Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 737

"She didn't come with me this time. She's still in the door..."

Cloud Fei hears a sound, the vision immediately becomes some twinkle, avoided leaf day, slowly way.

"So it is..." Ye Tian nodded and then said, "who are you picking this snow rabbit for? Isn't shuiyuezong's cultivation method not related to divine thoughts? What's more, it's so urgent for you to come to Kunlun in the wind and snow. Can't you wait for the weather to be warmer? "

"Because it's really urgent this time..." Cloud Fei hesitates for a moment, after a random sentence, digs off the topic and says to Ye Tian: "I heard about the immortal corpse before. I thought you had left Kunlun now. Unexpectedly, you are still here."

"I still have something to do in Yudu. I need to buy some jade, so I stayed for a while, and then I'm going to Kunlun Guixu."

Ye Tian can hear that Yunfei doesn't seem to want to talk about the use of snow rabbit, so she doesn't insist on asking. After a light smile, she says her intention.

"Return to the market in Kunlun? Why are you going to that Jedi? " Cloud Fei hears leaf day this words, the facial expression immediately one stagnates, can't believe of looking at him, surprised way.

"Do you know this place?" When ye Tian hears this, he looks at Yun Fei in surprise, and immediately finds out that Chen Qiang and Ma Teng are also full of panic and uneasiness. It's obvious that these two guys should have heard the name of Kunlun Guixu.

"I'm not the only one. As long as I'm a mountain man, I've never heard of this place. Kunlun Guixu is one of the four famous Jedi of mountain people."

Yunfei nodded, and then told ye Tian why he knew Kunlun Guixu.

It turns out that the danger of Kunlun Guihui is not only known by ordinary people living nearby, but also explored by people on the mountain after learning about the abnormality of this place. However, no matter who enters Kunlun Guihui, they never come out of it again, even including several powerful people.

Since then, the mountain people have made Kunlun Guixu, Changbai Tianchi, the devil's cave in Northern Xinjiang, and Chonggu in southern Yunnan the four major Jedi of the mountain people.

When Yunfei comes to Kunlun to pick snow rabbits, she is reminded by the master of Shuiyue sect that she must not enter the Kunlun ruins by mistake. Otherwise, she will die without life.

Now, ye Tian says that he is going to Kunlun to return to the ruins. How can Yunfei not be shocked, worried and worried about ye Tian's actions.

You should know that the strength and terror of Kunlun Guixu is far beyond the world's expectation. Even if ye Tian's strength is indeed very strong, even far beyond the ordinary people's expectation, he may not be able to easily retreat from the Jedi, or even lose his life in it.

"I have something to do when I go there..." Ye Tian chuckles and says.

"If things don't matter enough, I advise you not to enter if you can. I know you are very strong, but if you venture into there, it's not good if something happens." The cloud Fei hears a sound, immediately again to leaf day advise a way.

"It's very important. I have to go whether I want to or not. You don't have to worry. At that time, you can wait for me at the entrance of Guixu. You don't need to accompany me into it. " Ye Tian shook his head with a bitter smile and said.

Natural Lingyu is very attractive. If he can get it, his strength will change greatly. Not only that, but also the reason why he is so eager to enter the Kunlun ruins is not only because of natural Lingyu, but also because of those who come.

What the descendents do when they arrive on the earth is to seek the secrets of immortality. Under such circumstances, they are bound to look for the rarely visited Jedi to find out the secrets and see if there are any secrets. If he can't enter the Kunlun ruins in time, he will leave this opportunity to those who come. If they find the natural Lingyu in the Kunlun ruins, they won't have to ask to defeat and stop them.

Under such circumstances, although Ye Tian is very clear that entering Kunlun to return to the market is an out and out adventure and may even lose his life, he has to do so to avoid the worst.

"Well Then I'll be with you, and then you can take care of me. "

Cloud Fei hears a voice, have no any hesitation, ordered to nod, sink a voice way.

Her life is saved by Ye Tian, so she doesn't mind accompanying Ye Tian on this trip, even if she is in danger.

"Well, thank you! Let's go. Let's go to Kunlun and go back to the market. "

Ye Tian looks at Yunfei in surprise. He doesn't expect that Yunfei is willing to accompany him when he knows that he is going to Kunlun Guixu. He immediately nods and thanks. Then he takes Yunfei to Kunlun Guixu.

As for Chen Qiang and Ma Teng, they naturally walked in the front. Although they were shivering and shivering with cold, they were even more frightened at the thought of returning to the ruins of Kunlun. However, they did not dare to say a word more. They could only bite their teeth and keep shivering forward with the terrible chill.

"Shuiyuezong now, is everything ok?" Walking on the road, ye Tian asks Yunfei."Everything is very good. After the closure of the sect, all the teachers and sisters practice in the sect. Everyone's entry is very gratifying. Moreover, because of your reasons, xiaotiandi is completely stable. We don't need to worry about the damage of xiaotiandi any more. The patriarch has made bold suggestions to take this opportunity to make shuiyuezong the top three of the sect in the future. "

When Yunfei heard this, she immediately showed a smile on her face and told ye Tian the whole situation of shuiyuezong. Then she said: "sister Xu Qing is also very hard to practice now. She always practices late into the night and enters the country very quickly. Maybe it won't be long before she is a strong person at the prefecture level. Moreover, she has good popularity in the clan."

Ye Tian smiles and nods when he hears the speech. After the closure, he gets shuiyuezong, which is inherited by the ancient monks. When he is born again, he will certainly look brand new, so that the people on the mountain in the world can know this group of women again and understand their strength.

"What about Xiaoqing? How is she? " But, to Ye Tian's surprise, Yunfei didn't mention Xiaoqing.

And this, more let him realize, from oneself to cloud Fei open mouth to ask these things, cloud Fei has been avoiding the content about Xiaoqing.

As if, that lively and lovely little girl, now has become a taboo topic.

After what happened before, ye Tian has seen that Yunfei and Xiaoqing are really sisters in love, and Yunfei's personality is very gentle and generous, and it's impossible to be like some girls. They are just plastic sisters, and they can't recognize each other.

The only explanation is what happened to Xiaoqing, and even the one who was possessed by the devil is likely to be Xiaoqing.

"Xiaoqing, she is very good and has made great progress." The cloud Fei hears a sound, the facial expression is obvious a Zheng, then pretends relaxed to leaf sky, way.

"If something happens to Xiaoqing, I hope you don't hide it from me because you are afraid of troubling me! As long as I can help, I will

Ye Tian hears these words, after frowning, looking at cloud Fei, sink a voice way.

Although Xiaoqing is a little bit fierce, she is very kind. Ye Tian likes her forthright and kind personality. If Xiaoqing really encounters any trouble that can't be solved, ye Tian doesn't mind and helps him solve the crisis.

"It's really nothing..." Cloud Fei dry smile, to Ye Tian shook his head.

"Although snow rabbit has the function of warming and nourishing the mind, the effect is just easy. If someone is possessed by the devil, it may be able to save his life if he just uses it to nourish, but if he wants to keep his cultivation, he can't do it at all!"

At this moment, ye Tian completely feels that something is not right, and it's still related to Xiaoqing. He immediately says to Yunfei.

"What? It's said that snow rabbit is very clear, and it has a wonderful effect on those who are possessed by fire. As long as you take it, will it get better? "

When Yunfei hears Ye Tian's words, her expression changes greatly. She looks at Ye Tian and loses her voice. At this moment, her expression is even more flustered.

Cultivation is the second life for the people on the mountain. If snow rabbit really can only save his life, but he can't keep his accomplishments, even if he wakes up, he will suffer more than death! , the fastest update of the webnovel!