Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 655

Although a hundred dead, it did not regret!

Ye Tian looked at the thunder sea, the still standing figure, the brain suddenly came up with such a paragraph.

In the past, after two thousand years, love has not been cut off. Even if there is only one hundred million percent of the hopeless hope left, we still have to do our best to find out. Even if the cause and effect is triggered by the disaster and Lei Hai suffers, we will never shrink back.

There is no doubt that although Lingming stone monkey is a monkey that jumps out of a crack in a stone, from this point of view, he is definitely more like a person than most people in the world.


At this time, the Kunlun Mountain in the void makes a buzz and flies back to Ye Tian's palm.

Without any hesitation, ye Tian took hold of the Kunlun order and put it into Xumi commandment.

Although the Kunlun heaven and earth where Lingming stone monkey entered has extraordinary weather and numerous temples, there should be extraordinary opportunities, but this area is now completely covered by looted ashes, and has become a completely destroyed Jedi.

Even in his heyday, he did not dare to step into the realm of great friars in Yupu realm, so as not to be contaminated with cause and effect and add force to his body.

"Why don't you go with him to the world? Don't you have the guts? "

And at this time, Liu Bufan looked at Ye Tian and sneered at him, using the method of provocation.

Although he didn't know what was looting ember, just looking at the terrible vision in the heaven and earth, he could think that it was not a good place. As long as he entered, he would be dead and lifeless. He hoped that ye Tian could enter the Jedi, and then he would be really relaxed.

"Why, Master Liu, are you ambitious to go to that world and create a future? If you want to go, I can open the door and let you in

Ye Tian hears the speech, raises eyebrows to smile, looking at Liu Bufan, and says with a smile.

Liu Bufan's face sank immediately when he heard the news. He didn't know that ye Tiangen didn't take the method of motivating generals. At this time, he also realized that the horrible world like purgatory must be extremely dangerous. Otherwise, how could ye Tian refuse so easily.

But this also made him more curious about ye. As the master of Qingming sect and the first person on the mountain, he had seen many incredible things, but he had never seen such a vision, and he didn't know what this terrible vision meant. But ye Tian seemed to understand it very well.

How did ye Tian learn about his age? Is it true that ye Tian has received any incredible inheritance? But if so, why have they never seen a character like Ye Tian before?

"Master Liu, everything is done now. It's your turn and I'll settle the accounts."

Closely following, ye Tian looks at Liu Bufan. His fighting spirit rises. In his eyes, he is brilliant.

In the final analysis, why Li Muran dared to act so recklessly was not because he felt that Liu Bufan, the Great Buddha standing behind him, helped him out no matter what trouble he had; and the people of qingmingzong had the same idea.

To remove the cancer of qingmingzong from the world, the first thing to do is to kill Liu Bufan.

The praise of the first person on the mountain for many years has made Liu Bufan respected enough, but also made him equal to Qingming sect. As long as Liu Bufan is killed, Qingming sect's image of supremacy and invincibility in the hearts of the people on the mountain will collapse, and people will lose their awe of him.

Previously, ye Tian couldn't clean up Liu Bufan because of Xiyao's corpse, but now, since the matter of Xiyao's corpse is over, he naturally wants to let go, kill Liu Bufan first, and then destroy qingmingzong, so that these garbage people know their strength, and pay the price of bleeding for their wanton behavior in the past.

"You dream of killing me

Ye Tian's murderous power makes Liu Bufan's eyes twitch. Without any hesitation, he blocks his body with a spirit umbrella to protect him. At the same time, his feet flutter. He can't help but retreat to the foot of the mountain.

After many previous explorations and the performance of Xiyao's corpse, he has understood that even if he let go of his hand, he might not be ye Tian's opponent. In other words, the title of the first person on the mountain is now given to Ye Tian, which is the most appropriate one.

"Want to escape? Can you escape? Said to kill you today, today is your death

Ye Tian cold drink, fierce sword suddenly move, such as a bright lightning, to Liu Bufan's figure swept, to the owl head, fresh blood splashed on the snow.

Keng Hiss

The fierce soldier's flying sword swept quickly. In an instant, it had fallen on the spirit umbrella. With the sound of gold and iron, it had been oppressed by Xiyao's corpse, and there was a long and narrow crack on the surface of the umbrella. That kind of smart breath was suddenly reduced.

What level of magic weapon is Ye Tian's sword? How can its power be so amazing?!

Hearing this, Liu Bufan raised his head and looked at the ferocious crack on the surface of the umbrella. His heart was chilly, and a layer of cold sweat oozed out along his spine.He is also a great man who has seen many incredible secret treasures, but he has never seen such a sharp blade as the flying sword in Ye Tian's hand. When a sword falls, even the spirit umbrella, a kind of defensive spirit treasure, can make a cut. The degree of sharpness is amazing. It's really immeasurable.

"Get back here!"

Immediately after that, ye Tian steps forward with his hand suddenly sticking out. He uses his cloud shooting hand to capture Liu Bufan.

Liu Bufan felt as if he had suddenly fallen into the mire. At this moment, every move became extremely difficult and could not move forward.

"Who taught your cloud photographer?"

Liu Bufan gnashes his teeth and struggles, but he can't move. After that, he is surprised and angry and asks Ye Tian.

"You shouldn't ask me this question. You should ask yourself who created the cloud camera you learned."

Ye Tian smiles and looks at Liu Bufan.

Who started the cloud photographer? What does this guy mean?!

Liu Bufan is confused and can't understand the meaning of Ye Tian's words. The person who created the cloud photographer is naturally the ancestor of Qingming sect. Otherwise, who else can he be.

"The cloud catcher you are training is not complete, it should be only the upper half of the que. I ask you, what is the first four sentences of the upper half of the que connected together?"

at this time, ye Tian stood upright and looked at Liu Bufan with pride.

The first four sentences?

Liu Bufan was stunned. Immediately, two words came out of his mind: "the leaves can't fly down, the clouds can't float, the tentacles can reach, what he knows, what he feels, what he sees, and what he sees, flying Qiong can charm Wanhua.".

Ye Tian! The first four sentences of mental Dharma are "created by Ye Tian"!

Closely following, his eyes can't help but stare big, terrified looking at Ye Tian, eyes, full of incredible color.

He knew that some friars who initiated the cultivation method would use this method of hiding words in order to tell later generations that the cultivation method was created by him.

However, he looked through the cloud photographer countless times. If it wasn't for ye Tian's reminding, he never thought that there was such a machine hidden in the first four sentences of the article!

As the leader of Qingming sect, how did ye Tian know what he didn't know? Moreover, this name and that sentence are too coincidental!

Especially when he was a disciple of Qingming sect, he could only use the residual method of cloud taking hand, but ye Tian was able to use the complete mental method of cloud taking hand.

However, what puzzled him was that, according to the original master's words, the founder who created this mental art was incomparably powerful, with nine days and ten places, and no one could compare with him. The Ye Tian standing in front of him obviously could not reach that amazing level!

"Villain, don't you kowtow when you see your grandmaster?"

And at this time, ye Tian condescending, looking at Liu extraordinary, cold drink.

"Nonsense! You're talking nonsense. How could you be my ancestor of Qingming clan... "

Liu Bufan shook his head in confusion, but in his mind, there was a buzz, a sense of confusion and the world was about to collapse.

"Yes? Then look at my breath. How is it different from you? "

When ye Tian saw this, he laughed indifferently. Suddenly, he changed his cultivation method from suihuangguan to Qingming daojue. Suddenly, a pure and concise breath, which is extremely similar to Liu Bufan, rose along his body! , the fastest update of the webnovel!