Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 697

The frontier is too big, dig a hole to bury a person, even after hundreds of years, no one will find it!

Liu Feng's words, the tone is calm, but the deep meaning of the words, but let people have a deep shudder.

Even after hearing this, Ning Xue can't help shivering. She has a kind of intuition. I'm afraid that Liu Feng's words are not just words. He may have done such things himself or seen the Liu family do such things. Otherwise, the chill in the words will not be so heavy.

"Why, it seems that you are going to dig a hole in the frontier and bury me? However, I'm afraid it's really unknown whether it's me or you Liu family who will be buried at that time! " Ye Tian hears this, the vision follows a cold, immediately, the corner of the mouth smile is bright, way.

Ye Tian, also moved to kill heart!

Liu Feng, it's over; Liu family, it's over!

Ning Xue sees the smile on Ye Tian's face, and immediately understands that ye Tian is really angry at this moment, which is more than several times brighter than Liu pangzi's smile. This means that ye Tian's dissatisfaction with Liu Feng has reached the stage of explosion.

She has never seen a person who can still have full beard and full tail after making Ye Tian unhappy.

Liu Feng, and the Liu family behind him, may be extraordinary, but the end will be very miserable!

"Xueer, you'd better persuade your companion, otherwise, I'm afraid he won't have time to regret it." Liu Feng completely ignores Ye Tian's threats. He looks at Ning Xue and smiles indifferently. He continues to threaten Ye Tian coldly.

"Liu Feng, I think you'd better do what he says. It's good for you and the Liu family." But it's a pity that Ning Xue has sensed Ye Tian's disgust for the Liu family at the moment, not to mention that she has no favor for Liu Feng. At the moment, it's impossible for her to fulfill his wish.

Liu Feng heard Ning Xue words, not from a Zheng, surprised to see Ning Xue one eye. In his impression, although Ning Xue is a very stubborn and kind girl, she doesn't know the world. What's the matter? It's incredible that he should help Ye Tian to speak now.

"Good Good Good Since you say so, I'll see how capable you are! " Although he was surprised, all this made Liu Feng even more angry. Looking at Ye Tian, his eyes changed after a sneer. He suddenly showed a playful smile and turned away from the topic, saying: "it seems that there is still a bet on jade between us, doesn't it? ! "

" how? " Ye Tian eyebrows a Yang, looking at Liu Feng, light way.

"What happens in Yudu is to follow the rules of Yudu. You don't like me, and I don't like you. It's a good solution. Let's gamble on Yudu. If I win, you can stay cool and don't get in my way." Liu Feng is arrogant and cold.

Now he has seen that all these contradictions are due to Ye Tian. Without Ye Tian, he can easily clean up these jade merchants and gamblers. At least, he can easily leave the exhibition center. He doesn't have to be blocked by Ye Tian and can't leave.

"What if you lose?" Ye Tian smiles indifferently and says coldly.

"It's very simple. If I lose, I'll let you go." Liu Feng said calmly.

He knows that he is definitely not ye Tian's opponent in terms of Kung Fu, but if he gambles on jade according to the rules of Yudu, it may not be so.

He was born in the Liu family. He grew up in a pile of jade, watching others gamble on jade. What kind of jade is in the shell, and the trend of that kind of jade wadding is better. All these things have been engraved in his bones.

Even if ye Tiangang can see that those skylights are fake, he seems to have some insight, but he doesn't believe that when it comes to gambling on jade, the other side can be better than himself.

"My condition is very simple. I admit to them that you Liu family did all this on purpose. Besides, you changed your name to her. You are not worthy to call her Xueer!" After ye TianChao glanced at Liu Feng, he indifferently offered his own conditions.

Liu Feng is so filthy that he shouts "Xueer" from his mouth, which makes Ye Tian feel disgusted.

"Well, it's a deal, but you have to remember that the rules of Yudu are always willing to gamble and admit defeat. There's no precedent of refusing to admit defeat after losing!"

When Liu Feng heard this, he nodded with a cold smile and said, "let's start! One person selects three pieces of raw stones, the total price of which is less than one million, and then judges the winner or loser by the total value of the solved jade! "

After a word, he immediately turned around and walked down to Liu pangzi's stall. His eyes kept scanning the stones to find the best one.

"This old man, you shouldn't promise to gamble with him on jade. After hundreds of years of inheritance in Yudu, the monkey cubs in the family have already practiced their eyes and gambled with them on jade. Isn't it that they can't find pleasure for themselves?"

"Yes, the Liu family gambles on stones, which is different from the Jade Emperor. It doesn't depend on luck, but on skills. I've never heard of anyone who gambles on jade to win the Liu family. Brother, you've been caught in his trap this time. ""Oh, but it's nothing. Although the Liu family is low-key, they are actually big businesses. Even if we hold on to him, things will still be suppressed in the end. Even if they do things like that 10000 times, they will be said to be the first time. It's meaningless."

As soon as Liu Feng turns around, the jade merchants and gamblers around him look at Ye Tian and shake their heads and sigh.

"The golden eye? Is it so evil? But you may not know, my brother, I also have a nickname, which is called Bagua stove. I'm the one who makes the eyes of laoshizi! "

Ye Tian listens to this one, raises eyebrow to calm a smile, then the head also does not return to walk toward the booth.

"Bagua stove? What's the name? I haven't heard of it! "

"Yes I've been gambling on jade in Yudu for some years. I've never heard of such a jade gambling expert in any place

When the crowd heard Ye Tian's words, they couldn't help feeling confused. At the same time, they looked at Ye Tian's back, which was full of uneasiness and uneasiness.

In the field of gambling on jade, the depth of water is incomparable. Besides luck, the reason why we lose nine out of ten bets has a lot to do with choosing the original stone.

For example, the probability of producing jade in the old pit is more stable than that in the new pit. A small looking grain of jade wadding is actually related to what is hidden in a piece of raw stone, whether it is jade or something else

All this requires a lot of experience and long-term contact with the original stone.

In Yudu, it is the Liu family who has mastered these skills the most.

After all, hundreds of years of family inheritance can't be compared with other families. Although the Jade Emperor is in the limelight now, it's only a matter of ten or twenty years. Where is the deep inheritance of these hundreds of years.

Before the Jade Emperor appeared, the Liu family was already on the boundary of the jade capital.

At this time, ye Tian is already wandering in the field. Yuantian's eyes scan and shine through a pile of stones in the field.

"Liu Feng and I were college classmates. At that time, he liked me and pursued me in a shameless way. But I didn't like him, so I refused all the time. After graduating from college, I lost touch with him. Although I know he belongs to the Liu family, I don't want to get involved with him, so I didn't say it. I didn't mean to hide it from you. "

Ning Xue follows Ye Tian. After walking through many stones, she clenches her fist, cheers herself up and explains to Ye Tian.

She is very worried that ye Tian will misunderstand her because of Liu Feng's words.

"Don't worry, I understand you. Even if I knew such a thing, I wouldn't say it." Ye Tian waved his hand with a smile, and then said: "when I hear such a guy, Xueer, Xueer calls you, it makes me sick! We are not the same kind of people as his garbage. We call him so close, as if we are familiar with him, garbage , the fastest update of the webnovel!