Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 717

Lost! I lost completely!

At this moment, Wang Ming only felt a sharp pain on his cheek, and even a feeling of despair sprouted in his heart.

He thought that at this age, he could achieve the later cultivation of heaven level, which was enough to be proud of many people. But now, compared with Ye Tian, he felt that at this age, he was just like living on a dog. With only one move, he was so easily defeated.

A young man loses to a young man. He is defeated by one move. This way of losing is too ugly and makes people have no confidence!

"I gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it."

At this time, ye Tian's fingers were infused with mana. With a flick of his power, he folded the sword between his fingers into two parts. In a moment, his body floated forward lightly, clapped it out with one hand, and knocked it down heavily on Wang Ming's Dantian.

"Poof!" A palm fell down, along Wang Ming's elixir field, a dull sound like a balloon burst immediately, followed by the breath of the heaven level later cultivation realm sent out from Wang Ming, just like the flood burst the dyke, and immediately disappeared.

In the end, the breath of cultivation from his body disappeared in an instant, and finally he became an ordinary person.

Similarly, in such a short period of time, although the hair was gray, there was still a kind of Tiger Old Wang Ming. The whole person became as old as a few decades, old as a dragon, old as a candle, standing there, trembling, as if the wind was a little bit bigger, he would be overturned to the ground.

"You It's a waste of my accomplishments

Wang Ming felt the whole body up and down, the unprecedented sense of terror and weakness, looked at Ye Tian in a hurry and murmured.

"Why, do you want me to take your life?" The leaf day hears a sound, eyebrow tip lightly a pick, light way.

He had advised Wang Ming before that it is not easy to practice, and it is not easy to achieve the present state. It is better to make a good choice and leave here.

But unfortunately, Wang Ming didn't listen to the advice, not only didn't leave, but even gave him a sharp hand, and wanted his life. In this case, he just abandoned Wang Ming's cultivation, and didn't take the other's life, which was regarded as a kind-hearted man.

"Thank you, master!" Wang Ming's lips moved, but he could not say a complete word. Finally, he knelt on the ground with bitter face and kowtowed to Ye Tian respectfully.

He knew that, with Ye Tian's means, it was as easy as searching for things.

But now, ye Tian just abandoned his cultivation, and did not want his life, which is really kind-hearted.

If he dares to have any resentment, he will really ask for trouble.

At that time, ye Tian was afraid that as long as he moved his fingers, he could make people die like a lamp out.

"How could that be? How is that possible? Grandfather Wang, how can you lose to him? "

"What's going on? Grandfather Wang, how could he kneel down and kowtow to him? "

The appearance of this scene, let the Liu people, directly boiling, everyone can't believe looking at this scene, look dull, eyes, full of can't hide the color of terror shock.

This result is totally unexpected to them.

They thought that Wang Ming could help them to clean up Ye Tian easily, just like those who dared to clean up with Liu's Yao Feng in the past.

But now, they just know that kind of thought in their heart, is how wrong. In front of Ye Tian, Wang Ming is not even the enemy of Yihe, but just a face-to-face encounter. He is defeated by Ye Tian.

Wang Ming even knelt and kowtowed to Ye Tianxia to thank him for saving his life.

Not long ago, they could not believe such a thing. You know, they have witnessed the power of Wang Ming, and in their eyes, many times, they even feel that Wang Ming is like a god like power beyond the level of idlers.

But now, the gods in their eyes kneel in front of others and thank them for not killing them.

If they didn't see such a picture with their own eyes, they couldn't believe that it was actually happening in this world.

"Mr. Liu, in the meeting, and you have helped me a lot, I advise you to give up those wishful thinking. This elder is not what you Liu family can fight against. What he says and what you do is the best choice. Otherwise, waiting for your end will be more miserable than me."

Just then, Wang Ming got up after kowtowing, turned his head and looked at Liu Shijun, word by word, and said in a deep voice.

After speaking, Wang Ming looks at Ye Tian with complicated eyes, and then he is ready to leave.

"Master, may I venture to ask, what's your name?" When passing by Ye Tian, Wang Ming wakes up and looks at Ye Tian respectfully.

"My name is Ye Tian!"The leaf day hears a voice, light a smile, calmly said own name.

"Ye Tian Ye Tian... " Wang Ming immediately felt that the name was very familiar. When he mumbled it several times, he looked at Ye Tian in disbelief and said in a trembling voice: "it's you I won't lose! "

Today's mountain people have never heard of Ye Tian, especially the means of destroying taiyimen with their own efforts, which has become the most fantasy of countless young generation of mountain people. And the same, such a strong life, how can Wang Ming not hear, the same, how can it be the opponent of the other party.

Even, at this moment, Wang Ming is extremely regretful. How can he think of it now and ask about ye Tian's identity. If he had known that ye Tian was the one the Liu family wanted to deal with, even if he was killed, he would not come to fight with the first man in ZHUNSHAN, and he would not be happy.

However, he did not know, now ye Tian, the wind than he knew, but also more powerful.

Now, after the battle with Liu Bufan, the word "Zhun" in his name can be completely removed. Not only that, he even changed the name of qingmingzong into mingzong with his own strength.

Standing on the opposite side of such a strong man, and even hoping to suppress him, it's really the eldest husband's arsenic.

That is, ye Tian doesn't care much about these false names. Otherwise, he can walk across the mountains just by saying his name.

"What are you going to do?"

And in Wang Ming heart sigh unceasingly, ye Tian looking at the front of the Liu people, word by word, light hair asked.

After a word, the Liu family became quiet. Everyone was silent and focused on Liu Shijun. I hope that the hundred year old leader of the Liu family can eliminate this terrible disaster.

As for the idea of defeating Ye Tian, at this moment, they dare not even think about it. Are you kidding? Even Wang Ming in the later stage of Tian level is not ye Tian's opponent, let alone these people.

"The elder is powerful. We sigh for ourselves. Please draw a rough line. We will write off the past enmity and turn it into a bubble when we enter the body."

Liu Shijun listens to Wang Ming's voice, and his heart is full of ups and downs. He can feel that Wang Ming is not joking with himself. Ye Tian's strength is immeasurable.

If the Liu family wants to take a free hand, I'm afraid that the final result waiting for them is not the death of the fish, but the death of the fish, and the net is still stable.

Under such circumstances, there is only one way left for the Liu family, which is to grovel and beg for ye Tian's forgiveness.

"Please, master, let the Liu family go!" After hearing this, Liu Shijun's eyes changed for a moment. He clasped his hands and gave a deep salute to Ye Tian. Then he said, "if you can let the Liu family go, the Liu family is willing to give you a piece of jade ore vein and 10% of the annual income of the Liu family to share with you. I hope you will accept a little sincerity. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!