Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 854

According to the source of heaven's eyes, ye Tian carefully inquires into the valley.

In the insect Valley, although the terrain is relatively flat, not as high as the mountains outside the valley, there are also some hills with slight ups and downs, among which the vegetation is luxuriant and full of vitality.

The deeper the valley is, the higher the grass is. Ye Tian holds a fierce sword and floats two meters low. He flies slowly. The string in his heart is always tight.

Maybe he would not have been so careful if he hadn't seen the contents of the strange insects and beasts spectrum, but the strange insects recorded in the jade slip, and all kinds of gifted magical powers, are really hard to guard against.

In the insect Valley, which is hundreds of miles away, you can't use your mind. It takes a lot of time to explore a little bit, which makes Ye Tian nervous all the time.

About four or five miles away, ye Tian's eyes suddenly coagulated, and the fierce sword in his hand suddenly patted forward. A three inch long transparent snake was patted by him.

Is there a shadowless snake here?

Ye Tian only felt numbness on his scalp. According to the jade slip, this snake is colorless and transparent. It comes and goes like flying without a trace. It penetrates the air without any sound. It's extremely fast and contains strong poison. It's hard to prevent.

If you don't use the source eye, you can't sense this kind of shadowless snake just by sensing the wind.

Fortunately, the shadowless snake should be a young one, and its speed can't reach the level of shadowless coming and going. Otherwise, it's still unknown whether it can retreat completely.

Ye Tian is more cautious and follows the track of the shadowless snake being patted. However, he has not found the body of the snake for a long time.

It's said that the power of one stroke is more than ten thousand catties. There's no reason why one can't die. Even if the jade slips say that the snake is weak and boneless, as strong as King Kong.

"Earth beetle!"

For the sake of prudence, ye Tian condensed three soil armor to protect his body and continued to explore.

It's said that nobody has been to the insect Valley for many years. There should be a lot of spirituals inside. Even if there are no spirituals on the outside, there is still one spirituals in the insect valley. This phenomenon is not normal.

Just in doubt, ye Tian suddenly has a magic power, and the cloud catcher suddenly appears in the air. He suddenly holds it in front of him, then rolls back and stays in front of him.

Ye Tianding looked at a ladybug in his cloud shooting hand, and then put his right hand between his thumb and index finger.

The ladybug is yellow with three black dots on its back. It struggles in Ye Tian's hands, but it can't get rid of it.

Is it a heartworm?

And it's a Samsung heartworm?

According to the book of strange insects and different animals, this insect is a spirit insect. It can fly at a speed that matches the number of stars. After recognizing the Lord, it has a heart to heart relationship with the master. Although it is thousands of miles away, it can be used as the eyes of the master. What is seen in the eyes of the heart worm is what is seen in the eyes of the master. As soon as you read it, you can go back.

This three-star heartworm is equivalent to the third level monster level, and its speed is comparable to that of the Longmen monk.

Maybe just now this insect was just passing by. He didn't fly with all his strength and was caught by himself. Ye Tian was pleasantly surprised in his heart, holding the heart connecting insect on his forehead, and a wisp of divine thoughts intruded into his mind.

At the beginning, the insect still resisted, but ye Tian released a threatening emotion in his mind. Ye Tian successfully made a soul seal in the insect's brain.

Sure enough, after recognizing the Lord, ye Tian and lianxinchong had a feeling of flesh and blood.

The mind moves, the heart worm slowly flies up, flies to the distance.

Ye Tian closes his eyes, and a picture of the valley appears in his mind, which is just like the release of his mind.

Ye Tian was overjoyed that he had such a wonderful effect. Just this heartworm, ye Tian's trip was quite fruitful.

After all, the range of mind is limited. If you put this insect thousands of miles away to investigate the enemy's situation, its effect is absolutely wonderful.

Ye Tiangang is about to take back this insect. In the picture of the insect in his mind, there is another heart connecting insect. There are four black spots behind this insect.

Four star heartworm!

The heartworm may hover around its own three-star heartworm, and then appear and disappear. No matter where the three-star heartworm flies, it will follow.

Ye Tian's mind moves, and his mind goes, and the three star heartworm flies back to him.

The four-star heartworm followed and could be seen by the naked eye.

Ye Tian is ready. When the four-star heartworm catches up with him, the cloud photographer makes another move. The four-star heartworm dodges the capture of the cloud photographer.

How fast!

Ye Tian secretly says that he can do it, and then he puts out two cloud photographers again. This time, he doesn't fight for the sky. The four-star Lianxin worm evades the first cloud photographer, but finally fails to escape the second one and is caught by Ye Tian.

The speed is very fast, just a little silly!

Ye Tian smiles, and soon the four-star heart worm has completed the divine recognition of the Lord.

After that, ye Tian repeatedly compared the physical characteristics of the two lianxinchong, which is a little different. The four-star lianxinchong is male, and the three-star lianxinchong is female.

Let go of two lianxinchong again, and the four-star lianxinchong goes after the three-star lianxinchong again.Ye Tian goes over and helps to beat the mandarin ducks and separate them. According to Ye Tian's idea, the four-star heartworm goes to the distance to investigate the situation.

Samsung is not idle, but is also sent to another direction by Ye Tian.

With these two heart worms, ye Tian is like a fish in the water. His vision gradually expands, and the two lines are parallel. The situation in the valley gradually becomes clear in his mind.

All of a sudden, the picture in my mind flashed. Ye Tian sent a command to the four-star heartworm again. The four-star heartworm flew back and adjusted the perspective according to Ye Tian's requirements.

Yes, it's the shadowless snake!

On the branch of a big tree, a transparent shadowless snake was crawling on it, about half a foot long, twice as big as the one I had seen before.

If ye Tian hadn't seen the little shadowless snake before, I'm afraid he wouldn't have noticed the big shadowless snake even though the four-star heartworm had just flown by.

The shadowless snake seemed to be used to the flying of heartworms. It didn't respond to the situation and still lay quietly on the tree.

Ye Tian feels the picture in his mind and ponders. Any spirit insect can be a spirit pet. Of course, he has to subdue the other and then surrender himself.

Finally, ye Tian decided to have a try.

The idea moves, ye Tian disappears from the original place, Feng Dun and Yin Sha are used at the same time, and quietly flies to the location of the four-star shadowless snake.

When it was about three feet away from the shadowless snake, the five shadow snake seemed to be aware of something, and suddenly ran to the distance and disappeared.

Leaf day a burst of exasperation, oneself all enough careful, still this result.

The three-star lianxinchong also transferred over, together with the four-star lianxinchong to explore nearby, ye Tian's interest in this shadowless snake is stronger.

Such an alert shadowless snake, if it can really subdue, will help itself a lot.

About half an hour later, under the careful search of two heartworms, the shadowless snake was found by Ye Tian more than 30 feet away from the tree.

At this time, it has been lying on the branch of another tree, still lying there quietly.

Ye Tian doesn't act rashly. It's hard to find the shadowless snake. If he loses it again, no one can guarantee whether the snake will escape without a trace.

Although there are two heart worms, it is not so easy to find a small snake within a hundred Li radius.

In my mind, I repeatedly checked all the information about lianxinchong, and ye Tian finally moved again.

He took out the little mirror spirit weapon and flew quietly to the direction of the shadowless snake again. This time, he didn't get too close. He stopped about six or seven feet away from the shadowless snake. The little mirror aimed at the shadowless snake, and then a mana hit the mirror.

A white light shoots out and covers the shadowless snake on the branch of the tree. Then ye Tian's cloud camera hands again and catches the shadowless snake in the air.

The shadowless snake was shrouded in white light. Under the freezing cold, the body was stiff. At this moment, the cloud photographer had caught the shadowless snake and flew to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian's right hand is seven inches of the snake, and his mind covers the shadowless snake. The fierce intention of the waves spreads from the snake's mind to Ye Tian Shen sea, and the snake does not yield.

As soon as ye Tianyi urges shennian, he turns into shennian cone and stabs the mind of the shadowless snake, and then the huge shennian gives up the attack.

After such a stalemate for more than ten minutes, the snake is still fighting. Ye Tian's heart moves. He releases samadhi's real fire from the elixir field and wants to burn it to the shadowless snake.

Shadowless snake's mind conveys a sense of fear. In addition, ye Tian's divine cone torments the shadowless snake very tired. The shadowless snake finally converges its ferocity and slowly gives up its resistance.

Ye tianshennian left his mark in the mind of the shadowless snake, and didn't stop until he fully felt the snake's submission. , the fastest update of the webnovel!