Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 784

Qingmingzong is located on Tianzhu Mountain. With thousands of years of history, qingmingzong has been expanded many times and has a very large scale. The towering peak and nearby peaks are dotted with tall pavilions, which are much larger than the Taiyi gate.

This is the second day ye Tian left Nanhai University.

In the distance, a streamer flies from the horizon and stops in front of Tianzhu Mountain. It is Ye Tian who gets off the high-speed railway from the nearest station and then resists the fierce soldiers to fly swords.

Since he came to kill qingmingzong, he didn't intend to come secretly. He just wanted to fight openly and justly, crush the fallen dark friars with a crushing gesture, and give a head-on blow to the lucky mountain people of qingmingzong.

If before returning to the South China Sea, maybe he was still afraid of the two coming to guanhaijing, then now he has mastered the two magic powers of poxu fist and linghuoshenlian, and has enough confidence to fight with the monks of guanhaijing.

As for Nie Fu's master who didn't know how high the realm was, ye Tian was not particularly afraid. Even if he happened to meet each other in qingmingzong, he still had the last card.

Huaxu gave him the mask of grimace. With the power of the mask, the strength of the three realms can be improved. As far as ye Tian's realm is concerned, it is the golden elixir realm.

And that master can't be in the Jindan realm, because the monks in the Jindan realm can't only be under the Guanhai realm. At least someone should have reached the Longmen realm.

But ye Tian still didn't want to use the biggest card, because Huaxu's power of seal could only maintain his use of mask three times. After three times, if you use it again, the mask seal will be removed, and you will directly face the crazy backfire of the mask.

In the distance, the tall gate of Qingming sect is already in sight, and ye Tian releases his mind, covering a thousand square meters.

In front of the gate of qingmingzong mountain, many people gathered. Extending down from the winding stone steps, you can see many people sitting and resting or climbing up the stairs.

After a few breath, ye Tian takes back his mind, and a sneer spreads on his lips. He urges the flying sword to fly over countless figures and over the zongmen.

Needless to say, those people must have got the information from the TV advertisement to join qingmingzong. Maybe there are some relatives, friends and so on.

Even if not all of them are awakened, even one third of them are large enough.

What's more, these are the people who come to Qingming sect today, not including those who have joined the sect or are on their way here, let alone those who may join other sects.

"Look, the sword flies! Qingmingzong really has a deep foundation. It's the right time to come! "

"I want to be such a strong man one day! Be proud between heaven and earth

"Guess what position this elder should have in qingmenzong?"

The appearance of Ye Tian, the crowd below immediately rang out a buzzing voice.

Ye Tian can hear those voices clearly. He doesn't have any idea of criticizing these novices who are new to ancient martial arts. Maybe many people hear the word qingmingzong for the first time before they see the advertisement.

Who is better than what is worse? How can we distinguish the awakened people who are just ordinary people?

Because of this, ye Tiancai is glad that today is the right day. Otherwise, in time, these people will join Qingming sect, and they may become the skin of the dark friars.

He didn't believe that the dark ones recruited disciples to strengthen the Qingming sect they controlled.

"The Lord of Miluo palace, ye Tianlai, destroyed Qingming sect! Get out of the way

Ye Tian's voice is low, and he opens his mouth slowly. The echoes from the mountains around him ring continuously. But ye Tian's eyes fell on a huge stone beside the mountain gate.

This huge stone has been around for many years, and the word "Ming Zong" has gone through the wind and rain, revealing the endless vicissitudes of time, and the word "Qing" is obviously newly carved. The position of the handwriting is lower than that of the other two characters.

It can be seen at a glance that the word "Qing" has been erased and re engraved.


before the echo, ye Tian has already boxed on the boulder. A huge stone, under the power of one blow, fell apart, and then the broken stones burst in the process of falling.

Before that, it was a complete boulder. In a flash, it had turned into a pile of gravel, and no more complete strokes could be seen.

"Hiss, this person is so bold, dare to come to qingmingzong to challenge?"

"Miluo palace? It seems that there is no one named Miluo palace in Sanmen Wuzong! "

"Wait, did you hear that man's name is Ye Tian? But I heard that there was a man who destroyed taiyimen. It seems that he was also called yetian, but I don't know if he was from the Miluo palace! "

"Qingming sect is the first sect in the world. Even if it is Ye Tian, I'm afraid it's bad luck. It's nothing to deal with Taiyi sect. You know, Qingming sect is far from Taiyi sect."

Ye Tian's smashing at the stone once again caused a lot of discussion. However, some disciples of Qingming sect in front of the Mountain Gate rushed back to the sect when they saw Ye Tian appear.Ye Tian ignored many comments, took off his sword, released his mind, and entered the sect.

"If you abolish your cultivation, you can avoid death, otherwise you will not be forgiven!"

In the distance, the three disciples in qingmingzong's clothes have already escaped a certain distance. Ye Tian's pace seems not slow, but it is a lot closer in a moment. He did not set up a killer, but left a ray of life for the other side.

However, the three people still have a fluke, but also speed up the pace, want to escape to the front of a palace.


as ye Tian spits out two words, suddenly, a huge and bright wind blade suddenly forms in the void. Then, like a huge machete, it suddenly comes to the back of the three.

The wind blade cuts across and hits the wall of the temple. With a bang, the temple has collapsed half way.

"You are ye Tian?"

In the hall, a 30-year-old young man in black threw his sleeve and defeated the wind blade, then came out with dozens of people.

"Sea view!"

Ye Tian's eyes are slightly coagulated. From the other party's breath, it's really beyond Liu Bufan's inborn. From the momentum, the light has the appearance of pressing his head.

"Eh, the peak of the cave. It's true that the aura of the earth star is so poor that you can reach such a level. Qingmingzong won't be wronged. However, in front of me, you still can't see enough. If you eat this, I will spare you today! "

The young man in black looked very old. When he spoke, he didn't know how to move. A red elixir had already shot at Ye Tian.

Ye Tian's mind moves, and the cloud camera shows up. He grabs the elixir and stretches it to the young man in black. His unreal fingers twist it gently. The red elixir has turned into a red powder and falls to the ground.

Today, with the improvement of cultivation, ye Tian's performance of cloud photographer has reached the stage of perfection.

"Cloud photographer!"

The young man in black looks gloomy and murmurs in his mouth, but his eyes fall on Ye Tian's face. Now he takes a serious look.

Suddenly, his face changed and he exclaimed: "Danti, you are Danti..."

"Ha ha, you can also call me Shuangge!"

Ye Tian smiles innocently, but suddenly he punches. A red shadow with terrible power comes out. It shoots into the body of the young man in black like a meteor. It passes through the bodies of six or seven people on qingmingzong mountain. Then it smashes through the rear palace and several pavilions, and finally falls on a mountain several miles away .

With a loud bang, a black hole with a thick waist suddenly appeared on the cliff of the steep mountain. I don't know how deep it is.

It's the puxu fist that ye Tiangang has just mastered.

Quiet, the whole qingmingzong was silent, except for the sound of houses falling down, there was no noise.

Almost all people were shocked by Ye Tian's peerless strike!

The young man in black, who used to frighten Qingyun sect in a flash, was broken in two by Ye Tian. That's not to say, those who suffered from the fish disaster in the pond behind were all the peak figures of Qingming sect, and the weakest were also the strong ones in the later days of heaven. There are even three elders of Qingming sect who have been hidden for a long time. Their realm is the highest level of heaven for many years!

However, none of them had breath even after the blow.

"Miluo palace came to wipe out Qingming sect a few days ago. From then on, Qingming sect was removed from the three sects and five sects. Those who abandon self-cultivation will live, and those who disobey will die! "

Ye Tian once again used his cloud photography hand to take a Xumi ring from the remnant body of the young man in black. Then he looked majestically at the strongmen of Qingming sect in front of him and the disciples of Qingming sect gathered in the distance. He once again gave a low drink. , the fastest update of the webnovel!