Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 786

Square inch spirit realm.

In a mysterious space, the huge night pearl is inlaid around the space. Under the pearl light, a mass of black fog is swirling and dense. It looks very strange.

Through the black fog, you can see that there is a man sitting with his knees crossed. It's as quiet as if he had settled down.

Suddenly, the figure on the edge of the space flashed, and a beautiful young woman came in. When she got to the black fog, she bowed slightly and called out: "Lord, the soul card of xuanhunting just broke."


The man in the black fog said softly, "it seems that there are many secrets on the earth. The aura revives, and the heaven and man awaken. Now the monks of guanhaijing fall there."

The woman was dressed in white gauze, and the boundless spring was looming. However, she looked as usual, without any embarrassment. Hearing this, she immediately replied: "my subordinates are deeply shocked. According to the past news, the earth star is declining, and the friars are hard. No one can break through the cave. Even if the aura is newly revived, I'm afraid it's not enough for me in a short time. Maybe Xuanli was in a dangerous place left over from ancient times, which led to this. "

In the dark shadow, the middle-aged man nodded gently: "no matter what, you can see that the initial state of the sea view is no longer useful. You tell Taoling to select ten middle-term dead men of the sea view. They will come to the earth star, find out the cause of death and continue the previous task. You should bring a sound transmitter and report the situation at any time. "

"Lord, the passage of arrival has been consolidated. I'm afraid the passage will collapse in the middle of such a large number of sea viewing areas. Moreover, the passage of arrival will cost a lot of money."

The woman whispered back.

The man's voice came again from the black fog: "the earth star is of great importance, so it's not worth worrying about the cost. You go to carefully explore the arrival channel. If it can't be transmitted at one time, you can come in batches without delay. If it wasn't for the weakness of the passage, I might go to the earth star in person! Go

The woman bowed and agreed to go to the edge of the space. Then her figure flashed and disappeared.

And the black fog was still dense, and the man in it didn't make any sound any more.

Ye Tian naturally did not know that this scene happened in the square inch spiritual realm. At this time, he was in front of a stone pagoda in the depth of Qingming sect.

The tower has nine floors. I don't know when it was built. The whole body is made of unknown big black stones. The mottled traces of years are clearly visible on it, emitting the breath of ancient and vicissitudes.

Ye Tian's eyes are on the three ancient characters on the tower, which do not exist on earth. The strokes are mysterious and the structure is complex.

Coincidentally, ye Tiangang is familiar with this kind of writing, which is one of the many characters used in Fangcun Lingyu.

"Tongtian tower"

Ye Tian murmurs to himself that the name of the tower is majestic, which seems to have another metaphor.

Where is the sky?

Is it a square inch spiritual realm or an endless starry sky?

If this tower can reach the sky, then did the earth find a way to the heaven in ancient times?

If not, how did the ancient friars of shuiyuezong leave?

"Ancestral star split, heaven and earth collapse, riding on the floating and starry sky!"

What is the explanation of the ancient characters in Shuiyue sect?

Ye Tian, puzzled, stroked the smooth body of the tower polished by the wind and rain. A moment later, he stepped into the Tongtian tower.

Although from the memory of the old man, he has found a way to enter the mysterious little world.

But he still looked at the environment in the tower very carefully. When his eyes fell on a statue worshipped in front of him, he could not help looking at it and shaking it inexplicably.

The statue is not a human being, not a God, but a huge Dan stove with simple style.

Ye Tian walked quickly and caressed his palm on the red stove. His eyes were full of endless reminiscence.

"Green stove!"

It turned out to be the Dan stove that he had been using in Fangcun spirit realm. With this Dan stove, he refined many elixirs of heaven and earth with his superb attainments of Dan Dao, and achieved the prestige of emperor Dan.

Unexpectedly, I saw the statue of Qinglu here.

If it wasn't for the size of the statue that was much bigger than his green stove, ye Tian might have really taken the statue as his green stove.

Eyes inch by inch swept the green stove statue, and finally fell on a line of small characters carved on the base of the statue.

"No, I'm not a fish, I'm not a child."

"No fish..."

Looking at the familiar handwriting, ye Tian's eyes turned red, and a young man's face with a simple smile appeared in his mind. He was dressed in a blue shirt and devoted himself to cultivating Taoism. He was gentle and elegant.

He was the 72nd disciple of his own. Originally, he thought that he had fallen in the sky shaking battle. Unexpectedly, he escaped the disaster and arrived on the earth to Tianzhu Mountain.

At this time, ye Tian's heart is very urgent. He takes another look at the green stove. He floats along the black stone steps to the top of the tower.

Ye Tian is already on the ninth floor of the nine storey pagoda.A little observation of the top of the tower, a magic hit on the pattern of yin and yang fish hanging above, the pattern of the top of the tower suddenly changed. The top of the tower, which had covered the stone tower for countless years, disappeared in front of our eyes, and was replaced by a cloud of ash.

It doesn't look so thick, but it's as substantial as it is. Even if you use the source eye, you can't find the situation inside.

Ye tianlue pondered and drank: "earth beetle!"

With the movement of the five elements, his body slowly emerged a layer of yellowish light curtain, which tightly wrapped it.

Then ye Tian's body was vertical, and he jumped into the clouds at the top of the tower.

As soon as he entered, ye Tian felt a whirl of heaven and earth, as if there were countless stones smashing at him, everywhere, and he could not escape. What's more, what exists at the same time is the tearing force coming from all directions, which is so powerful that it has the potential to tear people into countless pieces.

"Space turbulence!"

With Ye Tian's insight, he immediately realized that this is indeed a space channel, and it is a space channel for autonomous transmission.

With such a strong tearing force of space turbulence, I'm afraid that most of the sky level top strong people will fall into it.

No wonder Liu Bufan was seriously injured at the beginning. It must have something to do with this turbulent space.

If he had not learned from the memory of the old man that Liu Bufan had indeed entered, and that this passage was indeed leading to that mysterious little world, he would not have entered so rashly.

As for the old man, he never went in, and Liu Bufan didn't reveal the mysterious little world and space passage, so that the old man of qingmingzong didn't know about it.

Naturally, some of the disciples of Qingming sect broke the ban and tried to enter the small world to find a chance, but without exception, those who entered never came out again.

"Re solidifying earth armor"

when the earth armor on his body is torn and broken by the huge force of space, ye Tian applies the Taoist art of earth armor to re solidify the earth armor to protect his body. After returning to the market in Kunlun and absorbing the natural spirit jade, he has transformed from an ordinary body into a perfect immortal body. Not only his aptitude has changed, but also his physical body has become extremely strong. What's more, he is more skillful in performing the five elements Taoism.

Just like the skill of earthen armor, it used to be impossible to perform, but now it's really easy.

Ye Tian is confident that he can pass through this space channel safely, even if he doesn't use the Taoist art of earth armor. But he doesn't want to make himself too embarrassed. If he doesn't use the Taoist art, isn't that a fool?

Fortunately, the turbulence in space didn't last long. When the second soil armor broke, the tearing force of space suddenly disappeared.

At the foot of Ye Tian, he fell on a hard bluestone.

"This is..."

Looking at the familiar and strange scenery, the tears in Ye Tian's eyes couldn't help flowing down.

That's right. This small world, less than ten li in radius, is just the corner of Qingming blessed land.

Here, Yao'er and I had a lot of happy time, fishing by the pool and playing flute in the bamboo forest.

There is the Baguio Pavilion, but now it has turned into a pile of gravel. Not far away from the pool, built in the bamboo forest, is its own Sutra Pavilion. Now it is a piece of broken walls and tiles, which is ugly.

A little farther away, it used to be a medicine garden, one of its 36. Before the disaster, there were many miraculous medicines growing here.

It's just that it's now scorched.

Ye Tian's eyes a little bit to see, heavy steps forward, every scene has been so familiar, but now things are different, beauty is no longer, like a big dream.

There is endless sigh in Ye Tian's heart, and his tears are full of placket unconsciously.

A moment later, he walked through the whole small world. Except for the dim scenery, he didn't find any old things of that year. I think Liu Bufan or other people who entered the small world had already cleaned up.

Small world is not big, ten miles of land, to the edge is a dark black chaos, like the beginning of the world, Pangu did not wake up.

Ye Tian gradually recovered from the sadness of seeing Qingming blessed land for the first time, and stood on the edge of the dark black little world to observe carefully.

"It's a field array!"

A moment later, his eyes were full of enlightenment. Although the current cultivation is no more than the cave and sea view, his insight is beyond the reach of ordinary monks.

He was sure that this was indeed a field Dharma array. From the perspective of the fluctuation of the Dharma array, it was also a strong Dharma array made by the great friar of Yupu realm.

Once confirmed, ye Tian didn't try to break the field array. Joking, the array has the power of heaven and earth, not to mention himself. Even in Yuanying, he may not be able to break it.

Is this not a fragment of the blessed land of Qingming, but a complete blessed land of Qingming, but is it used to imprison or suppress by people who set up a Dharma array here?

And there is just an unknown space passage here?

If so, isn't the outside of the field array the home of Yao'er and himself?

The more Ye Tian thought about it, the more he felt that he was close to the truth. However, what was the reason for the great monk of Tangtang Yupu setting up such a powerful field array?To suppress these broken bricks and tiles, or to block one's own Sutra pavilion?

Before the great calamity, there were some books in the Sutra Pavilion, such as Kung Fu, Taoism and so on. However, in the war of the great calamity, many books were damaged.

Perhaps the founders of Qingming sect of the earth only got these incomplete secret scripts to create those incomplete skills and Daoism.

Is the creator of qingmingzong Mo Feiyu or someone else? Murphy can be ruled out, because he can complete Taoism. However, where are today's ink fish?

Ye Tian had a lot of thoughts.

All of a sudden, his mind flashed and he floated into the bamboo forest. If he remembered well, he and Ning Yao had buried some treasures under the bamboo forest. I don't know if they are still there at this time? , the fastest update of the webnovel!