Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 718

A jade ore vein, 10% of annual income!

As soon as they heard Liu Shijun's words, they immediately felt a pang of pain, as if they had been cut.

But they also understand that this is Liu Shijun's forced decision. Otherwise, once Ye Tian is enraged, nothing will be left.

"As you know, it's just a little sincerity!"

But at this time, ye Tian is full of mocking smile, looking at Liu Shijun, light way.


When ye Tian's words fall, the Liu family immediately fry the pot, one by one or shocked, or angry looking at Ye Tian.

You know, the value of a jade ore vein is more than several hundred million yuan, and the annual income of 10% is as high as one hundred million yuan. This is absolutely a huge wealth. However, ye Tian satirizes that their sincerity is too little. This is really outrageous.

But how do they know that when they were in Haojiang, ye Tian provided protection for the gambling master. What others took out was more than 10% of the income.

And all this makes Ye Tian understand that these guys of the Liu family are really stupid. Even now, they can't see the current situation clearly.

"I don't know what you want, master ye?" Liu Shijun also didn't expect that he had already offered such a high condition. Ye Tian didn't even see his eyes. His eyes changed. After a doubt, his voice was a little low, showing some threat. He said: "I know, elder ye, you are very strong, but I don't believe that there are any immortal bodies in the world. We Liu family don't have any other guns, but there are still some fish dead I don't think any of us would like to see it. "

"Are you threatening me?"

Ye Tian hears the speech, raises eyebrow a smile, looking at Liu Shijun, light smile way.

"How dare I threaten you? I'm just trying to reason with you."

Liu Shijun arched his hand at Ye Tian's random, and then slowly opened his mouth word by word, but his tone was still full of threat.

Not only that, the words fell at the same time, he also quarreled with several Liu family members around to make a wink.

Wow Wow

In a flash, standing in the rear, several Liu family members with black cloth in their arms pulled down the black cloth in their arms, and then revealed a few AK47 flashing cold light. The muzzle of the black hole aimed at Ye Tian's position.

It seems that as long as ye Tian dares to have a little abnormal action, they will press the trigger and let the merciless bullet take ye Tian's life.

"Mr. Ye, there's a saying among the old Chinese people that if you see good things, you'll stop. We Liu family know this very well. That's why we have a 400 year foundation." With the gun in hand, Liu Shijun has his own courage. Seeing the seven or eight AK47s, Liu Shijun's courage immediately grows up, word by word, and continues to threaten.

"Do you think you can scare me with such a bunch of sticks?"

Just, see those black hole muzzle, ye Tian's face, but don't have the color of a cent of fear, on the contrary, the color of ridicule becomes more and more rich.

"Master Ye misunderstood. I'm not bluffing you, but reasoning with you."

Liu Shijun heard Ye Tian's words, looked at Ye Tian and said calmly.

Although Ye Tian has just defeated Wang Ming and seems to be extremely powerful, in his view, there may be something in the world where two fists can defeat four hands, but there will certainly not be a situation where two fists can defeat more than ten guns, not to mention AK47, which can be used for large-area shooting.

A shuttle swept past, even if the other party is immortal, I'm afraid it will have to peel off the skin.

He doesn't believe that at Ye Tian's age, even if he can be stronger than Wang Ming, he must be no better than an immortal!

Although Liu's family has been keeping a low profile in Yudu and is unwilling to shoot, it's really hard to say who they are afraid of.

"In that case, I'll be frank. My purpose today is very simple. It's the same as what I said when I first came here. From tonight on, I don't want any more Liu family in Yudu!" Ye Tian smiles indifferently, looking at Liu Shijun and says faintly.

From tonight on, there will be no Liu family in Yudu!

Hearing this, the Liu family immediately showed their angry faces in their eyes. They knew that ye Tian was determined to fight them to the end.

"Ye, I think you have extraordinary skills. I respect you and call you master! But you don't really think that my Liu family is a soft persimmon. You can knead it as you like! Since you don't want to have a good time, don't blame us for being rude. Today, I want to see whether you are the soft persimmon or my Liu family is the soft persimmon! " When Liu Shijun heard this, he was furious. His eyes were cold. He waved his hand and said coldly, "shoot! Kill him

Liu Shijun's words fall down. The people with guns in the Liu family immediately put their hands on the trigger. The black muzzle of the gun is aimed at Ye Tian tightly. They want to take ye Tian's life away with the roaring bullets and beat him into a sieve."Dada, dada Dada, dada... "

In a flash, the sound of the bullet out of the chamber suddenly rang out, a series of eye-catching firelight, whistling, then swept toward the position of Ye Tian.

"Since you don't know what to do, don't blame me."

Ye Tian's eyes were bright and sneered. At the same time, his mind moved. The fierce sword suddenly appeared at his feet. Holding him, he suddenly soared into the air. In the blink of an eye, people disappeared in the snow.

"Fly It's flying How did he fly? "

"What's the matter? He has a flying sword! How can there be such a means in this world? "

The bullets roared, but there was no damage except the snowflakes. This scene completely stunned all the Liu family. One by one, they were petrified. They couldn't believe that they were looking forward, and their heads were buzzing.

They are just a group of ordinary people. They have never seen such a strange picture. What's more, they can't understand how a living man can have the legendary fighting power of standing on a flying sword and flying into the sky.

"Is he really immortal?"

Even at this moment, Liu's family could not help crying out.

The words fell, and the hearts of the Liu family immediately clattered. For them, ye Tian's means at the moment were no different from those of the immortals. He was so powerful that he couldn't believe it.

"Now, do you understand why I said these things in your hands are burning sticks?"

But at this time, ye Tian's voice, is suddenly along behind them, suddenly sounded.

When did he show up behind us?!

As soon as the words came to our ears, everyone in the Liu family immediately went to hell in broad daylight. Their heads were buzzing, and they couldn't believe it.

You know, they just saw that ye Tian was soaring up into the sky and flying towards the sky, but now he appeared behind them, and there was no sound. They didn't even hear a sound.

The means communicate with God, the body method is like ghosts!


But not waiting for them to look back, along their back, once again came Ye Tian's dignified voice.


A word falls in the moment, along those Liu family members who are holding guns, in the void, suddenly there is a fierce flame rising.


As soon as the terrible fire started, the family members of Liu, who were holding guns, immediately let out a terrible howl like killing a pig.

"Patta Zila Patta "It's a good idea..."

Then, more incredible pictures appeared. Under the terrible fire, the AK47 in the hands of the Liu family quickly turned red with the naked eye. Finally, it turned into a pool of molten iron, dripping on the instep of the Liu family around them. There were bursts of oil dripping on the burning mahogany charcoal and the smell of burning At the same time, the shrill howl is endless.

This scene, let the Liu family completely into the extreme panic, they turn their heads in a hurry, looking toward the position of Ye Tian.

But strangely, when they looked back, they found that ye Tian was no longer behind them. Similarly, they did not notice anything unusual.

"Who did you just say was a soft persimmon?"

But at this time, with the help of Feng Dun, ye Tian appeared in front of Liu Shijun from behind. He raised his hand and held his throat. , the fastest update of the webnovel!