Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 790

Black Land Rover didn't stop until the teaching building. This is Yan Bing's privilege as a teaching assistant. In Nanhai University, it's not so easy for cars outside the campus to enter the campus.

As soon as the car stops, ye Tian pushes open the door and sneaks into the teaching building like a thief. He finds that a group of students gather on the side of the playground and see that he wants to make dumplings.

We must keep a low profile. Ye Tian doesn't want to cause any more trouble.

What a boring day!

However, he underestimated his influence. As soon as he entered the classroom, the original quiet atmosphere was suddenly broken, and the classroom became lively.

"Ye ye, I thought you were not coming!"

Shi Xiong stands up for the first time to say hello. This kind of congenital advantage makes him feel very satisfied. Ye Tian is a big character, but it's my brother.

Ye Tian waved to Shi Xiong with a smile on his face, but he didn't leave the other students behind. He waved around with his hands, saying hello to them all. Then he went back to his seat and took out his textbook.

All eyes follow his figure like a spotlight, and some girls are crazy. Their eyes are full of shining stars.

Ye Tian didn't pay too much attention to it. He can't help it. Being too handsome is also a crime! One more look at any girl will hurt the hearts of other girls.

Pick up a textbook at will, finger gently on the textbook, the page is like flowing water, and ye Tian's idea has covered the book, the content is quickly recorded in the mind.

"Ye ye, are you practicing counting money? Or Yan Ruyu? " Shixiong stabbed Ye Tian and felt a little puzzled.

"Gunduzi, I'm not reviewing!" Ye tianbai takes a look at Shi Xiong and continues to turn the book.

"Listen, is that human talk? It's called review. How can you make us have four big lessons a day? "

"God, please take my knee! Also teach us how to review like this

"You see, the great God is the great God. It's faster to turn a face than to turn a book. Great God, you also scold me. I want to be your brother too!"

Immediately, there was a friendly compliment in the classroom, and the classroom became chaotic.


suddenly, the door of the classroom was pushed open, and the headmaster Wang Hai came in angrily.

"What about the voice? Listen, your class is the most vocal in the whole teaching building. "

"You're the worst class I've ever seen!"

"Tomorrow is the exam. I don't study hard at ordinary times. Now I don't hold Buddha's feet temporarily. Just wait for you. Buddha will give you a kick sooner or later!"

"What are you looking at? I have words on my face!"

As soon as he entered the door, Wang Hai had a gloomy face and began to scold him like a bean in a bamboo tube. As soon as he exclaimed, the classroom immediately quieted down. No one was stupid. How could he fight against the headmaster? The arm can't twist the thigh. If you are caught, the headmaster can let you fail every minute.

Seeing that his deterrent effect was good, Wang Hai looked around the class, nodded with satisfaction and was ready to leave.

However, he just turned around and suddenly turned back. At a glance, he saw a familiar figure.

Yes, his eyes fell on Ye Tian's face. Wang Hai immediately put on a smile and trotted to Ye Tian: "you came back to review yourself, too?"

When I went, there was a buzz in the classroom.

Wang Hai's face became stern again: "you see, ye Tian is the best student in Nanhai University. He can come back to review his lessons in his busy schedule. What does that mean? People who are better than you work harder than you. Why don't you work hard? "

Many students feel angry, but they don't dare to show it. There's no way. Who can make the form better than others. Ye Tian is very good, but often truant! As a headmaster, you can't be shameless, can you?

Why can the villain lay down his butcher's knife and become a Buddha on the spot? But we good people who sit in class every day have to go through the difficulty of 9981?

why is it that once a firework woman is good, she is good, and once a good woman falls, she is willing to fall?

However, who dares to say this truth, because Wang Hai has changed his smile again and bowed his head to Ye Tian and said, "Ye Tian, I've made some good tea recently. Why don't you go to my tea!"

"Well, you can make good tea first. I'll review all the lessons in one minute, and then go over." Ye Tiantou continued to turn the textbook without raising his head.

"Well, well, I'm going to prepare now. Don't you not go!" Wang Hai gets Ye Tian's promise, and his smile is more brilliant. On the contrary, he doesn't care what's wrong with Ye Tian's tone.

"What are you looking at? If you look at Ye Tian, you can cherish a minute. Learn from him and fight! Boys Wang Hai, while trying to instill the chicken soup in his mind, walked out.

All the students in the classroom watched Wang Hai carefully close the door, and looked down at Ye Tian, who was once again in a mess in the wind.A minute later, ye Tian closed the book on time, all the courses have been reviewed, and the relevant contents are deeply imprinted in his mind.

"Goodbye, students. I'm going to have tea. I'll treat you to the special scholarship this semester."

Ye Tian waved his hand and went out of the classroom, which made the people in the classroom itch.

"Master, you can count it!" Seeing ye Tian enter the office, Wang Hai looks into the corridor, turns around and greets him cordially.

He poured tea on Ye Tian, and Wang Hai touched his back with his hand and said, "master, I've always had a backache recently. Can you show me what's going on?"

Ye Tian put his finger on Wang Hai's pulse and quickly withdrew his finger. After taking a look around Wang Hai's face, he said mysteriously, "in the future, more sports will be done on the playground, and the vast world and stage will be good for your health. The space of bed is too small!"

"Well, I see. Is there any way to cure it now?" Wang Hai's face turned red and asked. After practising the palm technique taught by Ye Tian, he felt that he was out of breath and his legs were not sour. He went up to the sixth floor without any effort, so he was greedy. Who knows that this situation happened now.

With a gesture, ye Tian handed Wang Hai a piece of Huang Ling Dan: "just take this tonic! By the way, I have something to ask you

"Master, just ask. I'm sure I'll say everything I know." Wang Hai happily took over Huang Lingdan and promised.

"It's said that the list of heaven and man of Linggen's awakening is to be counted. I'm also counted. Can you cross me out?" Ye Tian goes straight to the point.

"Shifu is well informed. It's true, but it's impossible to cross it out. One is that the list has been submitted. On the other hand, the statistics are extremely strict. One is one. No matter what the reason is, no omission is allowed. However, this is a good thing. In the future, the government will set up an ancient martial arts college, and the recruited talents will be trained as elites, and they will certainly be reused in the future. Not to mention that, during the study period, all fees are free, and there are a lot of subsidies. This is a good thing that we can't ask for at ordinary times! " Wang Hai felt that he could not understand Ye Tian, so he began to introduce him.

"I'm a sophomore now, and I'm going to that ancient martial arts college?" Ye Tian asked again.

"Of course, don't say you're a sophomore. Guwu college has also set up a juvenile class and a children's class. Education should start with children, that is, kindergarten. As long as the Linggen is awakened, the government will also vigorously cultivate it! This is an overwhelming task. All schools should make way for guwu college. If you don't want to go to guwu college, you can drop out after you enter, so that you can make it through. "

Seeing that ye Tian didn't want to go to guwu College from the bottom of his heart, Wang Hai gave an idea by the way.

"However, it's a piece of gossip. The government hasn't officially announced it. Moreover, there are many things to do to prepare for the guwu Academy. It also takes a certain amount of time to prepare for it. Only after the beginning of the school can we have an accurate result. I don't know what will change then! "

Ye Tian thinks about it. When it comes to contingency, the most important thing is to take care of the things on his side. , the fastest update of the webnovel!