Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 699

"The original stone of honeycomb skin that jade nature all scatters along with honeycomb?"

"Little brother, how can you choose indiscriminately? This kind of raw stone is nothing but rubbish. You can't choose it! "

"Yes, if you don't know how to pick the original stone, tell us, we'll help you..."

The owner of the stall dropped a word, and there was a lot of noise around him. The jade merchants and gamblers looked at Ye Tian, and one by one urged him to stop.

You know, honeycomb skin stone can be said to be the worst of all jade, and there is no one.

No matter who gambles on jade, no one will choose this kind of raw jade; to be exact, no one will choose this kind of raw jade except those crazy people who want to be small and broad. And even if it is elected, those who are waiting for them will surely lose.

Ye Tian now chooses such a stone to bet with Liu Feng. Isn't it obvious that he wants to lose?

"Lao Wang, did you cheat this little brother?" Even those jade merchants and gamblers can't help but wonder if the stall owner is so obsessed with money that he deliberately spoils it and recommends such a piece of raw garbage to Ye Tian.

"Everyone, the conscience of heaven and earth, who wants to pit this little brother, who is the grandson! Ask him if I've tried to persuade him, and I only charged him 200 yuan for this stone. Have you ever seen such a liar? " On hearing this, the stall owner was very anxious. He patted his chest and said in a loud voice.

"Little brother, this stone is really not worth buying, and it's not worth taking it out to gamble on jade..."

Around those people hear, immediately determine, all this, is Ye Tian's own idea, immediately looking at him, again sincere incomparable advice.

"What are you talking about? So busy? Before gambling on jade, we didn't seem to say that we could ask others to help us choose the original stone

At this time, Liu Feng also came over. When he saw the honeycomb skin stone that ye Tian was holding, he was very pleased. Then he looked at the people around him and was not good at Tao.

One word fell, and all the people around immediately became silent.

There are many rules for gambling on jade. One of them is that if there is no clear agreement between the two sides, no one outside the court is allowed to give advice and help choose the original stone. Otherwise, it can be regarded as a violation of the gambling agreement and can be directly punished.

These jade merchants and gamblers are not unaware of this rule, but they are too disgusted with the Liu family. In addition, ye Tian chooses such a poor quality stone, so they can't help but ask him to make a new choice.

"Everyone is on the scene. If you have something to say, don't let me say it again." Seeing this, Liu Feng looked at these people with indifference. Immediately, he glanced at the honeycomb skin stone in Ye Tian's hand and said with disdain and sneer: "however, you are really brave enough to choose such a piece of rubbish and gamble with me on jade. Your eyes are really strange. I ask you, is the money in your hand not enough to buy good stones? Why don't I lend you some money to play with me? You don't have to waste my time with this rubbish. "

This guy, can't he really lack of money and can't afford to buy good quality jade?

As Liu Feng's words fell, the jade merchants and gamblers around him began to murmur.

"Boss Wang, no password, swipe the card! Remember to report the balance to the watchers in the door. Stop

Ye Tian has no expression and disdains to sneer. With a flick of his finger, a bank card flies to the stall owner.

"Tut Tut, I'll have to raise my ears to hear whether it's three or two digits." Liu Feng disdained to look up and laugh.

At this moment, he has determined that ye Tian is a real poor man, otherwise, anyone who can have three melons and two dates in his hand will never choose this kind of rubbish.

"Kaka Hiss Hiss... "

At this time, the stall owner took Ye Tian's card and brushed it on the POS machine. With the sound of spitting, a series of numbers appeared on the screen of the POS machine networking.


After the stall owner inadvertently looks at the number on the display screen, his face changes greatly. He takes a breath of air and looks at Ye Tian in disbelief.

"Why, am I wrong? Four digits on his card? Or, five digits? "

Liu Feng saw the stall owner's appearance, and continued to ask with a smile and sarcasm.

"Four digits? Five digits? None of them. Feng Dashao, please listen to me and count for you. Cough 1、 Two, three, four, five 9、 Ten, eleven... "

The stall owner and the Liu family didn't deal with each other. When they heard this, they saw the numbers displayed on the POS machine. Looking at Liu Feng, they gave a cold smile. Then they coughed hard and cleared their throat. Then they began to count one digit at a time.

Eleven figures!

Ten million Billion, billion, 10 billion This is not to say that ye Tian is a 10 billion millionaire?!

With the voice of the stall owner's words, the room became quiet in an instant. Everyone's eyes were focused on Ye Tian, one by one, and his face was full of unbelievable trembling color.No matter who can imagine, this young man around them is a 10 billion millionaire at such an age!

Not to mention, this is still the capital on the book, and does not include any stocks, real estate and other assets!

You know, even a hundred billion level rich, the book, are not necessarily able to have such a large amount of cash flow and abundant!

"Ten billion millionaire?! The guy who bought a piece of honeycomb skin and stone turned out to be a 10 billion dollar millionaire? "

Not to mention these people, even Liu Feng, at this moment are silly, unbelievable looking at Ye Tian, his head is buzzing and trembling.

Although the Liu family is an old family with a rich family background, he knows that there is not such a large amount of cash in his family's books.

What's more, the accumulation of the Liu family's hundreds of years of heritage, together with assets such as jade mines, is only 10 billion.

If ye Tian's book is worth 10 billion, isn't it true that one person can hold up a family!

"Eleven figures Didn't you count in the last three decimal points? "

But just Leng Leng, Liu Feng then looked at the stall owner, disdain way.

He didn't believe that with Ye Tian's clothes and the original stone act of choosing one or two hundred yuan, he would be a 10 billion millionaire with a book capital of 10 billion yuan!

The only possibility is that the stall owner, together with Ye Tian on purpose, plays tricks on himself and counts the three decimal points behind.

Although it's amazing to say that after losing three, the book capital is as high as tens of millions, but the multimillionaire really can't see the eyes of the Liu family.

"Decimal point? Ha ha ha, if I count in the decimal point, it will be 14 digits! "

When the stall owner heard Liu Feng's words, he sneered scornfully. Then he pushed the POS forward and said in a loud voice, "if you don't believe it, you can see clearly with your eyes wide open!"

"Individual, ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million, ten million, one billion, ten billion! God, it's really ten billion! "

"You can't judge by appearance, you can't judge by appearance. Today, I finally understand what my ancestors said..."

"Hiss, such a young 10 billion millionaire, this little brother, enough! It's so popular, but it's still so low-key! "

As soon as the POS machine turned around, those jade dealers and gamblers immediately saw that there was a long string of numbers on the display screen before the decimal point. After counting, they were surprised to find that the number really reached 11 digits, up to 10 billion!

What's more amazing is that the number of 10 billion places is still nine!

What does this mean? Even from the perspective of book funds, ye Tian is only one step away from a hundred billion millionaires

Liu Feng is also stunned, staring at the scene in front of him. Then, he looks at Ye Tian in disbelief. Even if he kills him, he can't imagine that ye Tian's wealth is so amazing!

And doesn't this mean that ye Tian, who is really a man, can stand up to a family of hundreds of years?! , the fastest update of the webnovel!