Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 656

Ye Tian is the grandmaster!

But he, how could he be a Grandmaster?!

Liu Bufan stared at Ye Tian, his mind occupied by confusion, his head humming.

He couldn't believe the conjecture in his heart, but the pure and concise breath of Qingming daojue on Ye Tian told him that it was probably true. Because apart from this possibility, there is really no way to explain all this.

A coincidence, can also be said to be a coincidence, but so many coincidences put together, is that really a coincidence?

In addition to these feelings, at this moment, he had another feeling in his heart, as if he was standing in front of Luban dancing axe!

"Villain, don't you kneel down and worship your grandmaster?"

Ye Tian's eyes are cold, and he looks directly into Liu Bufan's eyes and continues to drink coldly.

"No No You will never be a Grandmaster Liu Bufan hears the news, just like waking up from a dream. He looks at Ye Tian in horror, and shakes his head to deny it.

However, the words don't sound like denying Ye Tian, but more like strengthening his own inner thoughts.

"Kill evil palm!"

But at this time, ye Tian hears Liu Bufan's words, smiles indifferently, and his magic power surges. Suddenly, he uses a secret method of Qingming again.

A palm flies out, five thunder scenes from, in the void, road thunder flies with the palm force, swept to Liu Bufan.

"You..." Liu Bufan raised his parasol, and the buzzing sound in his head became bigger and bigger at the same time.

Zhuxie Zhang is one of the unique secret methods of Qingming sect. Moreover, this secret method can only be practiced by monks above heaven level. But now, this secret method appears in Ye Tian's hands. Moreover, when the palm power flies out, it carries the power of thunder, which is more magnificent and powerful than when they use it. It seems to kill evil spirits and ward off changes.

All this confirms the fact that ye Tian is also proficient in the secret method of their Qingming sect, and he is more proficient and fierce than them.

This kind of situation is extremely strange, which Liu Bufan has never met, and he believes that even any generation of Qingming sect's disciples in the past have never met.

"Kneel down!"

At this time, ye Tian used another secret method of Qingming. His magic power moved the heaven and the earth, and aroused the spirit of the four sides, such as the seal, and threatened the power of the earth shaking, to blow at Liu Bufan.

"What's the secret?"

This strike made Liu Bufan's whole body and soul shudder. At the same time, his eyes showed a strong color of confusion.

From this terrible attack, he felt the unique flavor of Qingming sect, but strangely, Qingming sect did not have this kind of secret method. Even his master had never seen this kind of secret method recorded in the ancient books left by his predecessors.

But there is no doubt that when ye Tian used this attack, he brought out a kind of flexible and strange feeling, which was unique to Qingming sect.

He not only knows all the secrets we have learned, but also the secrets we haven't learned!

Liu Bufan trembled in his heart and raised his spirit umbrella to block again in a hurry to avoid being put under the terrible pressure.


In an instant, the terrible force that was going to turn the world upside down had fallen heavily on the spirit umbrella in his hand. When he hit it, he immediately felt that it was like a mountain collapsing suddenly and heavily on the spirit umbrella in his hand.

The terrible strength made his hands tremble, and he heard a "click" in his ears Click... " The sound was just a sign that the umbrella in his hand could not bear the strong bombardment and the umbrella bone was about to break.

"Click Hiss... "

Finally, the sound of breaking suddenly intensified, and then Liu Bufan saw that his spirit umbrella was broken into two parts, and the surface of the umbrella was broken into pieces. In the cold wind of the plateau, it was surging.

The spirit umbrella was broken, and ye Tian's powerful strike still didn't dissipate. Under the terrible pressure, Liu Bufan's knees fell to the ground. With a thump, his knees fell into the deep snow, and his head bent tightly against the ground.

It felt like someone suddenly put a huge rock on his back, making him completely out of breath.

Kneeling on the ground, head down on the ground, this feeling, let Liu Bufan cheek suddenly have a kind of hot feeling.

As the first man on the mountain and the leader of Qingming sect, he was always knelt down in front of him to worship. How ever did he worship others?

But now, he is kneeling in front of Ye Tian!

This sense of shame and indignation made him feel that his whole blood was burning. He wanted to press Ye Tian to the ground, tear him to pieces and eat his flesh and blood raw.

"He's a Grandmaster! No matter what all this is about, he is indeed the founder

But in addition to shame and indignation, in his mind, this moment can't help but reverberate a sound, which shocked him.At this moment, in addition to this explanation, he really can't think of these strange things that ye Tian showed.

Even, he began to think that maybe Ye Tian was the reincarnation of the ancestor of qingmingzong

"Evil, I finally know how to kneel down to my grandmaster! Today, I will clean up the door! "

Ye Tian looked down at kneeling on the ground, shivering Liu Bufan, word by word, coldly.

As soon as the words came out, he made a seal with his hands again. The sense of terror, like the overturning of heaven and earth, reappeared and suddenly shrouded the Willow Road. Although it had not yet fallen, it was just that breath that made his body and spirit tremble madly, with a sense of terror that was about to burst into pieces.

"Grandmaster, spare your life! I'd like to give up my position as the patriarch to welcome you. I'd also like to do my best for you and help you control the sect on the mountain. "

Under the pressure of this terror, Liu Bufan opens his mouth in terror, looks up at Ye Tian, shows a flattering smile, and constantly prays.

"It seems that although the orthodoxy of Qingming has been passed down here, the soul of Qingming has been thrown away by you! My practice in Qingming blessed land has always preferred to die standing, rather than live on your knees, no matter how strong you are, and never to beg for mercy! "

Unfortunately, looking at Liu Bufan's fawning appearance, ye Tian's face, not only did not have any intention, but showed a strong color of disgust.

As he said, the disciples of Qingming blessed land have always been very courageous. They would rather live in death than compromise. At the beginning, many great friars of yupujing besieged Qingming blessed land, which was full of danger. Once, some friars of yupujing said that as long as the disciples of Qingming blessed land knelt down and kowtowed to surrender, they would be spared their lives and given a way to live.

But in such a big blessed place, no one, no matter the outer disciples or the inner disciples, even the clerks in the blessed place, is willing to bend down and kneel down and beg for mercy from the great friars in Yupu realm. Instead, they do their best to fight against and fight for a way out!

Even if they fight in vain, no matter how hard they try, the result is a dead end; the road of survival is so close, but there is still no one to choose, carrying the blood and tears of their companions, continue to move forward, fight to the death, would rather stand to die than kneel to live!

The power of the great monk in Yupu is thousands of times greater than that of him today. As for the servants in Qingming, their strength is not as good as that of Liu Bufan. However, they are able to face each other face to face, and they are not afraid of death.

In that battle, ye Tian once heard that the great friar of Yupu, who was besieged together, once said: there is no coward in the blessed land of Qingming!

But now, Liu Bufan is just in the face of the seventh floor of the cave. He is obedient and fawning.

Such a coward, how to have the inheritance of Qingming blessed land?!

Similarly, this also shows that Qingming sect may have the word "Qingming". Although the Dharma practiced by Qingming sect has the flavor of Qingming, it is no longer the blessed land of Qingming. They only had the incomplete Dharma of Qingming, but they did not get the soul of Qingming!

Such a guy, such a sect, exists in the world. It's a shame to those dead disciples in Qingming blessed land! , the fastest update of the webnovel!