Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 787

Bamboo leaf breeze, or the old times.

With his memory, ye Tian quickly found a clump of thick bamboo next to him and cast his eyes to the ground. A moment later, his face was full of joy, and immediately his figure disappeared from the original place, and he was already using the technique of earth evasion to enter the underground.

After ten breath, ye Tian's figure appeared in the bamboo forest again, but in his hand, he had a jade pot with green color and simple breath.

The jade jar is like a wine jar, and its workmanship is extremely fine. If it is filled with fine wine, it can hold at least five Jin of wine. Looking at the wine world in his arms, ye Tian's heart is full of ups and downs, giving birth to the color of infinite reminiscence.

He slowly sat on the grass in the bamboo forest, put the jade pot in front of his knee, and gently stroked the cool and pleasant pot with his fingers, thinking of the man that year and that month.

That year, she was as beautiful as jade, and her light clothes were better than snow. He and Ning Yao traveled together in the spiritual realm and got five extremely rare miraculous fruits by chance. This fruit is just like its name. It is full of vitality and has magical effect on healing injury and restoring mana.

However, the fruit trees are very strict with the growing environment. Ye Tian can't be transplanted to Qingming blessed land, and the fruit can't survive long after it leaves the branch. After ye Tian and Ning Yao brought it back to Qingming blessed land, they made this jar of liquid according to the ancient secret recipe, using more than ten kinds of precious elixirs as auxiliary materials, and the famous water of forgetting immortal spring in Fangcun Lingyu.

This jade jar is made of the best quality wood spirit jade. The spirit can nourish the strange liquid in the jar, and then absorb the pure Qi of bamboo and wood. The longer the time, the more effective the liquid will be.

Ye Tian was going to leave this jar of liquid after the birth of the crystal of he ningyao. Who knows, it was attacked and killed by eight Yupu people in less than ten years, so that this jar of liquid has been buried deep in the bamboo forest for many years.

Fortunately, when he buried the jade pot, he sealed the amazing aura on the jade pot with a secret method. Otherwise, he did not dare to guarantee whether the jar of Zaohua liquid would return to his hands today.

at this time, the jade jar made of the best wood attribute Ling Yu can only feel the subtle aura, and the essence of the Reiki is absorbed into it as early as part of the liquid. From this point alone, ye Tian can infer that the jade pot was not buried for thousands of years.

A moment of rebirth, looking back, it is a thousand years!

What is the reason for the confusion of time and space? For a moment, ye Tian's eyes became clear. He carefully removed the wax seal from the mouth of the jar and opened the jade jar.

Suddenly, the majestic aura mixed with a faint fragrance came to his face. Ye Tian felt that the magic power in his body recovered when the fragrance was inhaled into his heart.

Just now, ye Tian used his fist to break the void, but he hit it with all his strength and almost used up nine out of ten of his mana. It was the void time in Dantian.

Only smelling the smell of the liquid, the mana recovered by half.

Ye Tian was overjoyed. Unexpectedly, the magical effect of the liquid was far beyond the original expectation.

At this time, he could no longer restrain the excitement in his heart. He flicked his finger at the mouth of the jade jar, and a drop of clear liquid with startling aura popped out of the mouth of the jar as if it gave birth to spirituality, and then shot it into Ye Tian's mouth.

At the entrance of a drop of nature liquid, ye Tian suddenly feels a shock from his body. A cool air spreads all over his body. His limbs and bones are so comfortable that they turn into endless mana and rush into the Dantian.

Three breath, just three breath time.

Ye Tianbian felt that his mana had been completely restored and reached the highest level in history.

So amazing?

With a long roar, ye Tian's body soared up and stood on top of the bamboo forest. His body swayed back and forth with the bamboo branches, and his mood was unspeakable.

Is it possible that everything has a definite number, and there is a cycle of cause and effect.

What they buried with ningyao at that time was a great help to their rise.

Although emperor's boxing is extremely powerful, his realm is still shallow at this time, and he can't even exert half of his boxing power.

However, the most suitable puxu boxing is that it consumes too much mana. At present, it can only give a full blow. But with this jar of liquid, you can recover your mana at any time, and you will not be hindered by lack of mana any more. You can use it at will.

In this way, the world's largest, where can not go.

Come on, dark friars, come down!

I will make you regret coming to Earth Star.

There are Hualing Valley, Danxia blessed land, lingxu blessed land, Qingyuan Dongtian, Dongzhen market, Sanling mountain and Guangtian temple. You thieves, I, ye Tian, will go to seek justice in the future.

Ye Tian, in a mood of agitation, let out a long roaring sound. After venting, he fell back to the ground and sealed the jade pot again. He was included in xumitiao.

Later, he looked carefully in the cave again, but he didn't find anything surprising. Finally, he came to the medicine garden.

In Qingming blessed land, ye Tian has 36 medicine nurseries, with a total area of nearly 100 mu. He cultivates the corresponding elixirs according to the different geographical environment.

However, there is one thing that is the same in those medicine nurseries. They all use five colors of Lingtu.This kind of five color spiritual soil is the spiritual soil formed in the intersection of five elements. This kind of soil is not a material for refining utensils, but a kind of spiritual soil for cultivating miraculous drugs.

No matter it is any kind of magic medicine, it can be planted on the five color spiritual soil. Not only that, but also because of the influence of the five elements aura contained in the five color soil, the property of the five color soil can be greatly improved. It can be said that the five color spiritual soil is the most coveted thing for all the danxiu and the herb gatherers.

Once, at Mo's home in Qiyun mountain, ye Tian got a small piece of five color spiritual soil, which had been used by him to cultivate liupin old ginseng from Kunlun mountain.

However, this small piece of five color spiritual soil is too small, and even the cultivation of liupinlaoshanshen is a little insufficient, which is far less than the great demand of Ye Tian, the emperor of Dan.

Who knows, it's God's will that ye Tian returns here one day through the Tongtian tower of Qingming sect, and comes to the front of the medicine garden.

If we don't take away the five color spiritual soil, we will live up to this great opportunity.

When ye Tian thinks about this, he has already released the fierce sword. The body of the sword hums and vibrates a few times, and then he stabs the medicine garden with a flash of light.

A piece of burnt five color spiritual soil is picked out from the medicine garden by the fierce soldier's flying sword and flies to Ye Tian. Ye Tian moves repeatedly, and brings the obtained five color spiritual soil into Xumi commandment.

For a long time, ye Tian collected all the five colored soil in this two Mu medicinal garden.

In this way, ye Tian didn't give up. He carefully checked the medicine garden which was dug out of a deep pit, and collected the fish that had missed the net again. He didn't give up until he knew that the whole medicine garden site had no more colorful spiritual soil.

Next, it took Ye Tian more than three hours to rearrange the spirit grass he had hidden. He planted all those that could be cultivated with five color spirit soil, and received Xumi Jie.

After everything is finished, ye Tian looks around the corner of Qingming blessed land, and comes to the bluestone where he entered.

A magic power hit on it, and the stone turned into a dense and surging cloud like the top of the nine storey tower.

The earthen beetle leans on his body again. Ye Tian's mana protects his body and jumps into the clouds.

It's still like the turbulence of space, the tearing force of space, and the dizziness. However, for ye Tian, who has gone through the turbulence once, these are all the same children.

Soon, ye Tian's body must have fallen on the ninth floor of Tongtian tower.

His mind spread and covered the whole qingmingzong, his brow could not help picking, and a smile appeared on his lips.

"Ding Ling Ling..."

At this time, his mobile phone ring suddenly.

Take out the mobile phone to have a look, ye Tian connected the phone.

"Suzerain, we've finally got through. Where are you?" Without waiting for ye Tian to speak, there was Qiu Changchun's anxious voice.

"Wait for me where you are!"

Ye Tian didn't say much. He hung up after this sentence. Then the figure flashed and disappeared from the original place.

It's the art of Feng dun.

When he reappeared, he had come to the collapsed Temple of qingmingzong, and in front of him, Qiu Changchun was turning his back to himself, looking in front of him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!