Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 788

"I'm here, Mr. Qiu!"

Ye Tian greets him gently and opens his mouth with a smile. He used to call Qiu Changchun the elder. At that time, he wanted to show that he was in line with his age. Otherwise, he would be considered impolite. But that kind of address, ye Tian himself felt very uncomfortable.

After all, he is an old monster who has reached the age of 200. Qiu Changchun calls himself master with a low eyebrow.

But now it's different. As the Lord of the Miluo palace, Qiu Changchun has become a member of the Miluo palace. It's not appropriate to call him the elder. It's not impolite to call him the elder.


When Qiu Changchun heard this, he suddenly turned around and saw that he didn't know when he had reached the leaf sky behind him. He couldn't help but feel afraid. Fortunately, this person is Ye Tian. If the enemy suddenly attacks him, maybe he doesn't even know how to die.

As a result of this, the old man was inexplicably awed by Ye Tiansheng.


Qiu Changchun clasped his fists and saluted with a solemn expression, which was quite different from the previous appearance.

Ye Tian was dumbfounded and waved his hand: "the old man doesn't have to be like this. They are all from his own family. Why should we stick to the common customs when we are alone?"

"Ha ha, the Lord is right. Yan Bing is my apprentice. If you two get married, we will be a family."

Qiu Changchun didn't hold on for ten seconds, and he began to pull up yuanyangpei again. He was really optimistic about ye Tian, and felt that no one was worth Yan Bing's entrustment except ye Tian.

"The old man is going to be a matchmaker?"

How can ye Tian not see Qiu Changchun's mind? He immediately laughed and joked, and then changed the conversation: "don't you mind if I come to have a look?"

Needless to say, ye Tian also knows that it must be Yan Bing who told Qiu Changchun that he had singled out qingmingzong. Otherwise, he should have built the Miluo palace in Jiangnan, and he would never have been here.

"That Well, originally, I don't trust the patriarch, but I feel relieved as soon as I get here. I've seen the Qingming sect all over the place, but it's empty. I think it's the Lord who killed a few people to frighten them. The rest of them have fled! "

Qiu Changchun pointed to a few bodies nearby and guessed. He came from the south of the Yangtze River. Although the distance from the South China Sea to here is almost the same, he can't fly with his sword. Climbing is entirely on foot. Because I was worried, I took a straight distance when climbing the mountain. I didn't take the mountain road, and I didn't come across the mountains, and I didn't meet the people who left qingmingzong.

So when we arrived at Qingming sect, we didn't know the details at all, except for some clues.

Ye Tian shook his head and said with a smile: "Mr. Qiu is only half right. I really killed these people, but the rest of the Qingming sect didn't escape. Instead, they abandoned their cultivation and left the mountain. Qingming sect has been removed from its name


Qiu Changchun was stunned, and then his face changed greatly. He pulled Ye Tian's arm and said, "Lord, go, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time!"

Say words, then want to pull leaf day to leave here.

Who knows, Qiu Changchun, who is an old monster in the sky, didn't pull Ye Tian by a dime, and then added force again, but still had no effect.

"Why is that, old man?" Ye Tian frowns. Qiu Changchun is old. He usually looks steady, but now he looks like a hairy young man.

Listening to Ye Tian's question, Qiu Changchun's face was worried: "Lord, to tell you the truth, I'm anxious to come here when I hear that smelly girl Yan Bing said you came to qingmingzong. On the way, I contacted a friend for many years to inquire about the recent situation of qingmingzong, thinking about the role of knowing oneself and the other. "

"It happened that the friend knew something about Qingming sect. He said that there was a new leader of Qingming sect. He awed the three hidden elders of Qingming sect with his own strength and one move, and his cultivation was unfathomable. According to that friend, no one in the world can be better.

Although the master's accomplishments are extraordinary, if the other side dares to play the banner of Qingming sect again, he must have enough confidence. If we stay here too long and wait for him to come back, I'm afraid things are not good! "

when Qiu Changchun finished speaking, ye Tian began to laugh, and then pointed to the corpse of the young man in black on the ground:" is that the new patriarch you are talking about? He's dead. Look, these people come out. From the position, he's the head of the crowd, isn't he? "


Qiu Changchun's face was smothering. He went over and looked at it carefully. When he saw the trace of Xumi commandment on the finger of the corpse, he was able to confirm that what ye Tian said was true.

The mark is obviously deep, and the color is whiter than the rest of the finger. I'm afraid that the change can only happen after wearing Xumi commandment for many years.

Xumi commandment is absolutely a rare thing in the world. Besides the leader of Qingming sect, Liu Bufan, who is known as the first person in the world, owns one. No one else in qingmingzong had the chance and strength to get this magical thing.

He also learned from ye Tian that there was such a magical thing in the world.Those who dare to wear this ring are confident that they can protect it without being robbed.

The face of the young man in black is very strange. He is a man of three sects and six sects. Qiu Changchun is very familiar with the strongmen of Qingming sect, even including the hidden elders, but this person is the only one who meets for the first time.

For various reasons, he was sure that what ye Tian said was true.

At this point, Qiu Changchun was shocked. How strong is the young patriarch now? How can you kill so many people?

His eyesight was pretty good. He could see that all the people died in one move.

"Well, don't be surprised. I hope that there will be a new leader of Qingming sect, who can help us to help the poor in the Miluo palace. The sect is newly established, and there will be a lot of waste waiting for the prosperity. The old people will have to work hard!"

Ye Tian how can't see Qiu Changchun's mind, simply no longer say more about this matter, changed the topic.

"The great foundation of Qingming zongnuo can't be wasted. I have a few things to tell Qiu Lao."

"Lord, please tell me!"

Qiu Changchun bows to him once again. When he reaches his age, he has already passed the stage of choosing people according to their age. In this world, the strong are respected. Only by following the right people and standing in a good line can he make his hard road of cultivation further.

From the peak of the earth level before to now, it has become an old monster of heaven and man. Isn't it because of the elixir given by Ye Tian?

If you do your best for this patriarch, others will not treat you badly. In the future, it is possible to break through the heaven level and enter the congenital world.

Therefore, he is more respectful than before, and his posture is extremely low.

Ye Tian didn't correct each other's attitude too much. Instead, he was in the original square inch spiritual realm. He was as obedient as a crucian carp. He was used to everything, and he didn't feel strange.

"Well, old man, remember, first of all, the foundation of Qingming sect is good. The Millennium large-scale basic plate can't be wasted. From today on, this place will become a branch of the Miluo palace, and Mr. Qiu will be in charge of it."

Ye TianChao pointed around and said with high spirits.

"Yes" Qiu Changchun did not say a word more, but simply agreed.

Ye Tian nodded with satisfaction and continued: "the second thing is to collect the items left by Qingming sect, repair the damaged buildings, receive the visiting Linggen, awaken the heaven and man, and select the person with good character as the candidate disciple of the Miluo palace."

"Third, the zongnei Tongtian pagoda is listed as a forbidden area. No one is allowed to get close to the surrounding area within ten feet. Those who violate the order will be killed!"

"The fourth thing is to recruit the black guards of the Miluo palace in front of many mountain people through your previous contacts. The recruitment of the head of the black guards is very important. You choose the candidates and I'll check them myself. The black guards are only responsible to me. I promise that once I become the black guard of the Miluo palace, I will ensure that the top of the Xuan level will be promoted to the prefecture level, the top of the prefecture level will be promoted to the heaven level, and the top of the heaven level will be born. "


Listen to Ye Tian finish, Qiu Changchun took a breath of air-conditioning, to know that prefecture level peak into congenital, there is no one, it is very difficult. If I didn't take the elixir, I might still be at the peak of the prefecture level. However, if you want to say that the highest level of heaven has entered into the congenital world, he is not sure about ye Tian's realm, except that Liu Bufan, the leader of Qingming sect.

It can be seen how big Ye Tian's tone is. However, Qiu Changchun didn't feel any moisture.

Just, aftertaste Ye Tian's words, he added: "is the Yellow level peak also ensure to enter the Xuan level."

"No yellow!" Ye Tian doesn't think so. , the fastest update of the webnovel!