Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 698

"Ye Tian..."

Ning Xue hears Ye Tian's words, that originally some nervous heart stretches to open immediately, looking at Ye Tian, low way, between eyebrow eyes more bashful and joyful.

She really did not expect that ye Tian should be so concerned about how Liu Feng called her.

Does this mean that ye Tian attaches great importance to her? In other words, ye Tian is a little jealous?!

It turns out that her efforts are not in vain. In Ye Tian's heart, she still has her own place.

"Look at the stone Look at the stone I can't lose that rubbish to him! "

Ye Tian sees Ning Xue's expression, and understands that his words just now are indeed ambiguous, which makes him feel that he is jealous, so he quickly digs off the topic.

Just, he just really didn't think so much, and, listening to Liu Feng's address to Ning Xue, there was a kind of boredom in his heart.

All this also made him understand one thing. In fact, after so many things, in his heart, he didn't have any feelings for Ning Xue, otherwise, he would never have.

"Well, we must win!"

Fortunately, rather than entangle the snow leaf day, he must say something, but along the leaf day's words, the way.

Seeing this, ye Tian was relieved, and immediately began to walk in the exhibition center.

"Bet on jade, it's ten bet and nine lose! It's hard to win! "

A circle around down, ye Tian heart immediately gently sigh more than, he this way, also saw a lot of stone. However, according to the eye of heaven, most of the original jades contain only some unshaped miscellaneous jades, or the lowest grade common sapphire.

In particular, a piece of Big Mac jade with a price of 15 million yuan, which is one person high, has wiped out a large blue jade skylight. According to the eye of heaven, the blue jade is only two fingers thick. Further down, it is all white flocculent quartz, not even a bit of jade.

If someone bought this kind of stone and took it to Jieyu, he would lose even his pocket cloth.

A knife hell words, really not just talk about, I'm afraid it is countless people with blood and tears, just come to the conclusion.


But just as ye Tian was about to move his eyes away from the one person tall big Mac, the light from the corner of his eyes was passing over a piece of jade under the Big Mac, supporting it and not letting it fall.

The original stone has no skylight, and its appearance is extremely ugly. On the black surface of the original stone, there are many deep and shallow gullies and pimples, as well as many hollow holes. It looks like an abandoned hornet's nest, which has a ferocious and rough feeling.

But when ye Tian's eyes were shining through, he was surprised to find that under the ugly appearance of the original stone, inside, there was a ball of white, oily, even without a star and a half of impurities, just like someone hiding a piece of intact lanolin in the depth of the ugly original stone.

"Lanzhi white jade!"

Even if ye Tian hadn't seen what the real Lanzhi white jade looked like, he could tell from his appearance that what was hidden in this ugly original stone was the most famous Lanzhi white jade in Yudu, which was also regarded as the king of all jade in Yudu!

"Boss, how can I sell this raw jade?"

Thinking of this, ye Tian immediately went to the Big Mac stone, looking at the stall owner not far away, and asked with a smile.

"15 million, buy it now! But brother, since you dare to fight against the Liu family, I'll give you face. If you want to buy it, it's 14.5 million yuan. You can't do less! "

After hearing this, the stall owner looked at the position of Ye Tian's station and immediately gave an offer.

"I'm not talking about this one. I'm talking about the big one and the small one under it."

When ye Tian heard this, he shook his head with a bitter smile, and then kicked the small stone with his feet, and said with a smile.

"This one..." When the stall owner heard this, he immediately looked disappointed. Then he said, "this is cheap. It's two hundred yuan. You can take it away. But I really don't recommend you to buy this stone, brother. Look, it's full of these pores. In our jargon, it's a honeycomb. It is said that there was jade in this kind of original stone, but the nature of jade came out with the honeycomb. Everyone thought it was waste. I put it here, either to sell it or to hold the big one so that it won't collapse. "

"If you're just playing, brother, it's OK for me to sell it to you. But now you're gambling with Liu Feng on jade. Isn't it a waste of money for you to buy it?"


Rather snow hears this words, eyebrow immediately tiny wrinkly, in the heart is more up and down.

She felt that the stall owner had deep prejudice against the Liu family, otherwise, he would not be given preferential treatment just because ye Tian gambled with Liu Feng on jade.

What's more, the other side has no reason to push business out.If it wasn't for the performance of this stone, it would be as bad as he said. He would never have said that.

"Since it's gambling on jade, of course, we have to play something exciting and peaceful. If there's any fun, we have to play this kind of small and broad game to be interesting."

Just, didn't wait for her mouth to dissuade Ye Tian, but ye Tian was already smiling at the stall owner first and said.

"Man, are you kidding? Are you determined to buy this stone?"

The stall owner stares at Ye Tian and sees that he doesn't seem to be joking.

Just, the tone of the other party's speech, how to listen, how to ask the tone of the absent-minded erlengzi.

"Sure." Ye Tian nodded without thinking and said with a smile.

If you have seen such a top-quality jade, but don't buy it, it's a real lack of heart.

"Well, two hundred dollars. Here you are. However, I had to use a crane to lift this big stone before I could take it out. However, there is no crane here now... " Booth boss see ye Tian completely don't listen to advise, wry smile after shaking his head, slowly way.

The people who sell jade in Yudu are the ones who don't listen to advice and go their own way.

In his opinion, ye Tian is obviously one of those people.

"Crane, don't bother. Just find me something to support."

Hearing the speech, ye Tian waved his hand to the stall owner with a smile. After a slight smile, he bent down and squatted down, followed closely, holding the one person high stone in his hand. He gently lifted it up from the ground, followed closely, and took out the ugly stone with the other hand.

"I I'm going to... "

This scene, completely the stall owner to see surprised, gaping at Ye Tian, people completely stupid.

You know, the weight of the original stone is very heavy, such a single person to the high of the original stone, absolutely have 2000 Jin on, but it is such a big piece of original stone, unexpectedly Ye Tian a hand to support up, this strength is big, really no one!

This guy can't add all the points to his strength, otherwise, how can he be so unconvinced?!

Immediately after that, the stall owner couldn't help muttering.

"Boss, where's the support?" At this time, ye Tian looked at the stall owner and said with a smile.

"Here, hold on with this..." Booth boss smell speech, quickly took out a wooden block, handed leaf day.

Ye Tian took the wooden block, firmly supported the one person high stone, took out a bank card from his pocket, handed it to the stall owner, and said: "swipe the card, I'll buy it."

"Ye Tian bought the stone!"

Ye Tian's words fall down, and the jade merchants and gamblers who are surrounded by Ye Tian immediately come to see what stone Ye Tian picked.

"Hiss Stone king! Brother, you are so big

"15 million, it seems that it's more than the stipulated price?"

Glancing over, when people see ye Tian standing with the stone, they instinctively think that ye Tian chose the Big Mac stone.

"What stone King..." Hearing this, the stall owner shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "what he bought is the original stone of honeycomb skin under the mat!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!