light, glowing with high temperature, just like a blooming lotus, which was held in the palm of Ye Tian.

"If I don't teach you a lesson, you really don't know why the flowers are so red!"

Ye Tian snorts coldly to himself. He opens his mind and controls the fierce sword to shrink towards him. Mingjun takes a look at linghuoshenlian. He still doesn't care and continues to fight ye Tian.

He knew that ye Tian's cultivation was weak, but he was more cunning.

This also provides a good mobile meeting for ye Tian. When the fierce soldier's flying sword returns to Ye Tian's left hand, the Dark Lord can rush to Ye Tian about three Zhang in front of him.


With a flick of his finger, ye Tian shoots linghuoshen lotus on his palm at Mingjun. Mingjun's white metacarpal bone doesn't care. He slaps linghuoshen lotus heavily.

Before it was photographed, ye Tian suddenly yelled: "explosion!"

With samadhi's true fire, the lotus of spirit fire bursts out. It sounds like the earth is shaking. In the power of the terrible explosion, the tarsal bones of Ming Jun are blown apart and fall everywhere!

Thanks to Ye Tian's early preparation, the application of Feng Dun's technique was launched in a flash, and he avoided it from afar, which did not affect him.

However, when the explosion had just subsided, ye Tian turned on fengdun and Yinsha at the same time, holding a peach wood sword and cutting to the Emperor Ming who was separated from the bones.

This does not calculate, the leaf day in the mouth again big drinks a: "thunder!"

From the sky, several thick lightning bolts fell on the huge soul of Mingjun, which was like black fog. The peach sword also penetrated into the soul of Mingjun at the same time.

The two kinds of thunderbolt and lightning complement each other, and the thunder is powerful. Although it is not as powerful as the thunder on the peach sword, it also has a strong lethality to the soul.

It was at the moment of thunder and lightning that the soul of Ming Jun roared. The human form was shattered by electricity and soon disappeared.

Ye Tian reaches out his hand and calls back the peach wood sword. Yuan Tian's eye looks for the fragments of Ming Jun's bones, and then puts them away one by one.

For this kind of thing, ye Tian wants to study it. Tai Sui says that the bone of Ming Xiu is also a magic weapon for storing things. He also wants to see if he can open it.

No matter how hard it is, ye Tian doesn't want to leave such a powerful accessory bone to other repair workers, even if it is made into a bone gun or a bone knife.

When all the bones have been collected and ye Tiangang wants to continue to explore, a chilling picture comes from lianxinchong's field of vision.

A huge white skeleton came to him with countless dark corrections.

How much is this?

There are white bones and skeletons all over the mountains and fields!

"Master, run! The leader is Hades In Xumi commandment, Taisui's anxious voice came at this time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!