Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 736

Someone in the sky?!

When ye Tianyi's words fall, Chen Qiang and Ma Teng immediately look awe inspiring and look up to the sky in disbelief. As far as they can see, when they see ye Tianzheng's imperial sword standing in the wind and snow, looking down at them, their bodies tremble and almost no one falls into the snow.

"Ye Tian..."

It's not just them. Yunfei looks up in disbelief when he hears the sound. When he sees the shadowy figure, he screams out in surprise. Immediately, his originally tense body relaxes, just like a big stone falling to the ground. In a moment, his strength dissipates and he sits down in the snow.

This period of running, is let her exhausted all the strength of the whole body, only one breath is still supporting himself to continue to run forward, at this moment, see ye Tian arrived, how can she not know, with Ye Tian's strength, to deal with these two guys, is absolutely easy to catch, more means, he is completely safe.

In such a mood, her tight string, like a sudden relaxation, hands and feet soft, where there is half strength.

"Ye Tian! You are ye Tian! God... "

Almost at the same time, after hearing the sound of Yunfei, Ma Teng and Chen Qiang, who are also excited Lingling, shiver. Then they are all soft. They can't help loosening the knife they hold tightly in their hands. Then they sit down in the snow and look at Ye Tian shivering.

The two of them, from the disciples of Duanquan sect who participated in the exploration of Xiyao's corpse, have heard of Ye Tian's great name, and know that ye Tian himself destroyed Taiyi sect, forced Liu Bufan back, suppressed the disciples of Qingming sect, and even changed the name of Qingming sect to mingzong.

It can be said that in the hearts of all people on the mountain, today's Ye Tian is the first person worthy of it.

In the face of such opponents, even if they lend them 100 more courage, they absolutely dare not act recklessly. They dare not do anything else except surrender and beg for ye Tian's high hand to let them both die.

"Are you all right?"

Ye Tian can't help but be stunned to see that the two men are so quick to surrender. But he also knows that the shadow of the tree, the name of the people, and his reputation among the people on the mountain are also up. He immediately presses the flying sword and strides to Yunfei's side. After pulling her up from the snow, he puts a magic power into her body. Wen Sheng says.

"I'm fine..." Cloud Fei gets mana moisten, feel immediately, the body is warm a lot of, quickly shook head.

However, her eyes to Ye Tian are full of gratitude. She knows that she is OK now, but if ye Tian doesn't appear, she will be ok now, and it will be miserable to wait for her end.

"Two big men, it's OK for you to break your fist when you treat a weak woman like this!"

Ye Tian feels Yunfei's Qi for a moment. When he finds that there is nothing abnormal except that her breath is weak and her ankle is injured, he puts down his heart. Then he turns his head and looks at Ma Teng and Chen Qiang, with a deep tone and a light way.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we know it's wrong. I beg you, master ye, to treat us as a fart! We swear, we'll never dare again

"Master ye, we really don't know that Yunfei is your woman. If we had known that, we would not dare to do such a thing even if we lent our martial brothers 100, no, 10000 courage! I beg you, sir. We have not made a big mistake yet, and we sincerely repent. Please spare our lives! "

When Chen Qiang and Ma Teng heard this, they became more and more frightened. Kneeling in the snow, they raised their hands and slapped their cheeks for hundreds of times. Then they trembled.

At this moment, in order to survive, they have nothing to care about, what dignity, what personality, in front of Ye Tian's strong strength, nothing to count.

Ye Tian's woman

Cloud Fei hears these two people's words, pretty cheek can't help but float two wipe red halo, in the heart shy incomparable.

"Spare you?" When ye Tian heard this, he sneered. He was just about to reap the lives of the two men with a fierce sword. But his eyes changed, and a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, saying: "it's not impossible for me to spare you. You two, don't you like to force others to take off their clothes? Now, take off your clothes for me, and then follow me to a place! "

These two guys are sinful. It's not a pity to kill them. But as the saying goes, people have their own roles in this world, no matter what you do. Naturally, these two wastes are no exception. They have the value of waste utilization.

Emperor Yu's description of Kunlun Guixu is extremely terrifying, and the experience of death valley also makes Ye Tian have a fear of this place. Therefore, he plans to ask these two guys to explore the background of Kunlun Guixu, and use their experience to judge the situation in the valley.

"Ah..." When Chen Qiang and Ma Teng hear this, they immediately excite Lingling to shiver and look at Ye Tian in horror.It's snowy and windy. The temperature on the mountain is 20 or 30 degrees below zero. Although the two of them are mountain people and have strong ability to resist the severe cold, in such weather, if they take off their clothes and walk in the wind and snow, even if they are immortal, they will lose half their lives, and they will definitely suffer from permanent frostbite. That kind of frostbite will attack and itch Heart, if you can't tear the skin and flesh of the whole body, it's absolutely a kind of extremely painful torture.

"Why, no? That's simple. It seems that I can only send you on the road with one sword! "

Ye Tian hears the sound and smiles indifferently. He looks at Ma Teng and Chen Qiang and says faintly.

"Take off Let's take off... "

Ma Teng and Chen Qiang shudder when they hear the news. How dare they have a little hesitation? They nod their heads in a hurry, bite their teeth, and take off their clothes, leaving only a pair of big underpants.

In an instant, the terrible ice and snow wind and cold, they will be wrapped up, put their hands in front of their chest, like stepping on the foot of charcoal, jumping up and down, skipping non-stop.

"What do you do, go back down the mountain, or come with me?"

Ye Tian naturally doesn't pay attention to these two clowns. He turns to look at Yun Fei and asks.

"I I'm with you... "

Cloud Fei hesitated for a while, to leaf day sink a voice, then struggle, then want to walk.

The wind is high and the snow is fast. She has lost her way. She doesn't know how to go down the mountain. Moreover, when she leaves from ye Tian, she is worried that she will encounter similar things again.

"Don't worry. I'll take the bone off your ankle first." Hearing this, ye Tian nodded, and then squatted down. Without waiting for Yunfei to refuse, he rolled up her trouser legs, holding the Pink Jade feet like lotus root segments, gently shaking them, and then made a clattering sound.

"All right!"

Ye Tian looks up at Yun Fei and laughs. Then he takes out Xue Ji Gao from Xu Mi Jie and spreads it on the skin where he sprains.

Such a beautiful jade foot, if you leave some scars, isn't it outrageous!

Yunfei looks at Ye Tian's appearance and feels the cold touch of the ointment and the warmth of Ye Tian's big hand. Her cheek is red and bleeding.

She grew so big, where ever had such intimate contact with a man.

Not only that, ye Tian's carefulness makes her eyes more grateful when she is saved by Ye Tian.

However, in addition to gratitude, her expression was also a little disconcerted and complicated.

"If you keep these ointments, they will remove scars very well. The rest can be used by your sisters. Xiaoqing is so skinny that she can use it. "

Next, ye Tian closes the ointment and hands it to Yun Fei, laughing.

"Thank you."

After Yunfei took the ointment, she nodded with a smile, but the smile was a little stiff.

"What about Xiaoqing? Why isn't she with you? " Ye Tian didn't realize that Yunfei was strange. After looking around, he asked her: "and I remember that your practice of shuiyuezong doesn't seem to involve divinity. How can you come here to pick snow rabbits in the wind and snow?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!