Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 789

After explaining some things, ye Tian left a box of gold for Qiu Changchun to use as funds. Then he left qingmingzong by flying sword and rushed to the nearest high-speed railway station.

On the way, he contacted Mengfang and Qi Yun of Baihua Valley in eastern Fujian, and told them the same story about recruiting the black guards, so that they could pay more attention to their relationship.

Ye Tian needs a group of forces that only belong to himself, and this kind of power comes from different channels, and may be able to check and balance each other when it is critical.

I will leave the temple frequently in the future. If I don't have enough strength to guard it, if I am chosen by the coming dark friars or other forces one day, won't I be too sorry for those disciples who follow me?

Ye Tian believes that although the conditions given by himself are very simple, no one can resist them. This is a huge pie, and it is the kind that can be eaten.

Later, ye Tian contacted Qin Luoshen and asked him to assist Meng Fang in receiving the Tianren backup disciple of awakening Linggen. Qin Luoshen doesn't need to come forward to receive her. She just needs to do a good job in logistics. She can't be careless about some small things like food and accommodation.

They talked about the progress of the construction of the Miluo palace and hung up.

The next afternoon, ye Tian arrived at Nanhai High Speed Railway west station.

As soon as I passed the exit, I saw the ice devil Yan Bing waving to himself not far away.

"What's the matter? Come to me as a shield? " Two people get together, ye Tian jokes.

Yan Bing's face, which was full of smiles, suddenly grew long. He punched Ye Tian's chest and threw a white eye: "if there were not a very urgent situation, and the master asked me to tell you at the first time, I would not bother to come to you."

"Urgent? You don't call me in case of emergency? " Ye Tian narrowed his eyes. His eyes radiated a direct light. He turned Yan Bing's face red and lowered his head. After several seconds, he whispered, "I can't get through!"

"How can I get through?" Ye Tian took out his mobile phone and shook it: "one grid, two grids, three grids, four grids, five grids, six grids, you see, the signal is full!"

Yan Bing was Ye Tian exposed the lie on the spot, in the heart a burst of shame annoyed, mouth but don't forgive people: "can't get through, is my phone out of electricity, OK?"

They quarreled and came to the corner of the station square, where there was no one else.

"Come on, what's the big deal? Are you playing truant today? "

Ye Tianwen, originally he wanted to go home directly after standing.

"Ye Tian, do you understand? You're the one who's playing truant! Tomorrow's final exam, the teacher does not have to go to class, all the students review in the classroom, you are the only one to skip class Yan Binghao takes an opportunity to stimulate Ye Tian.

"Oh, yes, it's the final exam tomorrow!" Ye Tian scratched his head: "thank you for reminding me. If there's nothing else, I'll go back to review!"

"Ah Ah... " Yan Bing pulls Ye Tian: "they haven't said anything serious yet. Why do you want to leave?"

"You're so unruly. You have to say something unruly first. Is it fun? Besides, my name is Ye Tian, but I don't. why do you have to call me elder martial brother leader? " Ye Tian starts to revenge Yan Bing with a bad smile. In his previous life, the ice devil made him suffer a lot, so that he had a big shadow in his heart at that time.

"Well, seriously, there's an important piece of news."

Yan Bing once again lost the battle and turned to the main topic: "I have received a small message that because of the change of heaven and earth, there are a large number of people awakened by Linggen. The government began to prepare for the establishment of two ancient martial arts academies, one in the capital and the other in the South China Sea. It is possible that I will be transferred to guwu college in Nanhai as a teaching assistant. "

"Teaching assistants?"

This is indeed an important news, ye Tian did not expect such a situation: "you are such a person to be a teaching assistant, then what kind of person can be an instructor?"

Yan Bing gently shook his head: "I just got such a news, I have no way to know the details. But I've heard one thing before. Although mountain people are very mysterious, they are only relative to ordinary people. "

"It's not that the government doesn't know about this, and it's said that the government also controls the power of the people on the mountain. Think about it. As a national machine, how can the cards in its hands be weak?"

"The reason why the mountain people of different sects don't easily attack ordinary people is that there is such a mysterious force. If mountain people commit many crimes, they will surely be punished by the official force. In the past, there were some mysterious disappearances of mountain people, and they were probably punished."

"However, there was a conflict among the mountain people before, but the officials rarely involved. Maybe this is the reason why we should grasp the big and let go the small, or it is very possible to weaken the mountain people's strength through internal competition. In a word, that mysterious force is to protect the people and not to interfere in the personal enmity of the mountain people. "

"Therefore, I speculate that the instructors and senior managers of the two guwu colleges should be held by the official mountain people, but they certainly have their own tasks, and they can't fully devote themselves to the teaching of guwu college, so they are looking for teaching assistants among the current teachers."In his previous life, ye Tian was just an ordinary person. He was no different from other students in school. He didn't know anything about cultivation. He didn't know the people on the mountain, let alone the official information Yan Bing said.

But after Yan Bing said that, he immediately realized that most of these rumors are true. If the official does not have any powerful deterrent force on the mountain people, are those mountain people against the sky?

While digesting the news, Yan Bing continued: "although the grapevine has not been confirmed yet, the school has received documents from the higher authorities to make detailed statistics on the awakening of heaven and man. It is estimated that the purpose is to prepare for the recruitment of students from guwu college. And in this list, there's your name

"I'll go!"

Ye Tian had no choice but to smile: "at my level, it is estimated that being an instructor is a talent. If I go to guwu college, I can learn a Mao!"

"yes, I think so, too. But why do you want to go? "

Yan Bing rarely stood in Ye Tian's camp and seemed helpless: "no matter what your personal wishes are, it's said that the students recruited are compulsory. It's not a matter of whether you want to go or not. It's a matter of having to go and not going against them. Moreover, it is said that the guwu academy will adopt military management, and the system is particularly strict. I don't know too much about the rest. "

"Well, I know that. Thank you for coming so far to tell me. The soldiers will come to cover the water and the earth. Let's wait until the time. By the way, how did you come? " Ye Tian is upset and doesn't worry too much about "I'll go". He doesn't want to continue this topic, so he wants to go back and think about it.

If, as Yan Bing said, the guwu college is officially established, and it is compulsory, then the vast majority of students will be recruited by guwu college.

Heaven and man are awakened, but their predecessors are still ordinary people, there is no room to refuse. This has formed a strong impact on the recruitment of the disciples of the Miluo palace, and a large number of excellent students will miss the Miluo palace.

To recruit those disciples, ye Tianyi wants to improve their cultivation and enhance their strength. Sooner or later, the earth will face the cunling realm or the myriad tribes in the upper world. If it's just fish, how can he face the swordsmen?

On the other hand, the more we recruit, the more we can protect these people from the opportunities of the dark monks.

The third point, which is also his most personal point, is that he still has a good wish in his heart. He hopes that the Miluo palace will be built, that the disciples will be strong and strong, and that the scale of the square inch spiritual realm will be restored. One day, Ning Yao, his lover, will be revived. When he wakes up, he will see such a Miluo palace for the first time.

How happy Yao'er would be with such a big gift!

Yan Bing naturally doesn't know the abacus in Ye Tian's heart. She shakes the car key in her hand: "well, I'm driving your Land Rover! You left in a hurry that day. I left my car keys in my office! "

"Well, you can take me back. I'll take advantage of this time to review. The study is a good beginning and a good ending! By the way, remember to cheer me on Ye Tian spread his mind and saw the black Land Rover in the parking lot in an instant. As he walked there, he said.

"OK, ye Tian, come on, I'll take care of you!" Yan Bing clenched her fist and jerked down.

"What do you think? Into my tank Come on. " Ye Tian left a sentence and walked away quickly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!