Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 735

"Miss Ning, Mr. Ye has gone far. It's time for us to go back."

After a long time, the Jade Emperor stamped his numb feet. After shaking off the snow on his head, he turned to look at Ning Xue and said.

But as soon as he turned his head, he saw that there were two lines of clear tears hanging in the corner of Ning Xue's eyes.

Yudu's wind and snow, the temperature is too low, too low, Ning Xue's two lines of tears just dripping, it was frozen into a crystal clear ice beads.

Seeing this scene, the jade emperor could not help sighing. Once upon a time, there were girls who shed tears for him, but unfortunately, fate made a man. At that time, he was not the Jade Emperor, but Yu Qier, who was despised by everyone. When he came back from the mountains, he was married to others. Now, they can't accompany each other. He hopes that Ning Xue, who is watching by his side, can be with Ye Tian Has been a good walk, snow, until the white head.

Yudu snowflake is as big as a mat!

When ye Tian entered the mountain, he immediately realized that the snow in the mountain was a bit bigger than that in Yudu. Under the wind and snow, the dark brown mountain had become a crystal world of ice and snow.

The wind in the mountains, in particular, was like a knife. Even when ye Tian broke through the seventh floor of the cave, he had no invasion of cold and heat. However, the cold wind in such extreme weather still made him feel a stabbing pain in his cheek as if he had been scratched by a knife.


But just as ye Tian's sword was shuttling between the wind and snow, he suddenly saw that there was a shaky shadow in the front of the wind and snow. It was obvious that it was a climber in the wind and snow, and from the back, it was obvious that the other side was still a woman.

This scene made him admire each other a little more. You know, on such a snowy day, even the people on the mountain have to avoid their sharp edges, but the other party is able to shuttle through it without fear of the cold. This endurance alone can't help being admired.

However, to Ye Tian's surprise, this petite figure looks familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.


When ye Tianyun turns his eyes and scans carefully, he is even more surprised to find that this figure is Yunfei of shuiyuezong. However, shuiyuezong has closed the mountain gate and is no longer intersecting with the outside world. How did Yunfei come here?!

What's more, the world is really small enough. Two people bumped into each other when they went into the mountain.

But let Ye Tian some doubt is, he scan around, suddenly found, always and cloud Fei Jiao not from Meng, Meng not from Jiao of Xiaoqing, unexpectedly not together.

"Why? Why is there anyone else? Who did Yunfei quarrel with? "

But just when ye Tian is ready to press the flying sword and fall on Yunfei, he suddenly sees that there are two figures not far away. At this moment, after seeing Yunfei, he speeds up and approaches him quickly under the wind and snow.

And Yunfei after seeing these two people, also show the color of tension, hurriedly turn around, deep one foot shallow one foot step on the snow, to the mountains.

Not only that, as ye Tian can see, Yunfei's breath is not right, and her movements are also very stiff. I'm afraid that she is injured, and she should have been running in the snow for a long time, and her physical strength is not enough.

"Yunfei, I suggest you hand over that hundred year old snow rabbit as soon as possible, otherwise, don't blame our brother for being rude to you!"

At the same time, those two figures are already toward cloud Fei, shout out loud.

A hundred years of snow rabbit!

Ye Tian's eyes can't help changing slightly when he hears the sound. This kind of elixir, he knows, was born in the extremely cold place in the snow. It's a good elixir to nourish the spirit, especially for those who are possessed by the devil.

As far as he knows, the cultivation method of shuiyuezong doesn't attach much importance to the idea of God. How could Yunfei go into the mountain and pick this medicine at the risk of wind and snow? Is it difficult? When shuiyuezong was practicing, he was possessed and his mind was damaged?!

"Ma Teng and Chen Qiang, I have no grievances with you. Shuiyuezong and you duanquanmen are even more like each other. They have always been friends. If you two chase me like this, you are not afraid that my Lord will tell you about it when he learns about it. Do you want you two to look good?"

Yunfei walked forward quickly, but her physical strength seemed to be almost exhausted at the moment. Looking at the two men who came after her, she stepped back and warned.

"Hahaha, Yunfei, don't put on airs there. We have a good relationship with shuiyuezong, but what's the matter? The people in the mountain are the law of the jungle. You like the hundred year old snow rabbit, and so do our brothers! What's more, it's something that our patriarch needs. Do you think we'll take the trouble to pick the elixir he needs? Will he want our brother to look good because of your words? "

As soon as Yunfei's words fall, Ma Teng and Chen Qiang burst into a frenzy and laugh. Looking at Yunfei's eyes, they are like looking at a fool."You Yunfei gnashes her teeth, but she has nothing to do.

She knew that Ma Teng and Chen Qiang were telling the truth. The rule of law among the people in the mountain was the law of the jungle. Although shuiyuezong and duanquanmen had a good relationship, it was impossible for the other party's patriarch to blame his younger brother for helping him pick the elixir just because shuiyuezong said two words.

What's more, she didn't know whether she had the chance to see the patriarch and tell her about it.

"And even if we don't say that, in the wild mountains, in the wind and snow, even if our martial brother killed you, who knows? You also want to tell your master, next life! However, everything is easy to discuss. If you honestly hand over that hundred year old snow rabbit and then serve our brother well, we can't think about it. Let you go. " At this time, Ma Teng looks at Yunfei with a ferocious smile.

"Animals You want to die! " The cloud Fei hears this words, immediately the flower appearance color changes, gnashing teeth of roar a way, the body all is shaking.

"So much reaction?" When Chen Qiang heard this, his eyes immediately changed. Immediately, he said with a playful smile, "don't tell me, you'd better be perfect?"

Yunfei clenched her teeth and said nothing. Her cheeks were as red as blood.

Obviously, Chen Qiang's words are right. Today, he is really perfect.

"Ah, it's really a baby! Hahaha, elder martial brother, we have made a lot of money this time. We can not only get a hundred year old snow rabbit to complete the orders of the patriarch, but also taste the taste of Yunfei, the famous jade girl in the mountain, and be her first two men! I really didn't suffer from this storm. Hahaha... "

Seeing Yunfei's look, Chen Qiang's face became more and more ferocious and evil. He turned to Ma Teng and said.

"You dream!" Cloud Fei gnashes teeth, a word a meal, way.

"Yunfei, why are you so stubborn? This kind of thing, is not our brothers comfortable, you are also comfortable, moreover, we sleep, you can still save a small life, how good! If you serve us comfortably, I'm not sure we can give you this hundred year old snow rabbit, isn't it better? "

But it's a pity that the more Yunfei is like this, the more proud Ma Teng and Chen Qiang are. Their words are more and more vicious.

"Beast! Don't dream

Yunfei clenched her teeth and roared. When she saw the evil look of the two people, her heart became as cold as a stone in the snow, and her eyes showed a color of determination. She decided that if the two garbage really dared to do something to him, she would fight for a broken jade and never be humiliated.

"Whether it's a dream or a real one, you won't know later! However, if you can serve two men for the first time, I'm afraid you'll be happy to feel like you're dreaming! "

Ma Teng sneer, without any hesitation, a shake in the hands of Xueliang long knife, then toward the front approaching, to take down Yunfei.

It's over!

Cloud Fei whole body shivers, want to start, can feel the whole body up and down tired to the extreme, want to lift a hand all difficult.

"Two men bullying a girl, don't you feel ashamed?"

But at this time, along the sky, suddenly came a cold voice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!