Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 785

Ye Tian's voice was not very loud, but it exploded in the ears of many Qingming sect disciples like thunder. And that sound, echoing repeatedly in the mountains, seemed to have irresistible dignity, like an invisible hand holding the throat of the mole ant.

"Those who disobey will die Death Death... "

In the echo of his voice, ye Tian stood up against the wind, his eyes were cold, and with his clothes flying, his momentum gradually rose, sending out a cold and murderous air.

All the present Qingming sect disciples felt more and more cold, and their Adam's apple rolled hard. The atmosphere was suffocating.

They are all familiar with this sentence.

Once in taiyimen, ye Tian said this.

Those who abandon self-cultivation will live, and those who disobey will die!

In this way, even Liu Bufan, who is known as the first person in the world, dare not say it, but ye Tian does. Of course, people in taiyimen don't believe it.

However, the result is that one word becomes a prophecy, taiyimen Put out.

Ye Tian once said the same thing in Kunlun mountain.

Qingmingzong people are still lucky, but unfortunately, no one can escape the palm of Ye Tian.

With those two lessons, the disciples of Qingming sect were very disappointed. Although they were unwilling, no one dared to be the first bird to escape.

Especially Ye Tian's shocking blow made those people despair completely.

In Kunlun Mountains, ye Tian was obviously much weaker than he is now, and he was still willing to take the lives of many strong people. However, in a short time, he has grown up to the point that people can only look up to now.

Even the young man in black, who made qingmingzong extremely afraid, even disappeared in the face.

Many people began to tremble, but still no one took the lead in abolishing cultivation.

"Still lucky?"

Ye Tianleng snored. The fierce sword appeared in front of him, making a buzzing and vibrating sound. Then he pointed to a friar: "that's from you!"

"Don't, I'll abolish my cultivation!"

As soon as the monk's face changed, he blurted out that he was heartless. With one palm on the elixir field, the whole person's mana poured out like running water, and he was suddenly depressed.

Ye Tian's eyes looked at another man beside him. He was awe struck in his heart and chose to abandon his cultivation.

After all, his cultivation is useless, and he still has his life. If he disobeys Ye Tian's command, he will die.

Ye Tian's fist was so shocking that it crushed the lucky hearts of all the people in Qingming sect mercilessly and could not produce the idea of resistance.




wherever ye Tian's eyes went, all the disciples of Qingming sect abandoned their Dantian one after another, even those old monsters, including the two remaining supreme elders of heaven level, still did.

Look at the disciples of Qingming sect who have already abandoned their cultivation. Ye Tian's sword flies to the low altitude and says again: "if there are still others who haven't abandoned their cultivation in the last three breath time, please pray for more blessings!"

"I'm useless!"

"Me too!"

As soon as the words came to an end, many disciples of Qingming sect came out of the houses. One by one, they lifted their palms and patted them on the Dantian.

In an instant, there were nearly a thousand disciples of Qingming sect, who abandoned their cultivation at the same time.

Ye Tian's thoughts always covered the scope of Qingming sect. Until no one was found hiding, he put away his coercion and looked around at the disciples of Qingming sect who had become ordinary people. Besides the mountain gate, those who were far away from the wait-and-see were awakened. He said in a loud voice: "Qingming sect is immoral and dishonest, bullying the weak at home, neglecting people's lives and fearing death outside To help the tyrant. There are dark friars coming from outside the stars, intending to occupy the homeland of our generations, and plunder the bodies of many mountain people and spiritual root awakeners. "

"Qingmingzong didn't want to protect his family and defend his country. On the contrary, he took part in foreign enemies. His crime is unforgivable. If you are lucky enough to get the chance and practice diligently, you may be able to achieve the highest road. If you don't self-improvement, self-respect, drift with the tide, no matter how good the qualification is, it will only turn into a wisp of fly ash. "

"And this opportunity, in the south of the Yangtze River fly to the peak of the temple, the temple will be your life without regret choice."

"I am Ye Tian, the leader of the Miluo palace. You are welcome to join us. However, the number of disciples in the Miluo palace is limited. Go first, get first!"

Ye Tian left qingmingzong after his generous speech. Now the Miluo palace is in full swing under the leadership of Qin Luoshen and Meng Fang. He believes that today many talented people will be recruited for the Miluo palace. After a selection, the Miluo palace will rise like a big day and radiate vigorous vitality.

Seeing that qingmingzong, who was already revered in their eyes, was destroyed by Ye Tian in a short time, all the heaven and man with dreams were excited by Ye Tian San's two sentences, and they all left the mountain to rush to the south of the Yangtze River.

Miluo palace is famous all over the world.When the crowd went far away, ye Tian put away his fierce sword and landed on the ground. He came to an old man and said, "take me to the treasure house."

This old man is the highest cultivation of heaven level, and his strength is not strong, but now he has become a useless man. Ye Tian knows that people in this realm must be at the top of the pyramid in Qingming sect. He can only find such people if he wants to know anything.

"Lord Ye, please follow me!"

The old man's breath is dispirited, and his face is dark. How dare he disobey Ye Tian's orders? Now he obediently leads Ye Tian to the depth of the sect.

In a palace, the old man pointed out the mechanism to Ye Tian. Now he is a useless man. He has no power, and even can't open the mechanism.

Ye Tian starts the mechanism, and then goes underground along the Qingshi corridor. After two mechanisms, he finally comes to the secret library of Qingming sect.

The secret room is divided into three layers, inside and outside. The old man dare not hide it and points it out to Ye Tian one by one.

Qingming sect is a sect with thousands of years of history. The secret library really surprised Ye Tian.

"Heavenly heart grass!"

"Moon Flower!"

"I wish you more grass!"

"Fire in the center of the earth!"

There are a lot of herbs that are hard to see from the outside world. In contrast, there are not many herbs for refining dilingdan and tianlingdan, but they are enough to produce 20 or 30.

More of them are the herbs for refining huanglingdan and xuanlingdan, and even a large number of Chengdan. Although the quality is not satisfactory, it is better to be full in quantity.

Most of them are Huang Lingdan and xuanlingdan. They add up to thousands of them. When the Miluo palace was founded, it must recruit a large number of new disciples, and Huang Lingdan is undoubtedly the most practical thing to send charcoal in the snow.

Even in the secret library, there are nearly 100 dilingdan. What surprised Ye Tian the most is that there are 30 or 40 dilingdan territory that can cause people on the top mountain to scramble.

If you recruit some of the prefecture level top free cultivation, all of them will be promoted to the heaven level, and will become the backbone of the Miluo palace.

Ye Tian looked at it a little bit and took the treasure into Xumi commandment.

After that, I saw all kinds of weapons. Although Ye Tian didn't have the most eye-catching goods, there were a lot of heavy weapons and some inferior spirit soldiers, but not a lot.

After ye Tian's two Xumi Commandments were filled, he loaded the rest of his weapons into the Xumi commandments he had seized from the young man in black. Ye Tian hasn't had time to count the spoils in the ring, but his mind goes into Xumi ring, and ye Tian can't help but get a light in front of his eyes.

The space of this Xumi commandment is very large. It's more than ten feet around, which is five or six times that of my own Xumi commandment.

This time, ye Tian can no longer worry about loading things. All the other refining materials in the secret library are collected, and some strange things are also collected.

In a corner of the secret room, ye Tian found hundreds of spirit jade with various properties. Some of them have reached the medium level, and they contain abundant spirit.

As for the higher level of Shangpin Lingyu and Jipin Lingyu, ye Tian didn't see one.

It is a rare thing that we can find the figure of Zhongpin Lingyu in the earth with such a lack of aura.

However, for ye Tian, there is another surprise.

As hard currency, he saw hundreds of boxes of gold in the secret room. Yellow gold bars were filled with wooden boxes one meter square. Ye Tian did not carefully calculate the value. In short, it was astronomical.

Three secret rooms, ye Tian swept away, what a timely rain!

In order to build the Miluo palace, I was worried about the lack of information, but Qingming sect provided strong support. It can be said that Qingming sect gave back to the Miluo palace.

In the dark, maybe everything is God's will!!

After searching the treasure room, ye Tian's eyes fell on the old man, and then he put his palm on the other person's head.

Soul searching!

Carefully looking at each other's memory, ye Tian shows a thoughtful look.

A moment later, ye Tian took the old man out of the secret room and came to the ground.

At this time, there was no one in Qingming sect. The disciples who had abandoned their cultivation had taken advantage of this time to leave, leaving only the scattered weapons.

It is true that Qingming sect was domineering and had many enemies when it was powerful. Now that its accomplishments have been abandoned, it must have thought of the ends of the earth and lived in anonymity for the rest of its life.

Who dares to reveal the identity of qingmingzong's disciples who are enough to die, let alone bring conspicuous weapons.

Ye Tian waved his hand to let the old man leave by himself, and he walked to the depth of zongmen.

From the memory of the old man, we know that the most mysterious forbidden area of Qingming sect is there. From the entrance, we can get to the ancient world that made Liu Bufan break through his nature. , the fastest update of the webnovel!