Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 716

"What kind of thing do you dare to talk to the experts in the later days of Tianji?"

The moment Ye Tian's words fell, the young man of the Liu family immediately pointed to Ye Tian and roared loudly.

"It seems that the adults in your family have never taught you. When talking to people, you can't just point with your fingers. In that case, let me teach you. "

Ye Tian hears the sound and looks at the young man with a cold smile. Immediately, he shakes his hand and flies away quickly with a sharp air breaking sound.

"How dare you be so arrogant in front of me! I think you are short of discipline, too! "

When Wang Ming heard the sharp sound of breaking the air, he could not help but feel a little awe in his heart. After looking at Ye Tian in surprise, he shook his hand slightly. A flying knife attacked the wind blade which was coming quickly. He wanted to kill the wind blade with the flying knife to keep the finger pointed by the young Liu family.


Suddenly, the wind blade and dagger hit heavily together. With the sound of gold and iron, a group of brilliant sparks flew out.

Next, the dagger, which exudes cold and cold light, falls to the ground in two under the sharp impact of the wind blade.

"Hiss!" What's more, after the wind blade smashed the dagger, the attack never subsided. It roared forward. In the blink of an eye, it was in front of the young man of the Liu family. The fierce wind just swept gently, accompanied by a crisp sound, the young man's fingers were broken in two, and blood fell on the ground.

"Ah..." This terrible pain immediately made the young man of the Liu family howl.

"How could that be?"?! How is that possible? Boy, who the hell are you? Who is the disciple of the five sects of the three sects? "

At the same time, Wang Ming looks at Ye Tian with a look of disbelief.

His dagger was made of cold iron. It was sharp and tough. But now, it just collided with Ye Tian's wind blade and broke into two pieces. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he couldn't believe that this scene would be true.

Even at this moment, he could not help but wonder if ye Tian's cultivation level was higher than himself.

It's just that the other person looks like a young man who looks like a college student. It's incredible that he can use the five element magic. How can he have the cultivation realm above the later stage of the heaven level?!

"Zongmen? Do you think those so-called sects deserve me to be their disciple? " Hearing this, ye Tian smiles indifferently. Looking at Wang Ming, he says faintly: "it's not easy for a mountain man to reach the later stage of heaven level. I advise you to leave now if you should. Don't burn yourself up. "

Those sects don't deserve him to be a disciple?!

When Wang Ming heard Ye Tian's words, Rao Shi regarded himself as a person with high self-esteem, but he still couldn't help taking a breath.

Sanzongwumen are the eight mountains in front of the mountain people, and the people who can become their disciples are not ordinary people.

But now, in Ye Tian's place, it seems that sanzongwumen is just a common existence that can't be more leisurely. This arrogant attitude can't help but make people moved.

"You mean, I'm not your opponent?"

Immediately after that, Wang Ming's face shows a dignified look. After staring at Ye Tian for a long time, he says in a deep voice.

"What do you think?" Ye Tian smiles and says indifferently.

"You really don't know what to do!"

Wang Ming thinks highly of himself. Although he thought Ye Tian was very good before, he can't help hearing what he said now. He looks at Ye Tian. After a cold drink, he claps his hand to his waist. A long sword, as bright as ice, appears in his palm.

"Zheng! Zheng! "Zheng

As Wang Ming approaches Ye Tian, he gently shakes his sword, and the bright sword flowers immediately roar out, like the gorgeous fireworks intertwined together, towards Ye Tian.

This skill is absolutely amazing among the people on the mountain. Even the top monk of heaven level may not be able to get away from this move smoothly.

The people of the Liu family who were watching the battle were all shocked to see the bright sword flower in Wang Ming's hand. They didn't expect that there was such a perfect sword skill in the world.

That kind of feeling makes people feel that no matter who it is, no matter what object it is, as long as it stands in front of the sword, it will be twisted into pieces.

Ye Tian, maybe he has some means, but now he is surrounded by this terrible sword flower. How can he still have life?

There is only one result waiting for this crazy guy, that is, he will be turned into a pool of blood fog by this sharp sword, and let him pay the price of bleeding for his own arrogance, and there is no way to turn back.

"This guy, is he scared?"

At this time, the Liu family suddenly found an incredible situation.That is, when the sword flowers came to Ye Tian, this guy didn't do any action. He didn't dodge. It was like that he had been scared into wood carving and stone sculpture by this fierce sword. He could not make any other choice except standing and waiting for death.

Of course, ye Tian is not looking for death. Although Wang Ming's sword looks really good, it is much worse than ye Tian's recent opponent. No matter how strong Wang Ming is, how can he compare with Liu Bufan, who was called the first man on the mountain before.

Moreover, as a practitioner of Ye Tian, when ye Tian was on the seventh floor of the cave, he had to die in the later stage of the heaven level. Needless to say, ye Tian's strength now is already on the seventh floor of the cave, and half of his feet are about to enter the eighth floor of the cave.

The people of the Liu family, seeing this group of sword flowers, only felt that they were gorgeous and had nowhere to hide. They even felt that the sharp and full sword flowers could not be hidden and indestructible.

But for the existence of Ye Tian, the beauty of the sword flower is ridiculous, even full of flaws.

"Let it go!"

When the next breath is about to tear him to pieces, ye Tian finally moves.

I saw that he just lightly raised his hand, the action is flat, like driving a fly.

What is incomprehensible is that with such an understatement, the gorgeous sword flowers, like fireworks, burst rapidly at the speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, they dissipated and became invisible.

That kind of feeling, like the leaves all over the sky, suddenly suffered the attack of typhoon 12, autumn wind swept leaves, light, merciless and smooth.


The appearance of this scene made the Liu family, who thought Wang Ming would surely occupy the mountain breeze, look dull and unbelievable.

"How could that be? How can you break my skill

The people of the Liu family who are watching the battle are still like this, not to mention Wang Ming, who is fighting against Ye Tian. He can't believe it. He looks at the scene in front of him. He can't believe that he is doing his best and can be called a powerful means of pressing the bottom of the box. How can he be broken by Ye Tian so easily.


But before he could react, with a clear clang sound, when Wang Ming looked up, he immediately saw that the sharp sword he was holding was like ice. At this moment, it was Ye Tian's two fingers between his fingers.

Moreover, no matter how he used his mana and fought hard, he didn't even move. It felt like someone had welded this sword tightly with Ye Tian's fingers and couldn't break free.

"Lost! I lost

This scene, let Wang Ming's face, immediately as pale as paper, he lost, and just a move.

To be exact, he made a move. Ye Tian didn't even make a move. He just held his sword casually.

But there is no doubt that under such circumstances, it is absolutely easy for ye Tian to kill him.

He admitted that ye Tian was very strong, but he didn't think that he would lose to Ye Tian. What's more, he didn't expect that he would lose so simply and thoroughly.

How powerful and terrifying is this young man who looks like a college student?!

Funny, he had seen each other as a younger generation, even said to teach each other a lesson!

Now, who's teaching who?! , the fastest update of the webnovel!