Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 857

In Xumi commandment, there are several empty spirit beast bags. Ye Tian looks at them and puts them away.

Besides, there was nothing that interested him.

After putting away xumijie, ye Tian continued to command lianxinchong to explore the depths of Chonggu. Gradually, through lianxinchong's vision, ye Tian saw some broken stones and debris, which were buried in the weeds. The deeper he went, the more frequent this situation became.

There should be a large area of building community, after countless years, only those residual stones and broken tiles are left to prove the existence of some history.

With a silent sigh, ye Tian rings out the blessed land of Qingming in the square inch spiritual realm, the Eden where he and Ning Yao share a good quiet time. I don't know how it is now?

In the picture, there are all kinds of spirit insects flying by constantly. Because the speed is too fast, we can't see what kind of spirit insects are. We just feel the shadows passing by and dazzled.

All of a sudden, ye Tian feels that lianxinchong is somewhat different. Although his mind is constantly urging, lianxinchong still slows down and finally stops somewhere.

And through the mood to Ye Tian came bursts of fear.

"Fly up!"

Ye Tian sends instructions to lianxinchong again. As lianxinchong flies higher and higher, the perspective becomes bigger and bigger. Ye Tian finally finds out the reason for lianxinchong's fear.

A few miles away, in the ruins, lies a giant scorpion nearly two meters long. It looks like it is asleep. In the neighborhood, there is no living creature dares to approach it except this scorpion.

Ye Tian knows that this scorpion is more powerful than the fourth order shadowless snake. After all, the heartworm is not afraid of the shadowless snake.

Such super spirit insect, ye Tian dare not provoke, let alone accept.

Let this lianxinchong change a direction and continue to explore in other directions. At this time, the picture sent back by another Sanxing lianxinchong makes Ye Tian look excited.

The appearance of this three-star lianxinchong attracts more lianxinchong, buzzing around it.

Ye Tian roughly counted, there are more than 20, and most of them are three-star and four-star. Ye Tian gave the order to the heart worm and let him fly back slowly.

As ye Tian expected, those heartworms, like men in this world, are always eager to pursue the opposite sex. Samsung heartworms fly away, and they follow.

More than ten minutes later, when the lianxinchong flies in front of invisible Ye Tian, a large net of mana appears out of thin air. They put these lianxinchong nets in it, and ye Tian sends them into a spirit beast bag from Xumi commandment.

After a while, ye Tian finally marked all the lianxinchong with his mind and accepted them as the spiritual pet. This time, all 25 lianxinchong were released, and the search progress was improved several times.

"That huge Red Locust should be the blood locust, the fourth order spirit locust!"

"This half foot long centipede should be the iron centipede, and also the fourth-order spirit insect!"

"the dark green mantis, with a faint black air, should be the Hades mantis, the fourth-order spirit insect."

"And that big white spider, should be the ninth snow spider recorded in the strange insect and beast spectrum, or the fourth-order spirit insect!"

With the deepening of the exploration, ye Tian found some powerful spirit insects in the forbidden area where the Lianxin insects deliberately avoided.

Like the fourth-order shadowless snake, ye Tian was unable to subdue them for the time being, and even needed to use many means to avoid their attack. Therefore, ye Tian did not disturb them.

It seems that the level of strange insects in the ring of spirit beast is higher, and the level of these scattered insects is lower. Otherwise, they can't be scattered in the valley. After many years, they gradually grow up.

If you can enter the Longmen realm, you may come to see if you can accept these spirit insects, but now you can't.

Ye Tian began to focus on the third-order spirit insects, which are equivalent to the Longmen realm of the human friars. There is a possibility of subduing, and it will also be helpful to Ye Tian.

One day later, in the insect Valley, in a forest full of weeds, a centipede, frozen by a small mirror, was sent to Ye Tian by a magic hand. Ye Tian spent some time to frighten the insect and put it into the spirit beast bag.

This is the third third iron centipede he has captured.

Before that, the third-order nine rob snow spider captured two, the third-order Hades Mantis captured two, the third-order blood locust captured two, and the third-order shadowless snake captured another one.

Ye Tian of level 2 and level 1 didn't spend his energy to collect. If he started to collect the low-level spirit insects, it would certainly affect the capture of the third-level spirit insects. If he collected all the third-level spirit insects, ye Tian didn't mind to continue to collect the low-level spirit insects. If it's too late, it's better to keep them growing up in the insect valley. It's like your own back garden. When you need to, just come here and catch some.

Just ready to search again, ye Tian's body suddenly disappears from the original place. Fengdun and Yinsha open at the same time and escape to the distance.

In my mind, the picture brought back by lianxinchong is that a black boa is flying here, which is as fast as a meteor.This Python is the highest level spirit worm Ye Tian found in the insect valley. In fact, it's a spirit beast. Its realm has reached five levels, which is equivalent to the cultivation of the friars in their infancy.

The magic power of Tongtian Python is surging, causing great panic where it passes. Countless spirit insects fly around and dare not get close to this Tongtian python.

Soon, Tongtian Python appears under Yuantian's eye. Ye Tian has changed several directions before, but it seems that the python still finds Ye Tian's hiding place. The direction is exactly where he is now.

"My day!"

it's absolutely a terrible thing for ye Tian to be seen where he is by the fifth level python. Ye Tian quickly takes off his clothes, grabs his clothes and flies away.

Seeing this, the boa suddenly turned and ran after his clothes.

According to the records of strange insects and animals, this Python is not only extremely powerful, but also has a strange magical power, that is, extremely sensitive sense of smell.

If not early prepared, and decisively take measures, I am afraid Ye Tian is now very dangerous.

The boa constrictor caught up with Ye Tian's cloud photographer, rolled up his clothes, smelled around, turned his body again, and shot at Ye Tian's position.

With a click, ye Tian tears off his pants, turns his mana into a human shape, and flies away in his pants.

Almost at the same time, ye Tian didn't dare to stay too much. He drove the fierce soldier Feijian to fly out of the valley in his underpants. As he flew, he sent out his thoughts to all the heartworms and ordered them to meet at the mouth of the valley.

Not to mention that, ye Tian took out some herbs that can be used to make spices and began to smear them on his body to change his breath.

This move is still effective, fragrance gradually replaced the taste of hormones, even ye Tian himself also feel very good smell.

Tongtian Python catches up with Ye Tian's pants. At the beginning, ye Tian's trace can be found. Until ye Tian's fragrance grows stronger, this Tongtian Python finally loses its target.

But it didn't give up. Instead, it was crazy, flying around in the insect Valley, looking for ye Tian's trace. It didn't seem to give up.

Forget it, this time it's here. Can't you avoid it?

Ye Tian can also see that the fourth level spirit insects have their own territory. As long as they don't occupy their territory, they will be safe and sound. But this fifth level Python may regard the whole insect Valley as its own territory, so it's so irritable.

Everything is right. Since the appearance of this python, ye Tian wants to understand one thing, that is, why there are few skeletons in the insect Valley? It is very likely that all the people who enter the valley have gone into the mouth of the Python and no longer exist. But what about those monks' precepts?

Is it in the belly of the boa constrictor or in the cave of the boa constrictor.

Ye Tian is unknown.

When ye Tian comes to the edge of the insect valley without danger, he starts to open the gate of the field out of the valley.

After a short time, ye Tian came out of the insect valley with all 25 heartworms. Another mana hit the colorful field grid, and the field door slowly disappeared.

In this way, he was not afraid to run out of the sky python.

Outside the valley, ye Tian took out his clothes and trousers from xumijie, put them on again, and left three lianxinchong. He asked them to fly in different directions first, and then collected the remaining lianxinchong into the spirit beast bag.

After everything is done, ye Tian's imperial sword flies northward. , the fastest update of the webnovel!