Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 856

The ring is divided into five areas, each of which forms an independent space. Because of the special material, it can provide a continuous stream of aura through the field formed by the engraved runes. The space of the ring is generally much smaller than that of Xumi ring.

The same is true of the five areas of the spirit beast ring. Each area has only one meter square space. This layout is specially made for spirit insects. If it's for the sake of the spirit beast, it won't be divided into these areas, and the height must be higher.

Shennian enters the first area, and ye Tian is shocked to find that there are more than a dozen living creatures in it.

They are more than a dozen big black insects, as long as the middle finger, with two pairs of wings and four insect feet. They are surrounded by electric light, as if they had been electrified.

"It's the thunder bug!"

After observing carefully for a while, ye Tian felt ecstatic. This kind of strange insect is a kind of strange insect in the legend. Ye Tian has only heard of it occasionally, but has never seen it with his own eyes.

The strange insects and different beasts are recorded in detail, but ye Tian never dreamed that he actually saw a living Lei Lei worm in this spirit beast ring in the insect valley.

According to the jade slips, this insect has reached a certain level, and its whole body is stronger than a magic weapon. When attacking the enemy, it can emit terrible thunder and lightning, which is hard for monks of the same level to resist.

The idea of God is intangible and extremely ethereal. However, when ye Tian's idea goes into the ring of spirit beast, the dozen thunder insects are suddenly aware of it. A burst of crackling lightning bursts out, and the power is extremely terrible. If ye Tian didn't see this scene, he would not have confirmed that this insect is the legendary thunder insect.

Repressing the excitement in his heart, ye Tian's mind entangles one of them, hoping to make a mark and complete the recognition of the Lord.

However, his mind had just entangled the Lei Lei insect, and a flash of lightning broke out on the Lei Lei insect, which turned Ye Tian's mind into nothing and disappeared into the invisible.

However, the thunder bug was furious and sent out powerful pressure to push back Ye Tian's idea.

Ye Tian was not reconciled, until he tried all the sixteen Lei insects, and then he died.

The level of these Lei insects is too high. It is estimated that there should be five levels of realm, which is equivalent to the level of Yuanying realm of human friars. For such a weak friar, Lei insects are absolutely unwilling to recognize the Lord, and their ability can completely suppress Ye Tian's thoughts.

Every time he tried, he was on the verge of success.

East is not bright, West is bright.

Ye Tian gives up the leizhuo insect in the first area and explores into the second area.

When you see the situation inside, ye Tian can't help but tremble. There are thousands of dark ants inside. There are wings on the back. They are in a mess and look disgusting.

"It's the wire ant!"

After careful observation, ye Tian finally determined the species of these ants. There are also detailed records of Clematis in the book of strange insects and monsters.

This makes Ye Tian have to doubt whether the monk who brought strange insects and beasts into the valley of death was the person of the lingchong sect?

Otherwise, it's no coincidence that all the strange insects here can be recorded in the strange insects and animals spectrum.

After all, the world is so big that there are so many strange insects and animals in the sky. Who can study all the strange insects and animals?

Is there no evidence for this?

Ye Tian just gave birth to such an idea, and tried to make a mark on tiexian ant. Although he knew that the hope was slim, he would try his best.

Some of them are similar to the man eating ant, but the man eating ant only eats meat. The food of the man eating ant is not only complicated, but also has excellent teeth. Even a treasure as hard as magic weapon will be eaten by the man eating ant who has reached a certain level.

In particular, if we use them properly, how terrible they will be.

The premise is that you have to be able to control them!

Ye Tian selected some relatively weak Clematis to do the experiment, but failed every time. Although the rank of these Clematis is not as high as that of leimianchong, the weakest is also in the early stage of the fourth order. Ye Tian can't make any impression on the appearance of friar Jindan in the early stage.

In the final analysis, it's just that my accomplishments are too low!

In the end, ye Tian didn't try one by one, the weakest couldn't control, and the stronger Clematis didn't have any hope.

Ye Tian turns his attention to the third area, where two colorful scorpions are kept. They look very gorgeous.

This kind of scorpion is absolutely the alien of all scorpions. There is only one kind of spirit scorpion with this color in the strange insect and beast spectrum. Its name is magic scorpion.

This scorpion is more than one foot long. It's definitely the biggest one among scorpions. A tail hook stands up high, and it's also colorful. It is said in the jade slips that the scorpion toxin is extremely strange. The poisoned person's whole body itches, and there is almost no medicine to solve it. Monks with weak willpower can't bear such itching, and they usually end it by themselves.

Even if you can endure the itching, you will eventually be attacked by the toxin and die.

So it has the name of scorpion.

These two scorpions, ye Tian also tried, about five levels of realm, is not ye Tian's dish at all.In the fourth area, there are two silkworms covered with frost and snow, both of which are about feet long. Between breathing, wisps of white air come out from the mouth, and even the space is covered with white frost.

Around the silkworms, there are messy silks, which look fluffy, but the number is not very large.

"It's the silkworm of the cold region!"

Ye Tian was surprised to see this silkworm. The value of this silkworm is even greater than those strange insects in the other three districts. The secret hand is woven from the silk of the cold region. It is the most tenacious silk in the world. If it is made into a defensive object, it will take a lot of life.

This silkworm not only has the function of spinning silk, but also has extremely strong fighting power. The silk shoots out from the mouth. Unless the person with high accomplishments, it is difficult to escape.

Moreover, the breath of these two silkworms in the cold region is even more powerful than that of the other three regions, at least in the late stage of the fifth stage, even reaching the level of the sixth stage.

Ye Tian was naturally unable to subdue these two silkworms, which made him very moved and annoyed.

The four divisions of the ring of spirit beast are all treasures, but it's a pity to go back to Baoshan empty handed.

He places all his hopes on the Fifth District. When he sees things in this district, ye Tian's mood is even more complicated.

There is no living thing here, only a white egg, the same size as an ostrich egg, and the whole body is white.

There is no introduction about this kind of egg on the list of strange insects and animals. Ye Tian is not sure what kind of egg it is.

But since he was put into the ring by the friars of lingchong sect, ye Tian estimated that the value of the egg was certainly not small, at least not worse than the other four kinds of lingchong, so he stopped the impulse to fry the egg and eat it.

After watching all the five areas, ye Tian puts away the spirit beast ring and continues to check other things in Xumi commandment.

There are many bags inside. Ye Tian recognized that they are the food of all kinds of spirit insects, and there are the food of the spirit insects in the spirit beast ring, which saved Ye Tian a lot of heart.

It's not easy for those spirit insects to survive for so many years relying on aura. These foods can promote the growth and promotion of spirit insects. It's estimated that the food in the spirit beast ring has been eaten up long ago. Otherwise, if there is enough food, after so many years, it's certain that the realm of these spirit insects will be higher.

Ye Tian took out some food and put it into the corresponding spirit beast ring, but he didn't put too much. If these spirit insects grow too fast, it will be more difficult for him to control them, and it will take longer, just to ensure that he will not die of hunger.

Wait for yourself to control those spirit insects, and then give them enough food to grow.

In addition, there are some weapons in Xumi commandment, which are basically of magic weapon level, which is of little use to Ye Tian. However, it can be seen from this that the main energy of lingchong sect is the cultivation and control of lingchong, and it is weaker in cultivation and magic weapon.

There are also some jade boxes in it. Ye Tian opened them one by one, which surprised him a lot.

There are all kinds of precious spirit materials in the jade box. Some of them are rare in Fangcun spirit field. Ye Tian is the emperor of Dan, and no one can be more accomplished in spirit materials and pills.

After reading all the spiritual materials, I feel a little sorry. These things are basically of great use to the spiritual insects and beasts. For the human friars, they are just like chicken ribs.

After all, the physical constitution of a monk is different from that of a spirit insect and a monster, and there are also great differences in the cultivation methods.

These spirit materials promote the evolution of spirit insects and spirit beasts, while human beings cultivate magic power.

Even so, ye Tian is regarded as the most precious. After all, he doesn't need it himself, but he has spirit insects, and some spirit materials in it can be refined into pills suitable for Dragon demon cultivation. With the pills, he can control his next action. , the fastest update of the webnovel!