Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 855

Under the brand of divine thought, ye Tian became the master of the shadowless snake. He could decide the life and death of the snake with any idea. Sensing the obedience of the shadowless snake, ye Tian throws it away, and the shadowless snake disappears in front of Ye Tian's eyes. When it reappears, it is already wrapped around a branch in the distance.

If you don't open the source eye, even ye Tian can't easily capture the action track of the shadowless snake.

Ye Tian thought again and passed it on to the shadowless snake. The snake's body bounced on the branch and disappeared again without a trace. Even his Yuantian eye could not see where it had gone.

This time, ye Tian gave the snake the order to show the fastest speed. As a result, the snake disappeared. Ye Tian could only say that the speed was so fast that he could not describe it.

Because the speed of shadowless snake has exceeded the speed of Ye Tian's eye tracking.

Another idea passed, half a foot long snake shadow flashed, wrapped around the branches beside Ye Tian, lying there motionless.

Ye Tian is very satisfied. In terms of speed alone, it is estimated that even a monk in Longmen can't avoid the snake's attack. It's just that the attack power can't be verified yet.

After a little meditation, ye Tian communicated with the shadowless snake again. The snake was lying on the branch. The transparent snake's letter was unsteady and hissed in its mouth. Soon, another transparent snake's shadow came from nowhere, as if it suddenly appeared beside the shadowless snake.

It's the little shadowless snake Ye Tian met for the first time.

Ye Tiangang just had an idea, let the shadowless snake greet its partner, did not expect that this sudden fantasy actually realized. A magic power hits the small mirror Lingbao that has been prepared for a long time. The cold light shines on the snake. When the snake is slightly stiff, ye Tian grabs it in his hand.

Then he felt the fierce intention coming from the big shadowless snake's mind. Ye Tian was afraid that the big snake would turn against the water, and his mind brand vibrated, which suppressed the fierce intention of the big snake.

He just began to brand the spirit of the little snake, which was shorter than subduing the big snake, but ye Tian was careful to guard against the danger that the big snake might bite back.

Finally, ye Tian took a long breath and threw out the little shadowless snake. The big shadowless snake coiled on the branch of the tree nodded to Ye Tian happily to express his gratitude.

Ye Tian seems to understand that there may be a blood relationship between the big snake and the little snake. It is likely that they are mother and son. It seems that in the future, we should be more careful, at least avoid the big snake.

If you see yourself doing something to his son, the snake will not be able to do anything!

Next, ye Tian is more and more careful. He sends two heartworms to explore in different directions. Two shadowless snakes follow him and guard against all kinds of sudden dangers at any time.

Just found out the distance of more than 300 meters, ye Tian suddenly changed his face and disappeared from the original place.

At the moment of his disappearance, a giant shadowless snake with a length of more than one meter flew to the position where ye Tiangang was. The snake's tail touched the ground, the snake's body stood upright, the snake's head raised up, breathed the transparent snake letter, and flexibly rotated around to watch.

Ye Tian, who is five or six meters away, dare not move. This shadowless snake exudes an extremely dangerous smell, and even has a light weight.

If it wasn't for his heavenly eye, he might have been attacked by this snake. According to Ye Tian's experience, this shadowless snake has reached at least four levels, which is equivalent to the level of the monk's golden elixir realm.

What will a shadowless snake like this do if it is taken as a spiritual pet?

Ye Tian's heart is full of many beautiful visions, but he also knows that this idea is extremely dangerous.

Seeking wealth and wealth in danger, ye Tian steals and ponders in situ for a moment, but decides to have a try. This fourth-order shadowless snake has not found itself up to now, which at least shows that fengdun and Yinsha can fool each other.

After thinking about the action plan, ye Tian takes out a talisman for the dead. The small mirror spirit weapon aims at the fourth order shadowless snake, and a magic force hits the small mirror.

However, as soon as his mana was sent out, the fourth-order shadowless snake seemed to feel something, and suddenly disappeared from the original place. A transparent white line came straight to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian whispered that he was not good. A flame replaced his position, but he changed his position in a flash and avoided more than ten meters away.

Before the fourth order shadowless snake is about to put down the burning flame, it suddenly makes a strange turn and shoots straight at the place where ye Tian stays.

The speed is incredible.

Ye Tian puts out the red stove which is burning. He shifts his position in front of him. At the same time, an idea passes and sends it to the big shadowless snake.

The big shadowless snake immediately hissed for help, then the fourth step shadowless snake shot back, gave up the pursuit of Ye Tian, and returned to the big shadowless snake.

Ye Tian secretly said that it's dangerous to change position continuously and stay away from the fourth-order shadowless snake.

If he hadn't reacted quickly just now, he might have been injured by the fourth level shadowless snake. This shadowless snake is too high in level and speed, and even the small mirror can't work. If he uses other attack means, I'm afraid it can't work.After staying away from the fourth order shadowless snake, ye Tian left a heartworm nearby and continued to pay attention to the situation there.

The fourth order shadowless insect stayed there for a moment, then the figure flashed, and ye Tian couldn't trace it any more.

After carefully observing his surroundings, he didn't find the situation of the fourth order shadowless snake. Thanks to his wit, he played a family card and turned the fourth order shadowless snake back. Otherwise, it's hard to say what the result would be!

Since ye Tian knew that there was such a thing in the insect Valley, he was more careful. After a period of time, he transferred two shadowless snakes, one big and one small, to a place more than ten meters away from him, and let them guard there.

Two heart worms continue to explore the insect valley. Ye Tian makes up his mind that if he doesn't finish exploring the whole insect Valley, he won't rush in.

"Stop, turn around, don't move!"

Ye Tian uses Yuantian's eye to observe the situation around him, and at the same time he observes the perspective picture shared by lianxinchong in his mind. Suddenly, he finds something and sends the lianxinchong divine instructions.

As soon as the picture turns, it goes back to the place where lianxinchong passes. This time, ye Tian can see more clearly. Yes, there are several messy bones in the grass on the ground. Next to the bones, a xumijie is lying there quietly.

It seems that ye Tian should have been a monk of the last great age. He fell in the insect Valley, just like those who fell in the death valley.

Ye Tian is still full of expectations for these people's wealth. After all, he has gained a lot in the death valley.

An idea is passed on to the big shadowless snake. According to Ye Tian's order, the snake shoots electricity at the location of xumijie. Four or five minutes later, it returns to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian moves towards the snake's tail in his hand. The Xumi ring hanging on the snake's tail is called into his hand by Ye Tian.

Under the brand of God, ye Tian began to explore the things inside.

After a general look, ye Tian's mind moved, took out a simple token, took it in his hand and looked at it carefully. The token is exquisitely made with irregular shield shape, which can be held in one hand. The token is surrounded by mysterious patterns, with three characters of "lingchongzong" written in the middle seal.

Did there ever exist a sect called lingchong sect?

Ye Tianxia consciously thought that this is a very possible thing. For some reason, like Kunlun Mountain, he suffered from extinction in the last great age, leaving behind some ownerless spirit insects.

Perhaps the overseas lingchong sect is a branch of lingchong sect here. Some disciples left some inheritance outside at that time and finally took root overseas.

It seems that both the Xumi commandment and this token are very old. It is impossible for the overseas lingchong sect to bring them in.

In Ye Tian's opinion, it is easy to make this judgment.

Look at the brand in addition to the role of proof of identity, there is no other wonderful place, ye Tian put away the token. Then the divine thought moved again and took out a spirit beast ring.

The principle of spirit beast ring is similar to that of Xumi ring, but Xumi ring is used to store dead things, while spirit beast ring can store living things. It is an upgraded version of spirit beast bag.

The spirit beast ring has no spirit mark on it. It belongs to the ownerless thing. Ye Tian soon has the spirit mark, and then a wisp of spirit goes into it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!