Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 654


Ye Tian hears the expectant sound of Lingming stone monkey, sighs and looks into his eyes, which is extremely complicated.

Xiyao's words just made him realize that Lingming stone monkey had already known the final answer. He was just unwilling in his heart, so he chose to enter Kunlun again, hoping that the guess in his heart could not be true, and there was a glimmer of hope.

"Is Zixi still alive? Is she in Kunlun

If Lingming stone monkey didn't see the sigh in Ye Tian's sentence, he was still nervous and asked again with hope.

"Master, Xiyao, let me tell you that it doesn't matter whether you live or die, whether it's short or eternal. What matters is what happened. In the vast space and time, it's God's good fortune to have a meeting among all living beings..." Ye Tian sighed. Although he couldn't bear it, he still relayed Xiyao's words to Lingming stone monkey, and then said, "although Xiyao told me this, I think Zixi asked her to tell you."

At this moment, he completely determined that Lingming stone monkey was really an infatuated species. Even though it was just a stone monkey jumping out of the divine stone, its heart was made of stone, but it was more affectionate than most people. Even if it took a long time, he still could not forget that word.

"I don't want to be short, I want to be forever; I don't want to be once, I want to be forever!" Lingming stone monkey's five fingers pinched tightly, and his face became ferocious to the extreme. He roared in a deep voice. In a moment, his face once again showed the color of hope, and said: "live to see people, die to see corpses, if I don't see her corpse, then he didn't die! Yes, Zixi must still be alive. He must still be in the world. He just sleeps where he is. He hasn't woken up because he hasn't seen me

Ye Tian listens to this sound and looks at Lingming stone monkey's ever-changing expression. He sighs in his heart. He wants to be relieved, but he can't speak.

Because he knows that some people in this world are so stubborn, like Lingming stone monkey. If it is him, he will try his best to find Ning Yao, even if it is only one in a billion, and he will never give up.

"Give me your Kunlun order. Xiyao must still be in Kunlun. She must be waiting for me!"

Closely following, Lingming stone monkey turns his head, hands toward Ye Tian and says in a deep voice.

"Master..." Ye Tian sighed. He wanted to say "the dead are gone", but he couldn't say it. Finally, he handed the Kunlun order to Lingming stone monkey. He couldn't refuse to do his best to see his beloved again.

"Zixi, wait for me, I can find you, in the world of mortals, you and I will meet again!"

The Lingming stone monkey holds the Kunlun order tightly, and its mana is like a raging tide. It pours into the Kunlun order, follows closely, raises its hand and throws the Kunlun order into the air.

"Hum..." With a strange buzzing sound, large areas of light curtain, like the flood of breakwater, suddenly swept down the world. Next, around the light curtain, the glacier and snow plain, which was originally covered by ice and snow, completely disappeared, and replaced by large areas of palace built on the continuous peaks.

Even many of the mountains are even more towering and amazing than the original Kunlun Mountains, as if standing on the top of the mountain, you can touch the sky with your hands up!

The palaces and palaces seem to be made of black divine gold. Standing among the mountains, they emit a kind of secluded and cold light. In the ancient times, they are even more mysterious.

All the palaces and palaces look extremely ancient. In their magnificence, they have a strong sense of time and history.

There is no doubt that in the past, there was a supreme force in these mountains, which controlled all the heaven and earth, and was so powerful that all the living beings in the world had to look up to it.

Ye Tian was amazed. He did not expect that there would be such a powerful cultivation civilization on the earth. If historians could see it, it would be a sensational discovery comparable to an earthquake. Moving the known history forward, I don't know how much, but it would also overturn many cognitions in the world.

"This This is... " Liu Bufan was also astonished, gaping, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Even though he is the master of the first Sect on the mountain, and has inherited and excavated the remains of many ancient practitioners, he still did not expect that there would be such a grand civilization in Kunlun.

However, apart from being shocked, he still had a lot of puzzles, because the black palaces, which looked very solid, had become frames and were full of various scars, as if there had been a terrible battle here.

Not only that, but what is more shocking is that the surface of every towering mountain in the area where Shenjin palace is located has now become black and red. If there is a terrible flame burning, it looks very similar to that before the eruption.

In the snow capped Kunlun Mountains, there is a magnificent "active volcano" which is burning like this. If you don't see it with your own eyes, who dares to believe it!

But these black and red, though like volcanic eruptions, have no that kind of blazing breath. What they are surrounded by is only a kind of dead silence. It seems that this place has been completely occupied by death and dead silence. No matter what force, it can't shake the breath of this area"It's a disaster. Here, it's a terrible Jedi..."

Even ye Tian was shocked by this scene, but he knew more about the terror of this place than Liu Bufan's confusion.

Because the black and red things on the ground are the ashes used to refine the flying needles. Even the scale of the ashes in Kunlun remains is so large that there is no way to compare them with many Jedi in the square inch spiritual realm.

There is no doubt that there are so many looting embers, which means that this area will be covered by the power of terror. Once the friars enter it, they will hook their own looting, fall apart and die.

There are so many looting embers. We can imagine how terrible the fierce battle in Kunlun was.

"Master Lingming, if master Zixi is still here, she will not want you to take this risk..."

At the same time, ye Tian gives advice to Lingming stone monkey.

The destruction of the Jedi in Kunlun is too dangerous. I'm afraid it's not a near death, but a ten death without a life.

"If we can't live together, we'll die together. It's just another two thousand years! Love across the mountain and sea, mountain and sea can also be flat, rob embers, the same can be flat! "

Lingming stone monkey smiles and looks at Ye Tian. There is more light on his fingertips. He shoots a bullet at Ye Tian and drops it into his head. After making him feel that there is something more in his heart, he says with a smile: "this is a set of boxing techniques I created, a set of Xuangong, and the method of divine thinking. You can help me continue it. If you meet a suitable disciple in the future, you can accept the apprentice for me."

"Thank you, master!"

Ye Tian is stunned, quickly toward work properly bright stone monkey embrace fist, sink a voice way.

You know, Lingming stone monkey is an absolutely powerful creature. Even in the dark ages, Lingming stone monkey belongs to the top. The powerful inheritance he left behind can't be underestimated. It must be able to complement Suihuang's idea.

However, the fact that Lingming stone monkey asked Ye Tian to take his disciples to pass the Dharma on his behalf also showed that Lingming stone monkey knew very well that this trip was so dangerous that after entering, he could not return to the world and died in this ruined Jedi.

"I should thank you. Without you, how can I hear from Zixi again..."

Ling Ming shakes his head and laughs. In a moment, his eyes show perseverance, his feet suddenly exert force, and his body suddenly rises like a shell and rushes to the front of the heaven and earth.

"Boom! Boom! Boom

Almost as soon as his body entered the black and red Jedi of Kunlun, a dark red thunder suddenly appeared in the dead world, whistling under the cover of Lingming stone monkey like a big net.


Lei Guang drowned his body, but his voice, like a drum, resounded through the burning Jedi for a long time , the fastest update of the webnovel!