Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 863

you 're right!

Definitely somewhere.

In retrospect, ye Tian gestured and took out a brocade box from Xumi ring.

Open the lid, revealing the inside of the gold foil, there are two pieces of gold foil, ye Tian took up, looking at the mountains and rivers above the terrain contrast.

two gold foil as like as two peas, but not one of them, but the landscape of one of them is almost the same as the mountain peaks in the distance.

Among the three peaks, the peaks on both sides are higher, and the ones in the middle are slightly lower, but they are larger than those on both sides. They are short and vigorous, and the two sides are high and steep.

However, there is no similarity in the figure drawn on another gold foil, while the grimace mark is on this gold foil.

Maybe this kind of mountain is deep in the dark fog. Ye Tian thinks that all the mountains he sees are through the source eye. In the dark fog, after all, the range he can see is limited.

If the place marked on the picture is really here, what does the grimace mark represent?

Where is the treasure?

Who are you suppressing?

Or is that the entrance to the underworld?

Ye Tianyi has come up with several possibilities, but which one needs final verification.

Maybe neither!

No matter how, originally inexplicable, see two pieces of gold foil, finally have a clue, ye Tian will not give up to continue to pursue.

He directed the heartworm to fly far away and continue to explore the terrain.

Two heart worms fly at a very fast speed, and ye Tian mostly focuses on mountains and rivers.

Before they found anything, the two heartworms did not know what terrible things they saw. They suddenly stopped. Even after a few breath, they flew back uncontrollably.

There is a sense of fear in his mind.

Ye Tianyuan's eye shines through and carefully observes the front of Lianxin insect. In a short time, ye Tian finally finds out that there are dozens of white skeletons, holding bone knives and bone guns, coming from the deep fog.

Many bones scaffolds run in the mountains and fields, especially when they jump from a high position, the distance is three or four feet. This scene is extremely spectacular.

"Don't worry, it's a magic general, but it's similar to the sea view of the Terran friars, and the one behind is more powerful. That's the demon king, which is equivalent to the dragon's gate realm of the Terran friars. " Taisui suddenly made a sound again.

As soon as the words are finished, ye Tian finally sees Taisui's "that guy" in lianxinchong's field of vision.

It's a white skeleton with a height of nearly Zhang. I don't see how to run. It's just coming step by step, but it's like shrinking into inches. It's a long way to go.

Ye Tian calls back lianxinchong and begins to retreat slowly.

By the time they were three or four miles away, the white bones and skeletons were close at hand.

Without any greetings, dozens of white bones and skeletons rushed towards Ye Tian. Ye Tian had already sensed it. Indeed, as Tai Sui said, these people's Yin and cold breath was around the sea view, some were slightly stronger, some were slightly weaker, but they were all within the sea view.

Ye Tian glanced at the king of the underworld who followed him. Seeing that he didn't mean to fight, he disappeared in front of many white skeletons.

It is fengdun and Yinsha that open at the same time.

Those skeletons don't care, as if ye Tian didn't disappear, they directly kill Ye Tian's invisible place.

"The underworld is the body of ghosts, and the mind is more powerful than you think. He uses the mind to lock all your actions, including your position, instead of seeing them with his eyes, but it's more powerful than his eyes." Taisui makes a sound in time and explains a few words to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, since this move is not easy to use, then fight hard, no matter what, he wants to try the depth of the underworld.

Urge the fierce soldier in the hand to fly the sword, the flying sword instantly turns into more than two meters long, struggling to chop down a white skeleton in front of him.

When the red and black fierce sword was falling, it suddenly sent out a white light, and the body of the sword almost split with the white light at the same time. However, the very strong looking white skeleton was cut into two pieces, and then exploded.

A dark shadow stumbles out of the skeleton. The peach sword of Ye Tian's left hand bursts out the power of thunder and lightning. He cuts it down with one sword and completely obliterates it.

With a successful attack, the fierce soldier's flying sword sends out a buzzing and vibrating sound, which actually conveys a wisp of consciousness to continue to kill Ye Tian.

This is the immortal soldier channeling?

Ye Tian seems to have realized something. He has already felt something strange when he cut the sword just now.

The sword's cutting speed is not only faster than before, but also more powerful. Is it because it devours the resentment in the fog?

A little distracted, he quickly waved the fierce sword again. At this time, more than a dozen white bones and skeletons shot bone knives and bone guns at him. Those bone guns and Bone swords dragged the dazzling white light, and the power was very terrible.

Ye Tian dances his fierce flying sword and turns it into a sky full of swords to protect him.


"Click!"More than a dozen clear sounds rang out one after another, and the bones of the white skeleton were cut in two by the fierce soldiers' flying swords.

The scene is like fireworks flying all over the sky, very spectacular.

At the same time, ye Tian takes out a spirit beast bag and releases a shadowless snake to one of the skeletons.

The projective speed was very fast. With a bang, the shadowless snake was bounced back, and the white skeleton was also hit by a huge force of the shadowless snake.

Ye Tian is very clear, the shadowless snake not only hit the skeleton, but also bit the skeleton, but next, the skeleton is a jump, it seems not hurt.

The shadowless snake did not give up, but hit again, accurately shot into the eye socket of the skeleton, and flew back from another bird's nest.

Ye Tian put away the shadowless snake. The experiment was successful, but the attack failed.

This attack didn't cause any damage to the white skeleton. It seems that the spirit insects have no place to use here. These hell generals are too special.

After the sacrifice of the bone is too strong!

The skeletons who lost the bone knife and the bone gun didn't shrink back. After everyone sent out a clear wind blade to Ye Tian, the bone knife and the bone gun appeared again in their hands.

Even some white skeletons have bone knives or guns in both hands.

Ye Tian's eyes coagulated, but he didn't see how they made bone gun or bone knife.

"Master, is it strange that he is good at sacrificing and refining bones. By the way, he has also refined bones into storage space. No one knows how many things are hidden in them!" Taisui explained to Ye Tian in time.

What a strange bunch of things!

Ye Tian is really grateful to Taisui at this time. In this dark fog, he has given himself a lot of help, and he has avoided many detours, so that his understanding of the underworld is gradually deepening.

Next, ye Tian experimented with some other treasures step by step.

The little mirror artifact doesn't work for the secret repair!

The golden sphere's magic power of mirage and aura has no effect on the small mirror. The effective one is the golden cone attack, but the effect is obviously not as good as the fierce soldier's flying sword.

Hou Yi's bow can cause damage to bones and skeletons, but it's not as fast as the fierce soldier's flying sword!

Even ye TIANLIAN's mountain axe, Da Yin and the red Banxian soldier came out to test.

All of these can launch physical attacks and exert great power, but they are not as happy as the fierce soldiers with flying swords.

In this way, ye Tian had a foundation in his heart, so he only used the fierce flying sword and peach wood sword to fight against the enemy.

In the process of the experiment, he successively chopped up six or seven white bones and skeletons, and his soul was destroyed by Ye Tian's peach wood sword under the power of lightning.

The Zhang Xu's skeleton was still standing in the rear, as if the life and death of these generals had nothing to do with it.

The fierce soldier's flying sword was humming and shaking. While attacking and killing, it was still absorbing the resentment in the dark fog.

Ye Tian felt bloodthirsty from the sword, but there was no doubt that the power of the fierce flying sword was growing gradually.

When the last Ming general was crushed by Ye Tian and killed by the peach wood sword, the motionless demon army's jaw suddenly rattled and gave out a gruesome laugh: "Jie Blast

When the word "explosion" came out, ye Tian was surprised. He felt that the purple Rune with a grimace in Dantian suddenly vibrated. , the fastest update of the webnovel!